Free Software TV - Linux , FreeBSD , OpenBSD ,Apps

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Free Software TV - Linux , FreeBSD , OpenBSD ,Apps



Garuda Linux BSPWM Edition , learn BSPWM tiling window manager on the Garuda Linux BSPWM edition !
Review & Basic of Garuda Linux BSPWM edition !
This is more about learning the basics of the BSPWM tiling window manager and reviewing the
Garuda Linux BSPWM edition Linux Distro .
Garuda Linux is an Arch-Based Linux Distro made with new users in mind.
Arch Linux
It has Garuda Settings Manager and also Garuda Assistant that can help you configuring your system .
Also it has the Garuda Gamer utility that helps with installing game library clients like steam gog etc plus many emulators !
---This is my first attempt and i'm not used yet to broadcasting i haven't planned this video
My name is Chris and i'm from Greece ....
....FORGIVE MY BAD ENGLISH its hard to talk in another language specially to say things that you haven't planned.

I hope you find my videos usefull , if you support my videos i will know they are actually useful and continue making more.

FreeBSD & Desktop Install Guide For The Complete NOOB !
Now you can install FreeBSD too !
!!! CORRECTION AT 2:59 Please select 4 & 5 for good security measure !!!!!!!
I was installing on a virtual machine to show you the installation and i didn't need these settings.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

2 videos

Category Science & Technology

Free Software & Free Life T.V Linux , FreeBSD , OpenBSD , Arch Linux , Debian , Ubuntu , Void Linux

Learn about the Unix Operating Systems like Linux,FreeBSD,OpenBSD etc.
Learn about useful FOSS applications and games.

--This Channel is dedicated to newbies , its for the new to linux and **Bsd users that wants to learn how to use Linux and BSD for the DESKTOP
We cover even the basics , simple explanatory videos that are made with the new user in mind ! Not just flexing like other channels that produces videos that only a small percentage of users would find actually useful if they happen to include any clue to help new users achieving those results.

--No crap, No flex , No illusions ! No spending your time with stuff that you won't actually use or distrohopping like crazy !

I'm making these videos to serve a purpose !

Every single video should help you actually learn something useful !

I'm not making videos to just rumble or spit out how you could have my desktop and how badass or chad i am !

I'm actually gonna take you by the hand until you understand everything you need to achieve the results you want without googling and asking in forums for several hours !

No Flexing , No Posers , No videos to get some easy money from views !
Disclaimer : I'm not a guru i'm not a master i'm a simple user like you just happens to use Linux since 1999 and BSDs since the last year.

Learn how to have Freedom in your life and improve your every day !
Philosophy is the way you live your life and not just a luxury or something complementary !

PS1: If you find that my videos are helpful and useful just support them , cause if you don't i will assume the opposite and that will not make me create more :-(