Non-Human Force

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Non-Human Force

Non-Human Force


Tucker Carlson: De ce cioclii vacciniști nu sunt ACUZAȚI de CRIMĂ? Cine plătește pentru milioanele de decese provocate de vaccinurile Covid? Cercetător: "Nici o viață nu a fost salvată" de serurile experimentale - VIDEO EXPLOZIV cu Steve Kirsch
"Nici o viață nu a fost salvată" de injecțiile chipurile anti-COVID-19, a declarat cercetătorul și omul de știință Denis Rancourt de la Correlation Canada pentru The Epoch Times într-un e-mail, transmite Vigilant Fox prezentând un nou interviu-bombă al lui Tucker Carlson, realizat cu avertizorul public - milionar - Steve Kirsh. "Am început să aud povești de groază de la prietenii mei. Așa cum am auzit de la o persoană care avea trei rude care erau perfect sănătoase și toate trei au murit într-o săptămână după ce au primit vaccinul. Și i-am spus ei, - Ei bine, asta e imposibil -. Și ea a spus: - Da, dar sunt morți." - se spune în interviul în care Tucker Carlson face observații șocante, apreciind că este uimitor ca într-o țară controlată perfect să nu se știe exact numărul deceselor provocate de vaccinuri: „Administrația Biden știe exact câți chirurgi cardiaci sunt transgender, câți piloți de linie sunt bisexuali - cu o precizie nazistă. Dar câți oameni au fost uciși sau afectați de Vaccinul Covid? Nu le pasă!”, spune Tucker Carlson în fragmentul VIDEO de mai sus, extras din emisiunea sa din 24 februarie 2024 și tradus de un colaborator benevol al ActiveNews.

Omul de știință Denis Rancourt și colegii săi cercetători au efectuat un studiu aprofundat, post-vaccin, analizând peste o duzină de țări. Ceea ce au descoperit este că mortalitatea din toate cauzele a crescut de fiecare dată când au fost implementate injecțiile COVID-19.

Pentru fiecare 800 de injecții administrate, Rancourt și colegii săi au concluzionat în lucrarea lor de 180 de pagini că a avut loc cel puțin un deces legat de vaccin.

Această cifră de 1 la 800 devine și mai alarmantă atunci când luați în considerare câte doze au fost administrate.

La momentul raportului lui Rancourt și al colegilor, au fost administrate 13,5 miliarde de injecții cu COVID-19.

Împărțiți acest număr la 800 și veți ajunge, conform Raportului, la aproximativ 17 milioane de decese legate de vaccinul COVID-19, după cum a atras atenția și ActiveNews. „Este numărul de morți care rămâne în urma unui Război Mondial”, apreciază Tucker Carlson, cunoscutul jurnalist american.

Tucker Carlson îl intervievează pe Steve Kirsch

Aceste informații contextuale pregătesc terenul pentru un dialog recent între Tucker Carlson și antrepenorul Steve Kirsch, un critic notabil al vaccinului COVID-19 și artizanul Fondului de tratare timpurie a COVID-19 (CETF).

Tucker Carlson i-a aruncat antreprenorului din Silicon Valley o rafală de întrebări despre vaccinurile COVID care a părut să-l prindă cu garda jos.

Carlson a întrebat: "Cum pot guvernele lumii să ucidă peste 10 milioane de oameni și să lase un număr mare și nedeterminat de persoane cu handicap pe viață - și să nu scoată un cuvânt

#COMUSAV - What Is CDS The Scientific Facts Dr Andreas Kalcker
The Facts:
CDS is not chlorine (Cl2), bleach, hypochlorite (NaClO) or sodium chlorite (NaClO2), nor does it contain them. Nor is it MMS, CD or a mixture of 2 components; it is just pure chlorine dioxide gas dissolved in water. In fact, chlorine dioxide technically does not contain a single molecule of chlorine ! It is finally converted after intermediate reactions into a chloride ion and oxygen. Sodium chloride is common salt and oxygen and both are essential for our body.

Chlorine dioxide has different forms of being produced and the outcome is not the same. Unlike a mixture containing Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) with an acid also known as MMS which can cause stomach upset and side effects such as diarrhea when reacting with stomach acids, CDS does not contain any sodium chlorite salt and therefore does not produce any harmful by-products when used dissolved in water. The main advantage of chlorine dioxide in the form of CDS is its neutral pH and its safety for human and animal health. Unlike other chlorine products (Cl2), chlorine dioxide does not produce toxic and carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THMs).

CDS eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions and also virus spike by oxidation, just as it happens in our body with macrophages and not by intoxication like antibiotics. Simply put, pathogens are incinerated.
CDS is a concentrated aqueous solution of 0.3% chlorine dioxide (3000 ppm), with no sodium chlorite (NaClO2) content and neutral pH. It has disinfectant capacity and acts by eliminating pathogens through oxidation. In addition, CDS can increase oxygen levels in the blood. Studies have evaluated its efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19, showing positive results in the recovery of patients without dangerous side effects.

In Bolivia, chlorine dioxide in the form of CDS is legally used as a treatment, thanks to the approval of the Law against Covid-19 and a collaboration between the army command, the EMI military universities and the foundation of Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker in Mexico.
Is CDS toxic?
According to toxicology, all substances can be toxic, depending on the amount, duration and concentration. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes a toxicity of 292 mg/kg, that is similar to the toxicity of caffeine. This means that a 70 kg person should consume 20,440 mg of a gas dissolved in water for 14 days. At a concentration of 30 mg in 1 liter of water, which is the standard daily dose, 681.33 liters per day should be consumed. Even if it is mistakenly consumed in a concentrated form at 3000 ppm, it will still be 6.8 liters. CDS, in high concentrations, causes throat irritation and this makes it difficult to swallow. Therefore severe intoxication, by oral intake is technically impossible.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning concerning the alleged toxicity of CDS, without taking into consideration the differences between sodium chlorite

Dr Andreas Kalcker The Miracle of Chlorine Dioxide Solution Latest Updates with Catherine Edwards


Videocast from July 2014 at another time when Palestinians were being slaughtered, yet again by the pseudo-jewish khazarian forces that have taken over their land. We are living in this apparent eternal historical loop that for some reason we are not able to end.
Apologies for the pronounced watermark all the way through the video. I hate to have to do this but there are some people around that are lazy and that have no skills to put together a sentence, who steal the work from other people, cut the original credits and logo, put their own name on somebody else’s work and post them as theirs.
I have no problems with people sharing my work as long as they share it as it is, in fact, I encourage it. But these people don’t do that, they defraud their followers making them believe that it is them who are the ones doing the work and never give credit to anyone.
The most annoying thing is that these fake prophets have the biggest numbers of followers! Go figure.
El fraude kazario, el fraude mas cruel.
Videocast de Julio 2014 en otra ocasion cuando los Palestinos estaban siendo masacrados, una vez mas por las fuerzas pseudo judío kazarias que han usurpado su tierra. Estamos viviendo en este aparentemente eterno circulo vicioso que por alguna razón no somos capaces de detener.
Disculpas por la marcada watermark en todo el video. No me gusta hacer esto pero hay ciertas gentes que son flojos y no tienen habilidad ni para hilvanar una frase, quienes roban el trabajo de otros, cortan los créditos y logos originales, ponen sus nombres al trabajo de otros y los publican como suyos.
No tengo ningún problema que compartan mi trabajo siempre y cuando lo hagan sin alterarlo. De hecho, quiero que lo hagan. Pero esta gente no hace eso, ellos se dedican a defraudar a sus seguidores haciéndoles creer que ellos son los que hacen el trabajo y nunca le dan el crédito al verdadero autor.
La cosa mas irritante es que estos falsos profetas tienen los números más grandes de seguidores! Anda a entender.

In this captivating and thought-provoking video, join us as we delve into the fascinating world of the Space Force and the hidden technology behind it. Renowned UFO researcher Dr. Steven Greer and former government physicist Bob Lazar come together to discuss the secrets that have been kept from the public for far too long.

Dr. Greer, known for his groundbreaking work in the field of extraterrestrial intelligence, reveals startling information about advanced technologies that have been developed and utilized by the Space Force. From anti-gravity propulsion systems to zero-point energy, the possibilities are mind-boggling.

Bob Lazar, a controversial figure who claims to have worked on reverse-engineering extraterrestrial spacecraft, shares his firsthand experience with the cutting-edge technology that is allegedly being used by the government. His insights shed light on the potential capabilities of the Space Force and the implications it may have for our understanding of the universe.

Join us as we explore the evidence supporting the existence of these secret technologies and the implications they hold for humanity. Discover the potential impact on space exploration, energy sources, and even the possibility of contact with other civilizations.

Prepare to have your mind expanded and your perspective challenged as we embark on this journey into the unknown. Get ready for a countdown to disclosure, where the truth about the secret technology behind the Space Force is finally brought to light.

Don't miss out on this groundbreaking discussion between two prominent figures in the field of ufology. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all things related to the fascinating world of disclosure and the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to have your worldview forever changed.

Above Top Secret: The Technology Behind Disclosure — By Dr. Steven Greer
We're at a tipping point in history, the hidden technology that could change everything has been suppressed for decades. Dr. Steven Greer presents mind-blowing information along with never before seen access into the crusade behind disclosure. Retired FBI special agent John Desouza, Aerospace Historians James C, Goodall along with Michael Schratt breakdown the implications of the cover-up, and the false UFO narrative created by the major media.

Are We Alone In The Universe? Who or What Is Engaging Our Navy Pilots? Dr. Steven Greer Reveals The Secret Behind Space Force

Is there a secret program behind the technology of the Space Force? Are Navy Pilots engaging E.T. Craft, or is it one of Ours? Dr. Steven M. Greer reveals the secrets behind the cover-up of the False Narrative Alien Threat.

Is there a secret program behind the technology of the Space Force? Are Navy Pilots engaging E.T. Craft, or is it one of Ours? Dr. Steven M. Greer reveals the secrets behind the cover-up of the False Narrative Alien Threat. Dr. Michael E. Salla presents Explosive information in regards to the incredible out of this world technology that has been reversed engineered at a Secret Location in Palmdale CA. Is the New York Times retraction of statements made to "Off World Vehicles recovered Not Of This Earth" An attempt to Cover-Up the biggest Story Known To Mankind? Bob Lazar among others share there Insight to the Most Asked question "Are We Alone" Countdown To Disclosure Opens the Floodgates on information never heard before by the public until now! Buckle Up for a cutting Edge Documentary that will leave you believing we are not been told the truth.

FEATURING: Dr. Steven Greer, Bob Lazar. Dr. Michael E. Salla, Brent Cousins, Blake Cousins, Paul Blake Smith, Jim Goodall, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), DONALD J. TRUMP, FOX NEWS TUCKER CARLSON
The UNIDENTIFIED YouTube channel offers official movie trailers and free full films online. Come here for UFO sightings, alien abductions, ghost stories, Bigfoot encounters and more! Check out our playlists of science fiction films and paranormal-based horror movies, too.


Find it on Amazon:

A century of illegal UFO secrecy has cost humanity hundreds of years of spiritual, cultural and technological development. Dr. Steven Greer presents "The Lost Century", which will expose the cost of the coverup to the planet, and the human race, and how we can reclaim control of our collective destiny.
Narrated by: Fred Durst
Director: Michael Mazzola

Starring: Dr. Steven Greer, Dick Russell, Michael Schratt, Charles Eisenstein, Adam Curry, Moray King, Maurice Campbell, Dr. Hal Puthoff
Also on other digital services: here:

#secrets of the UN former #onu Executive Director and President of the Club of Rome Europe Dr Călin Georgescu
In this interview Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks to former UN Executive Director and President of the Club of Rome Europe Călin Georgescu about the United Nations Agenda 21 and World Economic Forum. This video is a shortened edition of the original interview, OLIGARCHS OWN The United Nations U.N. are currently rolling out their Agenda 21 known today as Agenda 2030, with their notorious "Sustainable Development". This worldwide totalitarian project aims to completely transform every aspect of the human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education and so on. This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. The real truth is that the United Nations is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves and enslave the whole world at the same time. The United Nations is the perfect tool created by Satan to centralize his powers and to control every aspect of life on earth.
It is really WAKE UP time!
Non-Human Force

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, Guilherme Bernardes, Myuu, Beethoven, Savfk, Scott Buckley

Time to meet the WEF, the biggest and most dangerous political NGO in the world. See how they infiltrated every aspect of society, putting their puppets in high places, brainwashing them with their training programs, and making sure the WEF’s wicked goals be implemented on a global scale. Their goals? The same as always: world dominance, a New World Order, depopulation of the masses, and the utter submission of the remaining useless eaters.
Can we prove this? Of course we can, and we do so in this episode. Watch how the spokesmen of the WEF, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, confirm in their very own words the horror picture that we present to you just before we let them talk. Had we not let them say it, you would’ve never believed us. Do you want to know what kind of future they have in mind for us, in the very short term? Then watch this episode!

Part 28 is in the making and will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.
If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:
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Bob Lazar, Zona 51 și OZN-urile (Documentar Tradus)

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, AShamaluev, James Dolley

This episode is all about the current 'mega-crisis' that will make the Covid-crisis pale in comparison: The Climate emergency that will destroy our planet and humanity, unless we pay a lot of CO2-tax. How did the Cabal get us to belief their impertinent CO2 lies? By using fraudulent 'scientists' and the MSM, as always. Does Climate Change exist? Of course! It's a natural phenomenon. Is there a Climate Emergency? No. You don't believe us? Then let's listen to the real scientists, the ones who refuse to be bribed into silence and who risk their careers by sticking to the Truth. It's about time they get to tell their side of the story, don't you think?

Part 29 is in the making and will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.
If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:
We make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

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Un documentar extraordinar de interesant și, în același timp, foarte îngrijorător.
Un fenomen global.
Cei care au fost vassinați dezvoltă un dispozitiv care poate transmite o adresă MAC si poate fi depistată de aplicatiile Bluetooth conectate la WiFi.
Aceste adrese pot fi găsite și în cazul persoanelor nevassinate care au efectuat un test PCR.
Odată ce o persoană a transmis codul Bluetooth, dispozitivul care se formează în corpul acestora se descarcă și se reîncarcă la o rețea Wi-Fi.
Persoanele care au decedat in 2021-2022 continuă să transmită codurile cu adresa Bluetooth, după cum au arătat testele în cimitire.
Un grup internațional de cercetători format din mii de oameni de știință, medici și tehnicieni care își împărtășesc cunoștințele.
Dorim să menționăm că o parte din aceste teste le-am efectuat personal timp de mai multe săptămâni, în diferite țări cu aceleași rezultate.
Toate vassinurile ARNm conțin oxid de grafen.

Renegade The Life Story of David Icke tradus in romana.
Am avut sansa catorva intalniri in viata asta cu niste minti absolut fabuloase.
Una dintre acestea a fost intalnirea cu dnul #pavelcorut,
O alta intalnire este omul acesta #DavidIcke
In cele din urma toate acele intalniri m-au condus catre o intalnire minunata cu propria mea minte.
Norocul meu este ca am avut niste ghizi senzationali, asa ca va invit catre o calatorie spre voi insiva.

Cea Mai Mare Resetare Documentar Romana de Ionel Trandafir

"Elitele lumii sunt pe punctul de a-și pune în aplicare așa-numita "Mare Resetare", remodelând societatea după chipul minților lor întunecate și al inimilor împietrite. Ele rămân nepregătite pentru CEA MAI MARE RESETARE.
Nici o piatră nu este lăsată neîntoarsă pentru a explica de unde venim, cum am ajuns aici și unde să găsim Arca pentru a trece peste potop." #IonelTrandafir

Filmul MARII RESETARI (The GREAT RESET) - ASCENSIUNEA BESTIEI - Planul elitelor globaliste. Ce neasteaptă pe Agenda pana in 2030!

Prințul Charles, în prezent regele Charles al III-lea, a declarat la sesiunea de deschidere a unei întâlniri virtuale a Forumului Economic Mondial, la 3 iunie 2020, că liderii mondiali au avut "o oportunitate de aur pentru a profita de ceva bun" de pe urma pandemiei de coronavirus. Viitorul rege al Angliei a văzut în Covid-19 modalitatea de a "reseta" civilizația umană și de a recunoaște "interdependența tuturor lucrurilor vii". Reuters a relatat că discursul Prințului Charles a făcut "parte dintr-un eveniment de lansare a "Marii Resetări", un proiect care implică WEF și Inițiativa pentru Piețe Durabile a Prințului de Wales, cu scopul de a reconstrui sistemul economic și social pentru a fi mai durabil".

Cea Mai Mare Resetare: Ridicarea Fiarei este un răspuns creștin la globaliștii de la Forumul Economic Mondial care cred că s-au născut pentru a conduce lumea. Să sperăm că acesta este primul film dintr-o serie de documentare despre cea mai mare resetare - care este a doua venire a lui Isus Hristos și manifestarea deplină a Împărăției Sale. Hristos vine, dar Antihristul trebuie să vină mai întâi.

"Războiul continuu purtat de copiii întunericului pare să fi atins un punct cu adevărat îngrijorător... poate că acesta este începutul adevăratei celei mai mari resetări." Arhiepiscopul Vigano

Traducere în română : Ionel Trandafir

Plandemia - cum a fost furata lumea

Independent journalistic investigation (in 3 episodes)
Part 1. Investigation. Episode 1
EXCLUSIVE! How did #UrsulavonderLeyen spouse manage to become the principal actor in the 36 billion dollar Pfizer business
by Adrian Onciu, Romania
Even if the European Public Prossecutor’s Office (EPPO) does not take any action, from reasons easy to anticipate, we continue to present striking information related to the Pfizer-Ursula file. Official information, verified. No bed time stories.
The present investigation results are explosive. They show without any equivoque the filthy combination between top EU politicians and Big Pharma mafia, in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic. They have mocked the lives, health and freedoms of hundreds of million of people terrorised by a false propaganda system. They have pushed our limits with billions of vaccines (far more than we have needed), just because of their hunger for profit.
The great pot is about 36 billion dollars. It translates into 1.8 billion Pfizer vaccine doses, negotiated by the chief European Union with the manager of the medicine company, Albert Bourla in a total non-transparent way, as mentioned in my previous articles. There are still to be found on Mediafax website, if there are no “technical issues”.
I’ll tell you the story in short, in the first part, with less numbers, but sufficient references and names of protagonists, as it results from direct and indirect evidence, put all together. It remains the Chief Prosecutor Kovesi’s option to take this investigation to a next level. To verify bank accounts, the money flow between companies, to request FBI support in New York and Brussels and to convict the guilty ones, the same manner she did with the so many top politicians in Romania. She just need the willingness to do so. Pfizer is not susceptible of its first time infraction. It is mentioned in plenty of files, some even of criminal nature, with no one declared of any guilt, for the moment. American prosecutors have placed it under direct observation and yet they have not completed the case and not convicted any executive directors involved. The key in the 36 billion dollar business is Ursula von der Leyen’s husband. Until the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and long after its debut, nobody has ever heard of doctor Heiko von der Leyen, spouse of the First Lady from Brussels. In other words, the spouse of the European government’s chief. The Leyens have been living since 2007 in the vicinity of Hanover (Germany), on the property Heiko had inherited from his parents. They have seven children and a nephew.
And now, let us recall our memory. The pandemic debuted in Romania in March 2020.
Few months later, in december 2020, a relatively not known medic from Germany reaches directly into the managing board of a very powerful big pharmaceutical company in the United States. No, it is not Pfizer. It would have been too simple and too eye striking

Când e teorie , e conspirație, când devine realitate , e minciună. 1994 și #Agenda21
Marea resetare din 2030 inca din anul 1994

#𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥 - 𝐦𝐚̆𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐢 - 𝐍𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐧𝐮 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐦 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞. "𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐚̆𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫”
- 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚̆𝐭̦𝐢𝐢 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚̆.
- 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚̆ 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐬̦𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐚, 𝐢̂𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐚 𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐢 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥, 𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐚̆ 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭̦𝐢𝐞. 𝟒 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐮𝐩𝐚̆ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮 𝐞𝐮.

Eric Clapton Vaccines Exclusive Uncensored Oracle Films

Eric #Clapton #Vaccine

What if COVID-19 was The Greatest Cover Up story In History
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Documentarul "Antidotul Universal" Ro sub
Povestea si documentele stiintifice in spatele Dioxidului de Clor. NASA a denumit aceasta substanta in 1987 drept un antidot universal.
De atunci si pana acum, mii de oameni de pe intreg mapamondul s-au recuperat in urma bolilor si afectiunilor utilizand aceasta substanta iar in prezent multi fizicieni si oameni de stiinta spun ca este deosebit de eficace pentru multe aplicatii.
Acest documentar exploreaza istoria, siguranta aplicarii si eficacitatea acestui antidot universal si pune la dispozitie interviuri cu oameni de stiinta si oameni obisnuiti care l-au folosit cu succes.

Gasiti mai multe informatii la oricare dintre linkurile de mai jos:

NASA researchers proclaimed it to be a universal antidote and more recently thousands of physicians in Central and South America have used it with 100% effectiveness against COVID-19.
The link below is the 1987 NASA article that labeled a patented chlorine dioxide product called Alcide, a universal antidote.
The title of the article was “A Universal Antidote” (pg. 118-121) (Pg. 118-121)
This earlier NASA article from 1983 was titled “A Multipurpose Compound” (Pg. 86-87)
Curious Human Productions -

Download Free Here:

Links to all The Universal Antidote Video Channels:

Janet Ossebaard FALL CABAL
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Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

52 videos

Category People & Family

Through the decisions taken globally by the 1% of the earth's population who own the planet's economic resources in the last hundred years, Planet Earth is prepared, modified, "terraformed" for a non-human civilization.
Human civilization must disappear to make way for those who dominate, condition and direct the 1%.
Their non-human masters decided this long time ago.