mein ehre heisbt treue

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mein ehre heisbt treue

Nacionalismos, revisionismo historico


Adolf Hitler intolerant?

NS Germany

Adolf Hitler speech 01-30-1939

Discurso Adolf Hitler 30-01-1939

Save Europe

Adolf Hitler the Great Leader

Adolf Hitler

Born Adolf Hitler 04/20/1889

Adolf Hitler (the Last Avatar)

Adolf Hitler (Lebensrune.png April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria - Todesrune.png April 30, 1945, Berlin) was a German soldier, politician, ideologue, statesman and painter who established the National Socialist government (Third Reich). , in which he received the title of Reichskanzler (Chancellor of Germany), and Führer (leader, leader or guide). Since Hindenburg's death the position of Reichspräsident (Imperial President) was left vacant, although Hitler implicitly took it as Führer.


Moment of Horst Wessel's funeral where Joseph Goebbels spoke

Adolf Hitler addresses a huge crowd gathered at Heldenplatz in Vienna, Austria.

Adolf Hitler footage

his day: February 23rd, 1930.
Horst Wessel, one of the greatest martyrs of the National Socialist cause died at a hospital due to blood poisoning after getting shot in the head during a confrontation with two members of the communist party of Germany (KPD).

Wehrmacht and SS in II WW

Speech on racist law in Fascist Italy ,Trieste 1938

Two Giants of National Socialism speak to the crowds

Images of the people united by National Socialism

new year speech 1944

Images of National Socialism, the natural enemy of the Jew
Imágenes del NacionalSocialismo ,el enemigo natural del Judío

Christmas celebration from different angles in National Socialist Germany.
Navidad en la Alemania NacionalSocialista

We, the living, who could call this dead comrade, not only have the right, but also the duty to keep the memory of this dead pure and unharmed. We are his protectors if a cowardly opinion dares to approach him. It is our duty to ensure that it remains what it was. We must present ourselves before him when today a cheap opinion, which had nothing to do with us in the past, believes it can distort his image and his memory. This dead man died for the nation. He wrote his song for the German people. If we don't keep it intact, who will after us? If we did not want to deliver its unaltered image into the future, who could we ask otherwise? And that's why I can only ask his comrades to march with his spirit..
Dr. Joseph Goebbels..-
Nosotros, los vivos, que pudimos llamar camarada a este no sólo tenemos el derecho, sino el deber de mantener pura e incólume la memoria de este muerto. Somos sus protectores si una opinión cobarde se atreve a acercarse a él. Es nuestro deber velar por que siga siendo lo que era. Debemos presentarnos ante él cuando hoy una opinión barata, que nada tuvo que ver con nosotros en el pasado, cree poder distorsionar su imagen y su memoria.Este muerto murió por la nación. Escribió su canción para el pueblo alemán..Si no lo conservamos intacto, ¿quién lo hará después de nosotros? Si no quisiéramos entregar su imagen inalterada al futuro, ¿a quién podríamos pedírselo de otro modo? Y por eso sólo puedo pedir a sus camaradas que marchen con su espíritu..

Dr. Joseph Goebbels..-

Word and deed of National Socialism, the Weimar Republic and the National Socialist government. Wort und Tat des Nationalsozialismus

sieg heil,when the leader is the voice of the people,wenn der führer die Stimme des Volkes ist


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

41 videos

Category Education

nationalsocialism rise on the world
It is clear that many will laugh when reading this, but the planet we inhabit turned uninhabited in space for millions of years and it will do the same again if men forget that they owe their superior existence, not to the ideas of a crazy ideologue, but to the understanding and ruthless application of Natural Laws as old as creation.
Adolf Hitler, My Struggle.
Es ist klar, dass viele lachen werden, wenn sie dies lesen, aber der Planet, den wir bewohnen, wurde im Weltraum für Millionen von Jahren unbewohnt und es wird dasselbe wieder tun, wenn die Menschen vergessen, dass sie ihre überlegene Existenz nicht den Ideen eines verrückten Ideologen verdanken, sondern auf das Verständnis und die rücksichtslose Anwendung von Naturgesetzen, die so alt sind wie die Schöpfung.
Adolf Hitlers, Mein Kämpf
Está claro que muchos reirán al leer esto, mas el planeta que habitamos giró deshabitado en el espacio durante millones de años y lo mismo volverá a hacer si los hombres olvidan que deben su existencia superior, no a las ideas de un ideólogo demente, sino a la comprensión y despiadada aplicación de Leyes Naturales tan antiguas como la creación.
Adolf Hitler, Mi Lucha.