Indie Media Eastcoast

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Indie Media Eastcoast

Indie Media Eastcoast


Mirrored.. Fighting The System With Old World Tech - You Vill "CONTROL' Nusink And You Vill Be Happy; here is some irrefutable logic that any 'thinking' man, woman and child can easily relate to as being common sense; sadly, way too-many will not be able to comprehend what this man is speaking of.... please, listen to the entire 'rant'; this is about way more than just cars and bikes; this man's logic resonates with my thinking totally; Tony is on point. I have thought about all the same things. The 'what if' scenario; Especially when the 'what if' is an Electromagnetic Pulse. Modern Cars, Motorcycles, Appliances, Computers and Devices would all be rendered useless; ANY Digital Based Technology like all modern cars and motorcycles have are very much easily compromised; Remote Control commands are a very real concern as more and more 'technology' becomes 'wireless and interactive'....and What If ANY of this 'technology' has an inbuilt Remote Kill Switch hidden inside any of the Chips?; What if a Wireless Update took it out. Yes. If it can update, it can do ANYTHING it is Programmed to do.
Just some thoughts that everyone with even a remote idea about the current state of the world might want to consider.... with thanks:

Now an FCM technocrat Tantramar politician Andrew Black.. video mirrored.. "UMNB / Union of the Municipalities of NB / Union des municipalités du N.-B.-- As part of the annual FCM conference, UMNB president Andrew Black - Mayor of Tantramar was elected to the position of Atlantic Caucus Chair. The chair represents the interests of Atlantic Canadian municipalities on the executive committee of the FCM. Congratulations to Mayor Black and Vice-Chair, Councillor Bruce MacDougall (Summerside)"

Mirrored.. thanks Beardy! [ see the video notes at his upload ] "Looks like Mark never really left the Church of Satan and just moved over to YouTube. Aleister Crowley speaks on the "Great Work" as the "conscious process of spiritual growth".. sure." "TantramarNB" pride flag gets more elaborate each year; rainbow walks & banners on poles..

REFORM UK "Reform UK because Britain Needs Reform" Nigel Farage on Twitter Video Mirrored... Fresh from his gig with GB News... born April 3, 1964, Nigel Paul Farage "In 1993, he was a founding member of UKIP. In 1994 Farage asked Enoch Powell to endorse UKIP; Powell declined."

Meet Ups with Maxime Bernier coming up in New Brunswick June 2024
See details here:
Twitter Maxime Bernier..
-- see CIN articles here:
March 25, 2019 Video Mirrored..

Find Tim Moen on Twitter -
An Appeal to Jody Emery... January 2015 Video Mirrored..
Leader of Libertarian Party of Canada in 2024 is Jacques Boudreau on Twitter

July 2023 Jeff Mara Podcast Youtube Video Mirrored.. Twitter with Carrie Kohan... -- She met on a blind date "Hubert" Carrie Kohan's lover / lizard / alien was Jean Chretian's son [famous Liberal]

Came to be aware of the harm of fluoridation in 2008 and upon arriving in New Brunswick in 2010 discovered they unethically administered a weekly sodium fluoride weekly oral rinse in the schools [since 1979] for children ages 5 to 10 yrs... .. this push-back effort has put me on the shit list here... More at this Democracy Now article with video link from 2004 with author Christopher Bryson:
Seven Stories Press book order here:
“[Bryson's] research and consummate writing skill bring to light the shocking story of more than six decades of fluoride cover-up and deception. ... [He] presents its case in such a brilliant way and with such literary skill that it stands a good chance of becoming a cause célèbre for the general public to protest and demand action.” – Washington Free Press

mirrored.. you got a thespian nerd problem in your town too? speak up and stand up against their phoney asses! thumbnail: Ronny Kelly Spurles Tourism Manager Town of Tantramar ... more here Tantramar Landowners Association article:

video mirrored...
-- Lecture presented by Hans-Hermann Hoppe at the Ludwig von Mises Institute event "The Bankruptcy of American Politics," held in Newport Beach, California; January 24-25, 1997.

Thanks for the link: ... "On June 6, 2024 the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration was launched. As physicians, other health professionals, psychotherapists and behavioral health clinicians, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex." mirrored video... #doctorsprotectingchildren

Sarah 64, pushing the "cancer" scare industry ... pathetic... oh so lame and phoney.
Elephant in the room ...
King John III Joseph Gregory Hallett

Ragecast Goof Jeremy on tour this summer.. who is in the club? Derek Rants, Morgan Mayhem, Ferryman's Toll, Chris Burke, et al..
More with Derek Rants Plaid Army and Ricardo Duchesne here:
Credit to ---> Thomas THE Zaugg's Video Mirrored...

Why is Charles birthday celebrated in June? His Birthday is November 14th. WTF? Mirrored video...
more here on "The Republic's" Graham Smith getting his silly self arrested...
The elephant in the room, of course, is King David and King John III Disclosure of flat lie royals -

Fraud royals are fully exposed by Greg Hallett .. Has panic set in for Fake Royals? Playing their "Kate" card to renew public support of them. The Royal Family Channel Video June 15, 2024 Mirrored...
Twitter ...

Truth4Change youtube video mirrored shared by Matthew Turner, The Matrix Minds - Greg Hallett King John III "Truth4Change" Youtube channel.. "Jun 11, 2019 In this interview Shar speaks with Greg Hallett in the UK about his genealogy. Through ample DNA tests, research, and other tests he claims to hold proof he is the rightful heir to the British Crown. Speaking on generations of corruption, fraud, and lies, he remarks how he wishes something could be dont so the British government worked FOR the people, and represents them respectively. An avid supporter of social movements like Anonymous and Yellow Vest he presents a lot of good information to consider."

January 5, 2024 Odysee Video ALL Credit to Brendon O'Connell at Rumble "Unit8200" - channel has been deleted/suspended? Brendon O'Connell is living in Mexico and he is on Patreon "MIKE GILL IS A DIRTY DC FBI INFORMANT FROM WITNESS PROTECTION BY BILL BARR - GEN. MILLEY EXCLUSIVE: TRUMP’S “PANDORA’S BOX” IS CALLED “WITCHES CANDY” – U.S. COURT SETS DATE OF JANUARY 5, 2024, ON CRITICAL DEADLINE" Channel Comment: I couldn't find this channel anymore, of B O'Connell on YT (Australian). I've uploaded a vid from him some time back, the vid link to YT is now 'unavailable' though for that vid, about Bank/ISRAEL collapse (SBF). This video now comes third or fourth hand via what purports to be a "Timothy Holmseth" channel (US/Can). That channel suggests "Guy Brummel" is a Peedoh santanist that squealed and is 'in custody' for that, but is allowed to 'make videos'. The MSM/TSM seems to portray 'Guy' as a "Jan 6th'er Victim". Hmmmm Very convoluted holly-wood plot. Now this American channel reposts Brendon from Australia, where Brendon seems to have gone missing for the past couple of months now.

Youtuber ГОВОРИТ ВАНТУЗ - this video is mirrored from a translated video created from Greg Hallett's latest video at "King of UK" Youtube channel. ПОДДЕРЖИТЕ АВТОРА КАНАЛА

NOSTRADAMUS Prophecies of King David and King John III, PART THREE, 13 June 2024 mirrored video... un 13, 2024 BIRTH OF THE THIRD ANTICHRIST – CONSEQUENCES DATE 2036, QUATRAIN 9/36 page 159 “A great king falls into the hands of a youngster
There is confusion around Easter time,and a knife blow
Long-term captives, and St Elmo’s Fire
When three brothers wound and kill each other.”
A Great Fool who sees himself as a “great king” is Charles the Chump. The only thing he’s great at is being a disappointment. His own mother said “What a gaff Charles, what a gaff”, and Charles was despised by his own step-father Philip the Broke Greek.
Charles the Chump “falls into the hands of a youngster” Willie-the-Wimp.
The media at this moment are portraying Willie-the-Wimp to be the pillar of strength for Charles, as the media are trying to endear both these Usurpers into the Hearts of the People, trying to portray them as being heroic and righteous, when they are the complete opposite – cowardly and despicable.
The Confusion was provided by the series of videos released by King John the Third relaying information about King David and the True Royal Bloodline which caused Charles the Chump and the rest of the Clampetts to go into meltdown, and put them in a huge state of confusion, because someone dared to tell the truth and go against the narrative of their fraudulent Game Plan.
They are still trying to play this out, even though they have no players in the Game, because none of them have the breeding, as the King of Kings was, and is, Prophesied to raise out of the Merovingian Bloodline.
Unfortunately for them, their great hero, Willie-the-Wimp, has no such breeding. Even though they thought he did, believing Diana to be from the Spencer Bloodline, who are linked to the Plantagenets, unfortunately for them, this is not the case. As previously stated by King John the Third, Diana’s real Biological Father was Sir Jimmy Goldsmith.
So for Willie-the-Wimp, in reality, all bets are off, as he has no Merovingian Lineage leading back to King David.
By happy chance, I know someone who does – King David, the Heir of David, who has the highest purest form of Merovingian Blood Lineage flowing through his veins (who is a direct descendent of Edward the Black Prince).
As the Great Prophets said: The King of Kings would raise out of the Merovingian Bloodline – that is King David, the Heir of David ... Not Willie-the-Wimp.
And they know this. That’s why, when they are in Public, they’re looking so very nervous and scared, just in case King David and King John pop out of the shadows (‘A light from the shadows shall spring’), and in private, running round like a Pack of Headless Chickens behind the Palace Walls.
So this is one knife blow from us, but there is another from William. (I wonder what the outcome of Kate’s abdominal surgery is, William?)
And confusion upon confusion, ‘Where is Kate?’, and ‘Why at Easter Time, were there a series of Photos of two different look-alike Kates walking with Willie-the-Wimp.
And then there was the terrible, admittedly faked, Mother’s Day Photo of Kate, and the horrendously bad Deep Fake AI Generated Video of Kate on a bench with no movement in the trees, on a windy day.
So the confusion here is, if Kate is fine and dandy, why all these fake videos. Has she succumbed to a knife blow? and what is that timely bruise on Willie-the-Wimp’s neck?
All very confusing to those who don’t know the truth. To those who don’t know the truth, the Media will just do its usual, and tug on the heart strings of the nation to stop them from asking any pesky questions, and just say ‘She has a disease’.
Is it a co-incidence that all the Flat Lie Royals are coming down with the same disease at the same time ... or is it a cover, and an organised PR cover ... because the Two True Kings are back, and the Usurping Liars still haven’t got the dignity to admit the Truth, and stand down with any Grace.
But that is no surprise, because they are all graceless and lower than a snake’s arse, and as we said before, a snake’s arse drags long the ground, and there is nothing lower.
The people have been long-term captives to the Lie, that these non-Royals are portrayed as Royal, by the Media.
The Media is the sewerage-pipe that sprays this shit out to the Public to keep them under a state of hypnosis.
Come-on People, wake-up!
Once you see this to be the case, it will be far easier for King David and King John to set you all free from this Wicked Bondage that Charles the Chump and his Gang of Wicked-Helpers have got you under.
The Light of Truth that King David and King John are releasing at this time, is the Key Ingredient to Freedom. It is the Key to the Cage Door. King David and King John are the Lights, and St Elmo’s Fire (Aurora Borealis) and the Signs in the Heavens that we’ve been seeing in the Skies show this.


Created 6 years ago.

3597 videos

Category Gaming

Greg Hallett is the man in the arena! Read his ebooks.. listen to his videos... lots of archives at this channel you won't find anywhere else!

"Hitler Was A British Agent by Greg Hallett & Spymaster" .. 2002 Greg Hallett on the job... for over two decades..

#Disclosure #HouseofCards King John III Joseph Gregory Hallett on Youtube at "King of UK"

King of UK on Bitchute

Terra Carta Chuck reactionary efforts due to Hallett's disclosure:

thanks Joseph Gregory Hallett King John III