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Clips are from around 2 decades ago.

People actually think that the father of the clot shot is going to fix this mess!? A mess that he help create.

Life is a test and the scamdemic was an important part of the test. You will be judged if you took part in the biggest genocide in history.

Learn from these celebrities, or as I like to call them “ the biggest idiots in the world!

An American citizen who was killed by Israeli forces for trying to protect innocent Palestinian homes.

If I were to guess I’d say these guys stumbled into dead island!
Probably creepy though, not gunna lie!

War is hell!
After witnessing the tyranny all around the world when the scamdemic unfolded, Iv had some new thoughts about certain things. Seeing as most countries went along with the scamdemic doing the exact same things, like lockdowns mask wearing and the deadly clot shot had me concerned aside from everything else. For me it was obvious from the beginning but by now it should be obvious to everyone that our leaders lied to us! And the same so called leaders pit us against each other with these wars that never seem to end! So Iv been wondering if (let alone when) we will ever realize that our real enemies are those who’ve decided on war in the first place! Our leaders that shouldn’t be need to pay for trick us into slaughtering ourselves!

It’s important to point this scamdemic situation to be one of the few but most important benefits of being a conspiracy theorist (aka critical thinker)! Which is being extra careful with anything that comes from our government or leaders by analyzing whatever it is 100x over!

To dumb down Americas youth, already in effect!

Girl with purple backpack is killed by fallen rock:/

Conversations one can actually learn from.

Old video
And yes, they would go this far just to mock us! These psychopaths love it!

Would there be scales?

Jeff censored!
Aug, 2020



Created 8 months ago.

352 videos

Category Education

Im using this channel simply to aim for the truth! We're living in a very strange point in time, where the truth isn't a popular subject for discussion.