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In this episode we take a close look at the June 15 webinar "Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today." Dr. Michael Salla dives deep into what he learned about Ancient Egypt from a recent field trip, and its exopolitical implications today. In this excerpt of the Webinar Dr. Salla discusses the Beginning of Ancient Egypt and the Gods of that time the ET connection and how it relates to today. This is a distillation of the first part of the webinar. watch it in its entirety on Vimeo or Crowdcast. links below.

Recorded on June 15, 2024
Watch on Vimeo (without Q&A)
Watch Unedited Original with Q&A on Crowdcast

Katastrophenalarm auf Phuket

In diesem Video analysieren wir die Prophezeiungen von Alois Irlmaier über die große Finsternis. Die Irlmaier als 3-tägige Finsternis beschreib. Welche Vorzeichen sah er voraus, welche Ursachen hatte die Finsternis und wie schilderte Irlmaier die Zeit nach der ultimativen Katastrophe.

Alois Irlmaier - Die Finsternis Teil 2
In diesem Video analysieren wir die Prophezeiungen von dem Waldviertler, Gottfried von Werdenberg, Michael von Ritter, Nostradamus, Hildegard von Bingen über die große Finsternis. Und wir untersuchen, welche Vorhersagen der anderen Seher denen von Alois Irlmaier ähneln und wie sie sich von dessen Visionen unterscheiden.

Outages and migrant invasion armies are out of hand in America people must prepare themselves now for disaster event

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 29, 2024

Episode 325

Joe Rogan discusses UFO researchers claiming the 1947 Roswell crash was a “donation.
Video of Elena Danaan's abduction by Gray Aliens and rescue by Nordic blondes from the Galactic Federation of Worlds
JP video of a cigar-shaped UFO he recorded in Sept 2019, just before he joined the US Army
Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials: Interview with Timothy Alberino
Julian Assange freed from a British prison after reaching a plea deal over leaking classified US docs
The latest Star Nations News episode from Elena Danaan has some tantalizing info about the Earth Alliance collaborating with different galactic organizations.
Dr Garry Nolan appears to be embracing the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis in recent statements picked up by mainstream media.
General Stephen Whiting, who heads US Space Command discusses its priorities and international partnerships.
Attempts by the Congressional UAP Caucus to hold another hearing in the House Oversight Committee and to create a Select Committee on UAP with subpoena power have been stymied due to national security concerns.
More scientists are actively exploring the feasibility of superluminal warp drive propulsion systems.
Redacted Interview covers alien false flag implications of the amendment to the NDAA for 2025 making enrollment in the Selective Service System automatic for males between 18-26
Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence: Interview with George Kavassilas
These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

Twitter Feed: / michaelsalla

In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

George Kavassilas website is

Benjamin Fulford: Wochenbericht vom 24.06.2024 🎧 Podcast 🎧

In diesem Herbst wird es entweder einen Weltkrieg oder eine Weltregierung geben

Dieser Beitrag stellt ausschließlich die Meinung des Verfassers dar. Er muss nicht zwangsläufig die Sichtweise von Antiilluminaten TV wiedergeben.

We often take Freedom of Speech for granted and for Julian Assange he and his family have paid dearly for Freedom of Speech.

In diesem explosiven Interview spricht Alexander Kühn mit Frau Dr. Sabine C. Stebel über erstaunliche Zufälle zwischen den COVID-19-Impfstoffen und der CRISPR-Technologie. Frau Dr. C. Stebel enthüllt bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse, die auf eine mögliche Zusammenarbeit großer Impfstoffhersteller hindeuten, die mehr als nur gemeinsame Ziele hatten. Doch es gibt Hinweise auf einen mysteriösen, geheimen Player im Hintergrund, der alles koordiniert hat und die Firmen nur als Fassade nutzt. Verpassen Sie nicht diese aufrüttelnde Diskussion!

Jetzt anschauen, um die Wahrheit zu erfahren!


Vorab, ja es stimmt oftmals dass es so ist.....traurig genug....aber worauf ich hinaus möchte......

So leicht wird mit Emotionen gespielt....ein wenig trauriges Klavierspiel darüber gelegt und schon wird das ganze Emotional....
Vielleicht seh ich das jetzt auch zu kritisch...🤔

Schreibt mal was dazu...👇

Pascal Najadi: Emergency Message From Q – Trump Exonerated! Game Over!

Pascal is back and he is sharing a emergency message from Q.

In this video we are joined again with former Rock Singer, Individual Sovereignty Activist and Podcaster, Sacha Stone for part 3. He again discusses his take on the "Khazarian Mafia", the Khazars vs the Tartars, UFO's and his views on religion, but also Free Energy and Tesla's technology, Robert David Steele, Cynthia McKinney and their tour with "Patriot Street Fighter" and his father "The General", Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut", the moon landing and much more.


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

1795 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Universal love includes love for all people, whether they are friendly or not. Universal love is independent of age, gender, nation, social class, and religion. Universal love also includes animals, plants, the whole earth, and the entire Space.

Energieausgleich - Energy balancing.

Wir schenken Euch gern unsere Zeit,
da schenken Freude bereitet.
Möchtet Ihr uns etwas zurückschenken,
dann geht das hier:
[Besten Dank mein Freund]
Kontoinhaber: Heinz Baumgartner
IBAN: CH8700778012215027204

Universelle Liebe beinhaltet Liebe für alle Menschen, ob sie freundlich sind oder nicht. Universelle Liebe ist unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Nation, sozialer Klasse und Religion. Universelle Liebe umfasst auch Tiere, Pflanzen, die ganze Erde und den gesamten Weltraum.