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I despise Channel Ten’s The Project and the hosts.
The Project Hosts: “Let’s crucify two teenage boys for rating girls on attractiveness”
Also The Project Hosts: “LOL! We so funny making jokes about attractiveness”

I scored an exclusive interview with eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant and questioned her on her exorbitant salary.
#ElonMusk #eSafety #JulieInmanGrant #australia
Old MacDonald (Instrumental):

Humza is gone but a Scottish politician confirms to me that they want African and Chinese people in senior positions in Scotland, and that jokes about gay people are probably now prohibited.
#humzayousaf #anassarwar #scotland

Humza Yousaf makes claims that Scotland is a racist and intolerant nation because he attends meetings with mostly white people.
In this video I look at the calm response from the white majority in response to a white child being murdered in a racially motivated attack and compare this to Humza’s claim.
Kriss Donald was murdered on 15 March 2004 by four British Pakistani men. A fifth member of the gang was convicted of being part of the abduction.
This became the first-ever conviction for a racially motivated murder in Scotland.
Kriss Donald Ross Parker Rotherham Coverup
Humza Yousaf Anas Sarwar

The country of my birth has been subverted. I am at risk of arrest if I return. Hope Lies in the Proles.
#humzayousaf #anassarwar #scotland #policescotland

Racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, fascist?
Find out the truth live on X / Twitter Wednesday 3 April 20204, 7pm Melbourne time hosted by Rose Big Heart.

Police allowed ANTIFA and the trans brigade to beat someone up at a Women Will Speak / Let Women Speak Rally in Melbourne.
Footage from:
#Antifa #letwomenspeak #womenwillspeak #Trans #TERFS

Climate Change Protesters had a nap in the streets of Melbourne. See how police adjust their strategy according to ideology and politics.
Victoria Police Double Standards:

Labor Politicians Party with the Billionaire Anthony Pratt at a Private Katy Perry Concert
#australia #politics #labor #katyperry

A short film by I, Malcontent.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse.
The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.
#lgbtq #GenderDysphoria #Transgender #Trans

Aussies – you are all RACISTS if you cant pronounce her name.
Elitist lives comfortable life then claims victimhood.
Original article:
#australia #victimhood #racism

My follow up to the Powerhouse Museum’s statement to the media which exposes their lies. I also go off on a tangent about the scam of government and non-profits.
Original Video:
Daily Mail article:
#australia #lgbtqia

Every parent in Australia must see this. Your taxes are used to fund ‘artists’ who are pushing adult content onto children.
#lgbt #nonce #australia #lgbtqia

A wee bit of fun with the campaigners on the day of the referendum vote.
#voice #referendum #australia

The progressive elites wish to offset their wealth guilt via a Yes vote.
#voice #referendum #australia

Prepare yourself for two weeks of intense emotional manipulation. The ideologues are going to get dirty.
#voice #australia #auspol

Kamahl is a master manipulator.
#voice #australia #kamahl

I had to suffer this and now you must too. A bunch of well-off snobs met in Sydney today to reinforce a sense of victimhood on the Aboriginal community.
Reject the temptation of victimhood. You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul.
#voice #australia

Is this what you dreamed of when you were a 5 year old child? Understand that you are a slave then everything else will fall into place.
John McAfee with Robert David Steele:
Wasting by The Soft Moon
Visual Clips from:
Fight Club (1999)
Office Space (1999)
They Live (1988)
American Beauty (1999)
Falling Down (1993)
Lindsey Buckingham - Holiday Road (Official Music Video)
#JohnMcAfee #IMalcontent

How will you vote on the Voice to Parliament? Sponsored by Gucci.
#ulurustatement #IndigenousVoice #VoiceToParliament
Skrillex - Bangarang (Ft. Sirah)

My ongoing battle with Yarra City Council and their incompetent staff continues. They admit that they are not allowed to use common sense.
Article on the Competency Crisis:
#imalcontent #YarraCityCouncil #CompetencyCrisis

Why does YouTube allow inappropriate content for children but bans content that shines a light on government misinformation?
Thanks to @men_odins on twitter for alerting me to the Kevin Leonardo filth.
Link to Sue’s video
Forbes article:
#youtube #censorship #kevinleonardo

It’s happening. Happy now?

Remember when the Victorian Government implemented a two-tier society? Don’t let the government clowns forget this.
#DanAndrews #Australia #Melbourne

I guess Victoria Police are now classed as crazy conspiracy theorists as they have dropped the mandate requirements for staff. I just call them hypocrites.
Thanks to @therealrukshan on Twitter where I saw this information today.
#Melbourne #Australia #VictoriaPolice


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

122 videos

Category None

There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!

Full videos are on BitChute, Odysee, Rumble as YouTube keeps removing them.