Ice Age Prepper

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Ice Age Prepper

Ice Age Prepper


A little fun while sighting in the Sniper 370 Crossbow by Centerpoint.

You'll find a couple tips for the crossbow noob, like myself, and maybe some incentive to get a crossbow of your own!

Oh you thought you would look here for what's inside the box without watching?
Frosty says, "It's a short one so chill out and watch it already!"

Don't want your game camera stolen? Tired of sneaky snakes on your land hunting deer at your feeding spots? Well, here is a sure fire way to hide that yellow feed corn from prying eyes!

A little walk and talk about how I did some crop share bartering; a look at what "was" the garden and more reasons for you to move to the countryside!

A proper mindset is required to achieve positive results.
These mass shootings are a clear demonstration of a negative mindset and negative results.
So how can one change this mindset and achieve positive results?

Firearm Sight Adjustment for Pistol and Rifle.
A fairly simple how to explanation on adjusting sights, using sights during instinctive shooting and Kentucky elevation/windage.

"A Moment of Return," series presents a glimpse of life close to nature.
Relax, enjoy and feel the calling to return.


A viewer's comment sparked a need for a video response to questions and concerns raised about tribalism and the future.

This is how we come to a greater understanding and overcome issues. This is how we overcome that which is holding us back. Do not fear speaking up or doing what must be done. Do not fear!!!


Welcome to the Ice Age Prepper channel!

Preparedness, Sustainability and Tribalism are our primary concerns but they can only be addressed after each of us conquers the greatest threat of all... FEAR!

Another episode in our "Mindset" series. This one covers open-mindedness. How can we define it, why it is important and how we should apply it in our lives.

*** Note: VOLUME ALERT on this one!!! I do not know why the volume was amiss other than that maybe the cellphone is nearing its end of life. The message came out so well that I am really trying not to re-shoot it unless the audio boost doesn't work.

Stay Frosty!

"A Moment of Return," series presents a glimpse of life close to nature.
Relax, enjoy and feel the calling to return.


Yep, that is right a black and white couple with little ones moved in beside the Ice Age Prepper Studio!

I have video proof for any of you who can't believe this would happen here in the Ozarks!

Here is a video of my experiences and thoughts about the RK Prepper Show in Springfield, Missouri June 22, 2019.

Links and contact info for those people mentioned:
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Frank Atkinson (Custom Handmade Knives)
10425 Highway N
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712

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Kill Switch Bunker Games (The G.O.O.D. Game)
[email protected]

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The Sylent Knight (Author and Lecturer)
"The Underground Railroad Returns to Disappear"
Apparently so do the links to the book on Amazon because I now can not find it even in a search!

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Wolf Hill Trading Company (SHOTGUN SHELLS!!!)
[email protected]

Do business with cool people and stay frosty!

"A Moment of Return," series presents a glimpse of life close to nature.
Relax, enjoy and feel the calling to return.


Living in the rural countryside, or anywhere else for that matter, is no guarantee of safety from a disease outbreak.

What are the places of danger? What are some inconspicuous safety precautions? Why you can't be shy about standing out.

Links are in video to Open Minded and Jennifer Veterans4 truth.

PS You may want to store some rubber gloves, masks and safety glasses in the vehicle. Just know that any serious hot weather will affect the light surgical gloves. If you really want to go over the top then add a gasmask and thick chemical gloves.


"A Moment of Return," series presents a glimpse of life close to nature.
Relax, enjoy and feel the calling to return.


Working out in the fields or walking in the woods where ticks are waiting for a meal?

In this video you will learn two methods to prevent ticks from vamping out on you.

PS, Really had to boost the sound on this one. I need to work out these difficulties of recording outside, now that we have a camera stand to make us more mobile.

Received a bunch of great stuff from Will. Thanks!!!

Stuff to improve the channel now as well as help this Ice Age Prepper's preparedness and sustainability for years to come!

Here is the regular mail address:

PO Box 1713
Buffalo, MO 65622

RK Prepper Shows June 22-23 2019 in Springfield, MO.
See ya there
Stay frosty!


Created 5 years ago.

20 videos

Category DIY & Gardening