GeoGodley vlog*com

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GeoGodley vlog*com



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Hey folks, editing the show offline since it’s obviously censored & blocked online by U.N agenda 2030 demociders, google monopoly, flu world disorder, micr☢wave ⛓ slave 🦀 cancer phones etc.. have a great summer, love, tue 28 may 2024 It’s on isn’t it.. maybe I should use 1 camera, use that as the intro as well.. [instead of a1, 2 better than 1] should do.. should do.. [used to be my girl song intro].. Hello! Sorry but Only because the sink guy’s coming.. thats fine.. don't be shocked it's very messy.. papoutsia na vgalo? [shall I take off my shoes?] No thats okay.. ooh, hahaha what’s going on! [living room looks like an airport full of suitcases] you know what happened, these were in the bath, well half of them were in the bathtub in the second bathroom but then we cleaned it so I don't know where to put them so I brought them here and then I got a few more because.. in the bath tub?! yeah I stacked them, I had to put them somewhere right? How do you take a shower? there's another, there's two showers.. I sprayed, I cleaned that seat.. hah thank you.. ah ok it makes sense now, you know I've seen some footage before of course.. yeah yeah yeah.. hahaha..& I saw one of your stickers in Oxford Street just outside the station on Tottenham court road.. only one?! on the floor, on the floor, that was something! on Sunday? I usually put it Sunday.. so can I leave my phone here? Maybe there? Actually I wouldn't mind if you have a plug I need some electricity.. oh yea down here.. anywhere.. I'll leave my coffee right here George OK? Yea.. what? I had the window open.. you need an architect big time.. but you're good with it right? you don't mind.. I got used to it now I’ve been here 10 years so.. so what’s here? yeah OK so look, these were in the bathtub, right? I’m recording a little bit, we we stop it as soon as there's anything personal we stop it OK? yeah yeah.. no I was going to take my pants off.. haha! You know as we do.. the pesei [coat it’ll fall].. min pesei kata xamo to palto.. no don’t worry.. alright I'm gonna sit right here now.. I sprayed it, I cleaned it just now, with this so.. no because he the cleaners came but they put the Hoover.. yeah.. and stuff so.. so the cleaners come in here and they clean where? I got a new cleaner now.. well they.. i took them [the suitcases] all out.. they help me take all these out, I put them in the hallway and then we took everything out but OK so look these were in the bathtub right? Half of them.. you have things from the past in here, right? like, I don't know your clothes and.. it's mostly electronics I don't know why but you know 20-30 years let’s say I buy a camera every year and it's got cables and here that music studio I just put this yeah it's it's bad.. I mean there's one rule in architecture right which is about space about the the comfort of sort of.. Feng shui.. choreographing yourself into.. you know Feng shui? No no Feng shui is something different, yea.. but space is in the comfort of being able to you know walk around hehe.. but if you say you're good with it you know I'll take it it’s.. no no I want to fix it but you know.. I mean wardrobes and.. and all these cupboards! the cupboards yea right.. and that's all documents because I never threw away receipts so I have all these binders and I just want to digitise them I'm going to ch-ch-ch [photo montage video slideshow timelapse] I was going to scan them but you know I just want everything yeah digitised so I can put it away but then I gotta decide.. lighting’s OK yeah? 4min36 he just put.. they just put the L.E.D’s [ladies].. but you know about the L.E.D’s [early days] right? and why men are getting blind because of.. check it! Yea yea that guy Max Igan of I don't know but.. he said it makes you blind because it gets rid of the colours.. I don't know on another reason why they say it’s a phenomenon around the world.. what it’s blinding people? yeah yea, men for some reason, I don’t know why.. but in the daytime you don’t use them, so only at night, I just turn them on now for this.. no the natural light is quite good in here.. thats why I took it yea.. and yea I just gotta.. no you know it’s.. I've been there and.. ahaha there?! [suitcases] Not there but sort of similar condition.. [cough] terrible.. you still get your cough right because of the of the dust.. there's a 1000 vinyl records about right? oh right. and I'm washing 20 a day.. you said.. I've done a few hundred already.. 1000 or 10,000 you said? 1000, and they’re dusty. So you need 50 days, yeah.. why do you have to clean them? If you sell them to someone.. no no I want to listen to them at least a little bit yeah and I might want to digitise them if I don't do it I got the [expensive service].. you’re an information hoarder yourself as I am you know & that's pretty bad actually yeah 'cause it’s so much time that is wasted in in thinking about the processes and not enjoying the actual whatever you live.. but what's the point in having 1000 records if you can't listen to them, at least I wanted.. I did digitise some in the past right.. but why you

Thanks for visiting [GeorgeCuddly lol] & 100 domains, Wednesday one may, May 1st 2024 5:30 PM GMT UTC, often blocked by Internet censorship. I’m really demoralised because after all this, all these years of hard work and giving content, all that stuff, censored. I’ve noticed it’s blocked on a lot of phones Google monopolises, the goggle monopoly has blocked it but some phones it’s not blocked so I think it’s a mind F to screw with you so you think it’s not blocked when it is, shadow banning all the crap so OK so we’re calling I had a whole list of things, I just don’t know, I’ve just had it with all this ship, sht, and I’ve been putting weekly uploads since the beginning of the year 2024, to keep it active, to build something and there’s nothing to be built and it’s just not happening so you know when they say “it just works”, it just doesn’t work so why bother, basically and I’m just fed up and this call I don’t want to repeat everything that the independent media has proven so I’m just calling anyway ’cause I said I would so we’re calling hike my friend from over there. We’ve done lots of lounger & scrounger videos OK he’s waiting let’s go we agreed to call now and anyway do I need this? [clip on light] probably not.. “gotta look the part”.. I just like to do good job so anyway.. ah ready? Oh the speaker too.. 100 things man.. I couldn’t find the yellow tie, couldn’t find the power supply for the camera, all this stuff and it’s just an endless.. & this thing, the Bluetooth doesn’t switch off this piece of SH because even.. bast******* see how it hums? Oh it’s because of this too.. [not plugged in]. The world homicide Holocaust organisation WHO W.H.O admitted that Bluetooth gives cancer, causes cancer, so Sony made sure that it never switches off, it’s constantly giving you cancer, irradiating you, so thanks Sony for that, a-hole, and of course the 5G and all that but yeah I don’t wanna go.. ok I mean.. you know what’s going on, we’ve said it, and I’m just sick of it. Let’s go. Is that too loud? A-hem [throat clear] Oh my God he’s outside? Outdoors? Oh you gotta show him, I forgot you gotta show him.. what the hell is going on dude? Look at this Armenian lady.. wazaaap? Ts’happening? good because I don’t have much to say man so at least you’re outside.. now we got the wind noise. OK nice talking to you goodbye! see you later.. can’t hear me.. yes. can you step back please I don’t wanna see that.. [unshaven white beard closeup].. can you step back I can’t.. oh them you can’t hear me unless you put it up to your.. ugh.. I can’t hear you right now, I will be able to hear you.. using the cancer phone huh? [unitnelligible????] They call it in Warsaw.. oh you’re in Warsaw! I thought you were down in the other place.. Warsaw.. see that? There. OK man look man I don’t think we can talk like this dude.. yea we can just just wait OK this is the way OK here yes? you OK? yes. What are you doing? what about you? the usual, luckily, not much to say because it’s all the same, I don’t want to repeat everything but it’s exactly the same as before so.. I was gonna repeat everything but it’s just a waste of time man, it’s all, I put it all on my website, it’s all there, if anybody wants they can see it, I can’t keep repeating every time the same stuff so.. except artificial intelligence I don’t know if we covered that last time artificial stupidity they’re.. you can’t hear me anyway so we can talk like this man you’re outside you can’t hear me it’s.. where are you? In the church, you see, in the church.. [hymn singing] 6m40 oK I have to leave it, this place, I cant speak, there is something happening in this church. Wait, I will put my headphones and I’ll be just.. the second camera..put the second one next time, this is good to stop it from distorting because it usually goes over, it’s running very hot, second camera next time.. what did we say it was? No way it can’t do it. My headphones are not for iphone. Monday one may 2024 5:30 PM. The only place I can find it, I think its here more quiet & I’m able to.. were were you been today? yeah just in the neighbourhood and uh.. they changed the blinds, in the room and I’m washing all the vinyl to listen to it, to wash and dry all the vinyl and every day doing 20 so it’ll be done in a month or two, just terrible and OK we gotta see your face not your.. OK there you can’t hear me can you.. what is it? OK.. what are you talking about? you can’t hear me so I can’t repeat it again man I’m getting I’m tired today I can’t I don’t feel like repeating every time man I can’t.. ok what if you call me in 2 hours.. two hours it’ll be dark man.. but I will be at home & have more chance to speak in in a proper way. Next week OK ’cause I still have nothing to say right now it’s the same stuff I din’t want to repeat..

Disabilities, edema every minute after covid fraud democide mRna "vaccine" compared to once a day or week before

5 disabled in 2 minutes, London U.K. Before the covid fraud genocide MRNA "vaccine" you'd see 1 disabled person an hour or day, not every minute.

brainwashed MRNA survivors call evidence nonsense. DR MIKE YEADON april 2024 edit transcript: “I believe there was NOT a public health emergency, one was faked using lies, propaganda and this wretched PCR test. Whether or not there was a virus is irrelevant as there wasn't a public health emergency. And then there were economic damage which at the country level individual level and a social destruction level. Another of the objectives of this fake pandemic was to incentivize over 5 billion humans on the planet to roll their sleeves up to receive an injection of a material that was designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility. Every synthetic drug, everything that's in a tablet or bottle or a spray or cream, every atom in there is in there because someone decided to put it in there and you only put things in there because they serve a function. At least three features of these molecules, which as a 35 year veteran of this industry I am certain would not have gone forward. The re are multiple independent designed in toxicities in these injections. I recently wrote an open letter to the Metropolitan Police and it's on my sub stack, if you look up doctor Mike Yeadon sub stack. #1 If you force a human body to manufacture something that doesn't belong in the human body, it will be non self or foreign, and that's what these products do: they provide a genetic instruction, messenger RNA, it says "please glide into these cells and tell the cells to do what the instruction is”, which is to make whatever is encoded. If you do that, I believe based on simple immunological principles that have been known for at least 60 or 70 years, that every cell but does that will mark itself now as foreign. Your immune system goes to war, attacks it and kills it. If you inject someone with M RNA encoding anything other than a protein that belongs in you, you will trigger autoimmune attack and depending on the dose and the distribution and how long this stuff persists ,you could get mild symptoms or it could kill you. if you give it to healthy people and you force them to express something that doesn't belong in their body, it cannot help them, it's hopelessly inappropriate, it's definitely designed to injure you/ end you #2 It's not just making your body make something that doesn't belong in you. The question is what did they choose to ask, to make your body manufacture? They could have picked anything from this so-called [alleged, never isolated, photographed or proven to exist except in a chinese computer sequence bio weapon injection] “virus” the so-called “sars-cov-2” for which apparently we have the sequence. So they could have had the messenger RNA encode and make your body make any of the bits of that. So I put it to you, the rule of thumb would be, don't make it make your body make something you know is dangerous. The only known dangerous protein in this material, I don't know whether the virus is real or not but I know the sequence exists and if you convert that s

Covid fraud democide mRna bio weapon clot shot “vaccine” survivors don’t care about 585 Million+ murders & injuries reported by Dr. James Thorpe 💉☠️ COVID FRAUD GENOCIDE MRNA "VACCINE" PERSONALITY DISORDER APATHY sat 30 mar 2024 720p YES

No common sense, critical thought, interest or empathy for 20 million mRna “vaccine” deaths & 2 Billion injuries genocide. 💉☠️ COVID FRAUD DEMOCIDE MRNA "VACCINE" PERSONALITY CHANGE thu 28 mar 2024

Translation transcript: G: I was a youtuber, they stole it all from me, got my own page, found independent media after the coronavirus fraud T: yes G: ..that happened, I found independent media and got stuck there now and share it on my page a bit, but its tragic what happened because.. T: it cut the momentum G: no, they did genocide with the “vaccines”.. fortunately they weren’t all the same, and from what we see most are all right, we hope, but we don’t know for 5 or 10 years
T: what will happen
G: its a gamble, yea.. and it infuriates me that it’s all corrupt.. I have the American lawyer’s [Todd Callender,] criminal complaint, translated it, took it to the police, they sent me..
T: you went against the system
G: yea
T: so you wouldn’t have found an edge
G: haha [to lighten the mood] at least I tried
T: I had a problem and my brother. My brother got thrombosis.
G: you see?
T: on the leg, with the”vaccine”. And took anti thrombotic to recover etc. I have arrhythmias. I take a pill to keep it at a low level..
G: are you sure..
T: it went to 190. I never had a problem. I do a checkup every year. After the “vaccine”..
G: Na to [there it is]
T: he does my checkup and tells me something’s not well.
G: you see
T: he tells me 190 pulses the machine is in the red.. you get 150, 160 with heavy exertion, where you’re sitting you can’t be at 190..
G: 190 pulses per minute?
T: yes..
G: wow
T: tadumdumdum.. some suddens badabadabada… “do you understand / are you aware of anything”? “No I don’t, I’m not..”
G: you don’t feel it huh?
T: no I don’t feel tachycardia, its cool. He says i’ll put a holder on it to monitor 24 hours. And I went 3 or 4 times way up. He tells me you’ll take a pill to keep it low, because it can’t be this way. You might get damage. In other words, there are no innocent pharmaceuticals. Any pharmaceutical except for herbal which ok will give you, what do I know, a stomach ache.. but pharmaceuticals, when you fix one [thing], it’ll break something else. If you take it for cholesterol, it’ll break your blood sugar.
G: it was deliberate on purpose! [pfizer docs, DOD Moderna patents prove premeditated mass murder] that, well we don’t even know what they did..
T: we don’t even know what it is..
G: haha [to lighten the mood, next time don’t because it looks flippant]
T: even they might not know.. they don’t know, actually. There’s no research over time to say these people presented with this or that.. we’re the guinea pigs/ lab animals.
G: and they weren’t all the same, which is itself a crime, they don’t have the right to experiment without telling you.
T: of course.. tragic situation..
G: but thank god you’re all right, from what [we see]
T: ok, since we’re working & alive & haven’t died..the most basic is that..
G: That’s what one guy said, I saved everything, I download videos the past 2 or 3 years & I remember them all, they’re many, & an English doctor called Vernon Coleman, one of the best, said many will be all right because you can smoke and live 100 years.. & I liked that, that the organism can survive everything sometimes, so that’s optimistic.
T: of course. Or else everyone would have died. Since they forced us, in other words if you wanted to go to work they said if you’re “vaccinated” yes, if you’re not “vaccinated” you have to take a test. [carcinogenic ethelyne oxide, DNA harvesting, 95% false positive test proven by its inventor Kary Mullis to NOT be a diagnostic tool].
G: yes, that’s a crime too.

Transcript translation
L: Interests, that’s why I tell you it doesn’t apply..
F: I learned that Antonia is between life and death, terrible..
L: her eyes are shut & she’s on oxygen
G: It’ll be from the ”vaccine”
L: She made 5 “vaccines”
G: there it is
L: 4 she was dizzy, and as soon as she took the 5th she went [eyes shut]. Open your eyes, she says I can’t.. They’re like that, shut. And they’ve put her on oxygen.
G: who is she?
L: my sister
G: [jaw drop] your sister?!
L: from 5 “vaccines”. On the 5th “vaccine” she fell into a coma.
G: his sister!
L: did you hear what I said?
F: she pays sins!
L: at 4 she had dizzy spells,
F: she pays for sins!
L: can I complete? On the 4th she said I have dizzinesses, and on the 5th “vaccine” she fell into a coma, her eyes closed and she can’t open them at all. They put her on oxygen.
G: [translating] His sister, 5 jabs and in a coma. From the covid fraud genocide democide bio weapon clot shot fake vaccine. Sto diaolo = damn it/ to hell..
L: hear what he says?
G: I took the criminal complaint form to the police and they sent me elsewhere. They continually send me elsewhere, and they told me you gotta redo it nicer with the accused in the document not separate, and better get a lawyer. I can’t do that but I gave it to others who may.. it’s all corrupt.
F: no one can confront the status quo, that’s why they call it katestimeno.
G: what does katestimeno mean?
L: Katestimeno means they made their own laws for their own interests and scams. He took them! He took them! Take, Mitsotaki, a billion, give a billion to the others, the vaccines are healthy [safe and effective = unsafe and defective], yes, advertise, yes, take glucose sugar, and Mitsotakis pretended with the placebo sugar glucose that he took the “vaccine”. And the world saw him take it, and it was glucose sugar. Did you hear it? To deceive the world. In England..
F: and you know what was the nice trick set up? Those who were heavily sick and dying, they could save them,
L: they sent them quicker!
F: they sent them without oxygen, this and that, and immediately, “covid!”, they baptised them all “covid”. They were dying form anything else, cancer, kidneys, this & that, “covid”
L: “covid” they said to finish them off.
F: so the other guy is scared and says, I’ll do it. They put bait..
G: where did you learn it all?
F: I live 40 years in France.. [we all speak French]… here you don’t learn them [the facfs, truth, information]..

💉☠️ COVID FRAUD DEMOCIDE “VACCINE” VICTIM coma report mon 18 mar 2024 Athens Greece

Beach social sun 10 mar 2024 Athens Greece

Next time anyone asks anything in the video, say “its in the video” rather than repeat.. Walk n talk sun 3 mar 2024 Athens Greece C0955S03

20 MILLION COVID "VACCINE" DEATHS SAYS DENIS RANCOURT PHD, 2 BILLION INJURIES, ED DOWD SAYS 33 MILLION AMERICAN DEATHS INJURIES & DISABILITES.. comedian victims include Louie Anderson, Richard Belzer, Bob saget, Gilbert godfried , Richard lewis , norm macdonald, Andrew dice clay still suffering bells palsy “throat spasm”..heatHer McDonald


Draft Outline: 1h dirty records 12 modern talking albums not global monopoly just wanna hear 1h1 woman I love only you 1h2 piano chords 10 min better than nothing 1h4 change bulbs please don’t guitar 1h5 need lyrics 1h6 guitar callouses jam 1h8 I play the hairdryer inflammation rhythm not in mood 1h10 pigeon water CAT PIGEON TOILET BEACH TRACTOR BULLDOSER.. 1h11 killers 20M agenda 2030 UN, enjoy yr life have aball name that tune, 1h12 organic v sterilised beans 1h14 plan org made in china covid fraud genociders china regime poisoned world 1h14 admit wrong propagate covid lie 99.9% harmless 1h16 inhaler over the counter 1h17 sony a1 stopped no dingdong? 1h19 need a6700 a1 too heavy 1h20 close it do u have any cameras? Click.. Elvis 1h21 tooth 1h22 silence tiktok spyware malware 1h23 phone off surveillance [ kill grid] favour get favour , tip double, hundreds 300, 500 gift, 1h25 video fx too close to cam step back 2 much 4 stomach 1h26 this year see warsaw connect me w work forum hotel Marriott buffet very friendly 1h29 5M ukr 2M in warsaw mass murder media climate change sustain un agenda 2030 go,, trailer swift Taylor swift ny compost*** 1h31 tiktok 1h32 emergency phone only no card degoofled degoogled phones priority? Might as well enjoy aaarrrgh**** wanna see new Hungary Slovakia 1h36 American woman my culture internet dating 1h37 quick call sneeze 1h38 ex wife Miami 1h40 airport radiation dinner bean farts 1h42 cyan cobalamin b12 methyl cobalamine Tera Nova vegan party 1h45 teaspoon of sugar song name that tune 1h47 Thailand man outro epilog

Draft Outline: Wide angle, speakers, tue 30 jan 2024, Facebook malware thingymajiggy, date, thanks for visiting, 3 we fade to gray song, we made you cry, that’s bitta, australia fallen to communism totalitarianism a1 MacBook Pro laptop set up , get any speakers, better than nothing.. 5 bad light, what do I do, song,, name that tune, lotta prep to get it right, y’all want this party started.. 7 cancer wifi microwave radiation, 50s movies lighting, speakers, 8 unprepared, outline would be best. Show u a few things about f, 9 auto z90 shows levels, didn’t wanna show, there u go, 10 haha sultan bruneia, 6:31pm, 12 prime sinister Satanyahu, greek prime sinister, 20M killed Billion injured, 13 police Todd callender criminal complaint 14 €1000 translate 40 pages.. 15 porno festival {avn convention] youtube promotes.. [if they do , we do].youtube lied cheated n stole 13,000 of my videos 2017.. covid fraud genocide vaccine holocaust genocide democide crimes against humanity.. 16 back to Poland 17 I help her massage 18 anarchapulco max gan Jeff Berwick good anarchists v criminal govs 21 spring break WMC 23 Cannes festival episodic content 25 xmas lunch rec 26 missed rec 28 weekend center comic book store shop dox every Wednesday upload candid 30 poster promo 31 comic book rejection, need reality & fantasy 32 film first 33 video & books 34 death promo lol **** 35 don’t look behemoth 36 angry cleaner no release 37 blur face f up voice 38 video effects cover face voice 39 not after death *** say without saying general Asatur 40 they’re all selling the Arabs 15 minute prison United abominations agenda 2030 kill enslave 41 near death experience mrna bio weapon clot shot National Harold shipman 43 ind news 3 hour shows David knight mental clutter 44 no tiktok no truth no genocide free speech criticize 47 sony a1 2nd cam selfie use & pov 49 warsaw 50 bus no ventillation air next to driver mana graphene nano tech shedding transmission 51 blood pfizer skin breath 4 hour bus 10 hour flight porno feastival*** 53 DNA use to kill you cool want loans bank steals 3/4, 3 out of 4 euros. Destroy, ex wife debt ,55 u help your family 56 old photos records 1800s 58 ankle uncle hope not inbred 1h dirty records 12 modern talking albums not global monopoly just wanna hear 1h1 woman I love only you 1h2 piano chords 10 min better than nothing 1h4 change bulbs please don’t guitar 1h5 need lyrics 1h6 guitar callouses jam 1h8 I play the hairdryer inflammation rhythm not in mood 1h10 pigeon water CAT PIGEON TOILET BEACH TRACTOR BULLDOSER.. 1h11 killers 20M agenda 2030 UN, enjoy yr life have aball name that tune, 1h12 organic v sterilised beans 1h14 plan org made in china covid fraud genociders china regime poisoned world 1h14 admit wrong propagate covid lie 99.9% harmless 1h16 inhaler over the counter 1h17 sony a1 stopped no dingdong? 1h19 need a6700 a1 too heavy 1h20 close it do u have any cameras? Click.. Elvis 1h21 tooth 1h22 silence tiktok spyware malware 1h23 phone off surveillance [ kill grid] favour get favour , tip double, hundreds 300, 500 gift, 1h25 video fx too close to cam step back 2 much 4 stomach 1h26 this year see warsaw connect me w work forum hotel Marriott buffet very friendly 1h29 5M ukr 2M in warsaw mass murder media climate change sustain un agenda 2030 go,, trailer swift Taylor swift ny compost*** 1h31 tiktok 1h32 emergency phone only no card degoofled degoogled phones priority? Might as well enjoy aaarrrgh**** wanna see new Hungary Slovakia 1h36 American woman my culture internet dating 1h37 quick call sneeze 1h38 ex wife Miami 1h40 airport radiation dinner bean farts 1h42 cyan cobalamin b12 methyl cobalamine Tera Nova vegan party 1h45 teaspoon of sugar song name that tune 1h47 Thailand man outro epilog pays off to talk interact street vendor said comic book store iiiiiii uuuuu 1h49 2 or 3 copies start.. don’t knock it till u tried sheep shagging final thoughts 1h50 last date tue 30 jan 2024 8:11pm athens greece thanks visiting 1h51 comedy live no politics religion or Sinatra my pay odysee no pdf embed, weird pdf embed 1h53 there will be other songs to sing inventory piano put on weight bed no couch keep on moving don’t stop 1h54 tune in next week comedy skit daily doodle ditty sht friends family us don’t answer emails Facebook messengers rec festivities holiday cheer.. why once a week no edit for nothing, trailers, ancient history v current stuff.. silk cruel boil silk worms egg industry grinds male chicks anything you can have? Long & short of it hair..conclusion its all a waste of time & money & goes nowhere.. web host 500/day no matter what, work contribute or not, goggle anal genocide commit coverup, brave browse search, lies about duration default zero duration homepage shitty little cancer phones genocide regime ccp coming here, vpn, depressing demoralising why bother non profit time more beeps off.

rewrite: “Dear Mr. Kougias, on behalf of victims, friends & family, we’d like to file a criminal complaint/ lawsuit against Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Anastasia Kotanidou & others [see Greece list below], with U.S. Attorney Todd Callender’s criminal complaint form proving MRNA covid “vaccines” and promoters complicit in crimes against humanity, genocide, democide, mass murder/ manslaughter.. Sincerely,,” DEFENDANTS/ PERPETRATORS LIST:

💉☠️ CRIMINAL COMPLAINT v. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Anastasia Kotanidou et al tue 23 jan 2024

alex kougias, alexandros kougias, anastasia kotanidou, corruption, COVID, covid crimes against humanity, covid fraud, covid lawsuit, covid legal, covid vaccine, covid vaccine crimes against humanity, covid vaccine democide, covid vaccine genocide, covid vaccine lawsuit, covid vaccine legal, Crimes Against Humanity, criminal complaint, democide, genocide, Greece, kotanidou, kougias, kyriakos mitsotakis, lawsuit, legal, mass murder, mitsotakis,

Mastodon censors posts showing dr. Peter McCullough calling Kyriakos Mitsotakis & Anastasia Kotanidou “Anyone who encourages MRNA “vaccines” complicit in crimes against humanity. So Mastodon is also complicit in crimes against humanity, genocide, democide with the deadliest MRNA bio weapon clot shot that allegedly killed 20 MILLION & injured 2 BILLION for a 99.9% harmless flu. Cancel Mastodon & hold them accountable 💉☠️.

Mastodon, censorship, democide, genocide, crimes, crime, crimes against humanity, evil, scum of the earth, piece of shit, excrement, unethical, immoral, malign, malicious, covid vaccine, mass murder, assholes, vaccine, mRna, bio weapon, clot shot,

Corrupt Fraudster Demociders greek “government” prime Sinister Mitsotakis & Quack Kotanidou say to get the MRNA bio weapon clot shot fake”vaccine” that allegedly killed about 20 MILLION & injured about 2 BILLION for a 99.9% harmless flu. According to dr. Peter McCullough, they, & “Anyone who encouraged pressured or coerced others to get the "vaccine" is complicit in a crime against humanity”

covid, vaccine, greece, democide, genocide, crimes against humanity, mitsotakis, kotanidou, mass murder, crime, crimes, covid vaccine, coronavirus, fraud, corruption,

💉☠️ Kyriakos Mitsotakis & Anastasia Kotanidou covid mRna “vaccine” bio weapon clot shot democide crimes against humanity Greece sat 20 jan 2024

Hoping for a deal, vlogger Geo Godley promotes his photo diary comic book in a greek paleo shop, causing unforeseen chain reactions.. deal or no deal? Hit or miss? covid fraud mRna bio weapon clot shot genocide victim? #vlog #photography #photodiary #photocomic #fumetti #photocomics #chestcam #bodycam #candid #promo #promotion #selfpublishing #publishing #photobook #videodiary January 10th, 2024 | Tags: body cam, body camera, bodycam, candid, chest cam, chest camera, chestcam, fumetti, geo godley, george godley, photo comic, photo comics, photo diary, photobook, photocomic, photocomics, photodiary, photography, promo, promotion, publishing, self publishing, selfpublishing, sony a1, video diary, videodiary, vlog, vlogger, vlogging photo diary comic book fumetti marketing promotion networking candid camera chest cam chestcam
Photo diary comic book promotion reaction mon 8 jan 2024 Athens Greece GeorgeGodley*com vlog*com C2584S03


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