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They blamed it on heat...

An assistant referee appeared to collapse during the Copa America game between Peru and Canada in Kansas City on Tuesday.

In stifling temperatures at Children’s Mercy Park, assistant referee Humberto Panjoj appeared to collapse leading to a stoppage in play during added time of the first half of the Group A match.

Temperatures in the stadium were as high as 91 degrees with a feels-like temperature of 101 degrees at the time with 51% humidity.

Canada goalkeeper Maxime Crepeau was the first to rush to the Guatemalan official after seeing the incident before alerting referee, Mario Escobar, to get his attention.


In conspiracy circles Wikileaks generates much excitement. But not at Richplanet. Whenever you hear the words "Assange" or "Wikileaks" in relation to some new "leak", there are the questions you ought to be asking yourself : What is the ulterior motive for this leak and am I being taken for a ride here? In today's programme, for the first time anywhere I reveal just how much of a handled entity Julian Assange is. Assange is not an independent activist, but is chauffeured around by establishment handlers. He is not a wanted criminal, he is not being given asylum, he is not a whistleblower, he is not an advocate of freedom of information. He is an intelligence created tool being used to front one of the biggest psy-ops currently in operation on this planet. Wikileaks is funded and supported by globalists who are using it for a number of agendas.

Find the full press conference here:

They didn't stop the press conference when she collapsed. They just carried her away and the guy continued his speech.

Watch the full fight here:

A terrifying scene unfolded on Thursday night when professional boxer Tramaine Williams collapsed mid-fight after appearing to suffer a seizure.

Williams, 31, was competing in the first round of a new-style team boxing event in the Team Combat League in Long Beach, California, when he appeared to pause mid-fight against opponent Ryan Allen.

Niek Kimmann of the Netherlands won gold in the Olympic men’s BMX in Tokyo in 2021.
Since he took part in these olympic games in Tokyo the chances of him being injected are very high.

Today it was announced that Niek Kimmann will not take part in the Paris Olympic games this summer due to a inflamed heart muscle.



Football paid tribute to Matija Sarkic, after the sad news of the death of the 26-year-old Millwall goalkeeper

Watch the full thing here:

Breaking news. Tonight, for the first time, an Australian Funeral Director, of 30 years experience, has spoken about the deaths being seen at the funeral homes.
"This has been going on for 2.5 years. Its a lot of 'sudden', a lot of turbo cancers, and heart disease.
It's a lot of people who are young and healthy and they are just dropping dead.
This is something you didn't hear 5 years ago, 10 years ago. It's suddenly, that's all you are hearing."


David J Powis, was among the first assault wave on D-Day. This recording was made shortly before his death in 2010.

Eric von Essex, his Dad's book on Amazon and Kindle:

Eric von Essex late father's controversial website:​

From what I've read it was a 25 year old from Afghanistan who was doing the knife attack.
Why were there so many police officers present?
Did they know something was going to happen?
I personally wouldn't rule out intelligence community was responsible for it as we have seen many times before.
The global maffia have created Islamic community's all over Europe (Replacement Migration).
This is all part of their New World Order plan to remove nation states and create a one world government where cash money is banned and the entire populations will be microchipped.


Explosive Hearing: Philippines' House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Correlated with Experimental Vaccines


oday is the AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) Gathering of all the vaccine victims. These are the vaccine victims, the family.
And as a medical professional, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made.... AZ or Pfizer or this Moderna or whoever thinks that is causing more harm than good and they're giving us a lot of trouble.
After 4 years of implementation...The Ministry of Health has failed, and they, the ministers responsible, must be held accountable....They don't really care but they speak cleverly on behalf of AstraZeneca. They speak cleverly on behalf of Pfizer. Liars! Who will take responsibility for those who died after taking the vaccine?

We are not anti-vaccine because those who died were those who took the vaccine. There is no longer an "anti" because they took it and suffered the consequences after taking it. So now it is not a matter of anti but a matter of compensation and responsibility because they deceived the government. And they must be punished both in this world and in the afterlife!

Prof Mustafa Ali, former professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Former WHO Scientific Advisor: The WHO is Stupid!
We cannot tolerate it, because we can’t keep letting our people die every day. Every day people die, every day there are adverse effects. And now we are getting more and more. What about the turbo cancer? We had spoken about this two months before the vaccine was launched. We debated 2 years ago, and 2 months before the vaccine was launched. They said “oh no, just minor pain.” Now they are silent. Now AstraZeneca, Pfizer themselves admit that the vaccine has side effects. This is just now. We don’t know what will happen in another 5 years. We don’t know, and I suspect it could be worse. It could be worse.
Dr Kenny Yong : And as a primary care doctor, I see cancer patients, I help them overcome the disease itself, overcome these problems and cancer related issues. I have seen a rapid increase in cancer cases

Nicko McBrain, 71, has been the drummer for the heavy metal band Iron Maiden since 1982. But in January of 2023, the English musician was at his home in Boca Raton when he suffered a stroke with partial paralysis. That was the beginning of a challenging journey of physical rehabilitation that followed rapid and precise treatment by stroke specialists at Marcus Neuroscience Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, part of Baptist Health.


Former first-round draft pick Billy Price announced his retirement from the NFL on Saturday morning due to the potential of complications from a blood clot.

The center last played in the league with the Arizona Cardinals during the 2022 season.

"In the blink of an eye, everything can be taken away," Price wrote on Instagram. "On April 24th I had emergency pulmonary embolism surgery to remove a saddle clot that was entering both of my lungs. As a healthy 29 year old, an unprovoked pulmonary embolism with no further medical explanation is terrifying. I am truly thankful to be alive today.

"Unfortunately, I will be retiring from the NFL as the risk of an internal bleed while on blood thinners creates tremendous risk."



This song is for all those who were aware enough and brave enough to warn others of the scam we endearingly refer to as "Covid-19".
-Glenn Daniel

Some of the t-shirts in the video can be found here :

Poor Girl perhaps had one shot too many.
Notice the rainbow above Justin Trudeau's head and the ridiculous indian head peaces.

May 17, 2024


“As Prime Minister of Slovakia…I can tell you that we’re going to look into these Politicians and their meaningless purchases of medical devices and vaccines and we reject the WHO Treaty…” -Slovakia PM Robert Fico who was later SHOT.


Video of him getting shot:

In Part 1 Richard explains how the Starship TV studio was made. Yes, the show is not actually filmed on a Starship, it is filmed in an old building in County Durham. We are seeking new cameras if any viewer happens to want to donate a PD150 or even a couple of Sony Z1's we would be grateful.

In parts 2 & 3, Dr. Rauni Kilde (ex chief medical officer of Finland) talks on various issues including the scandalous W.H.O. vaccination programme. Rauni also mentions her attendance at a Russian UFO conference where she was shown pictures of UFO landing/crash sites in the possession of the Russian authorities.


Rainbow trout are returned to their original wild form. Corn grows in a form that its ancestors had centuries ago. A common worm fern produces leaves like those found on 300-million-year-old fossils. And all this only because the trout eggs, the corn kernels, the fern spores were exposed to an electrostatic field.

The Dutch reporter Rutger Castricum reports on the so-called Mexican swine flu in 2009. It is remarkable that WEF puppet and possible future NATO boss Mark Rutte also appears in this video.

If you see parallels with the Chinese bat flea market virus outbreak, then you are probably a conspiracy theorist.

Award winning journalist, Gemma O'Doherty joins Richard to talk about her career in Ireland and how she parted company with her employer, who demanded that she cease reporting on corruption within the Irish state. Since leaving mainstream journalism she has continued to lead her field as a fully independent 'proper' investigative journalist, uncovering many serious injustices in Ireland. In recent years she has suffered, what appear to be orchestrated legal attacks, which are being supported by the mainstream media. "Lawfare" seems to the be price that investigative journalists are now paying, for searching for and reporting on uncomfortable truths. The parallels with Richard D. Hall's case in the UK are striking.

A Heart-Wrenching Moment at Japanese Press Conference: A Mother Recounts Her Son's Death Amid Landmark Class Action Lawsuit Filed by COVID Vaccine Victims Against Government.

Plaintiff number 7:
"My son had his third dose of the vaccine on May 1, 2022, and then in the early hours of May 4, at 4:30 AM, he suddenly shouted out and immediately after went into cardiac arrest, He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and put on ECMO, but he passed away a week later, on May 11. He was only 19 years old"

" My son, who worked at a pharmaceutical company, had strong side effects from the first and second doses and said he wouldn't take a third, but he had to take it for the sake of the company; the president also strongly urged him, resulting in him getting vaccinated."

"Please, this is the truth. It's neither a lie nor a made-up story. Don't look away from reality. Why is vaccination not halted? How long will this situation be ignored? I hope there are as few people as possible enduring the suffering we go through every day. "


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

771 videos

Category Sports & Fitness