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Tracey O' Mahony, Barrister and Founder of ICHR

IRELAND: BREAKING: Enoch Burke speaks after 400 days in Mountjoy Prison:

The Full Stew Peters Show. 29/06/2024.
Dane Wigington is here to talk about how weather manipulation involved dispersing nanoparticles that millions of Americans ingest every year.

Researcher Lisa Logan is here to talk about the globalist plan to use children to turn America into a communist country.


The purpose of this video is to inform you that the Dail and Seanad will be voting on whether Ireland will opt-in to the EU Migration and Asylum Pact next week, on Tuesday the 18th of June (Dail vote) and Wednesday the 19th of June (Seanad vote) and to ask that you contact your TDs and Senators today to ask them to VOTE NO to the Pact.

Link to TD and Senator contact information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

Link to Video explaining the Pact in detail: • A Review of the EU Migration and Asyl...

Link to reasons to Vote No: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pqvd...

Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee to describe the one-world government nightmare the UN is planning this September through their 'Pact for the Future,' and what must be done to stop it!

To take action visit: https://preventgenocide2030.org/

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Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today:


Anyone else noticing that they are building new housing estates at 10 the speed of normal and filling them all with black & tans.
Ask any Irish local food delivery!
They are seeing it everyday, how house occupancy is changing from white to black & tans.

IRELAND: IRISH PEOPLE NEED TO WATCH THIS! Urgent information on EU Asylum and Migration Pact Vote in Ireland.

Lawyers For Justice Ireland

ACT NOW! Join the campaign by Senior Counsel and Barrister Una McGurk by sending a submission to TDs to DEMAND that any process to opt-in by the government is HALTED until the AG's Advice is published on the ramifications of opting in and the impact on our natural rights and Constitutional Sovereignty, and an open, transparent national debate takes place on the requirement for a Referendum:

Dear (insert details of TD/Senator)

Re: EU Migration and Asylum Pact

As a member of Dáil Éireann and an elected representative of the people of Ireland, you have a duty to ensure that the government does not attempt to seek approval of both Houses of the Oireachtas under Protocol 21 annexed to the TEU and TFEU without firstly publishing the Attorney General's Advice and having an open, transparent national debate on the ramifications of the Pact on our indefeasible rights and Constitutional Sovereignty, and the question of the necessity for a People's Referendum.

The Asylum Migration and Management Regulation (AMMR) is one of the 5 legislative files that constitute the Pact. The AMMR overrides our sovereignty, enshrined in Art. 6.1 and Art. 15.2.1 of our Constitution, as it surrenders power to the EU Commission to determine how many relocated asylum seeker applicants from countries under 'migratory pressure' Ireland must receive or, as an alternative, the minimum amount of financial contribution per asylum seeker applicant annually. The formula used for the distribution of relocated asylum seeker applicants pursuant to Art. 44R of the AMMR means that Ireland will be required to accept more relocated quotas than most other EU Member States due to our overinflated GDP as a result of the presence of multinational corporations. The impact of relocated quotas on Ireland's future could be monumental, as the EU Commission can increase the numbers of asylum seeker applicants at any time if a country is considered to be under significant migratory pressure. In Italy alone, in 2023 there were 157,000 asylum seeker rescue by sea operations which demonstrates that the AMMR could have fundamental ramifications on our country, borders and people, particularly as we are already experiencing a massive influ of international protection applicants into Ireland. This also impacts our right to determine our own local governance, given the voting rights being unlawfully granted to applicants by government.

If Ireland opts in to the Pact, we are subject to infringement proceedings if we do not comply with relocated quotas. In the CJEU judgement in the European Commission cases v Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic it was held that there had been an infringement of EU Community law obligations by the refusal of the 3 Member States to comply with EU Council decisions adopted in 2015 to relocate 160,000 asylum seeker applicants from Italy and Greece over a 2 year period. It is noteworthy that although Ireland opted-in to EU 2015/1523 and EU 2015/1601 and pledged 4,000 relocations the provisions were temporary in nature and it was up to Member States to indicate the number of applicants that could be relocated to their territory. The AMMR provisions involve a significant transfer of sovereignty to the EU, which is unconstitutional.

Supremacy of EU Community law under the "necessitated obligations" Clause, enshrined at Art. 29.4.6 of our Constitution, does not apply to the Pact provisions, which are open to Constitutional challenge because Ireland is not bound by EU asylum and immigration law by virtue of its EU membership at Protocol 21 annexed to the TEU and TFEU. The AMMR provisions transfer our sovereignty to the EU Commission. Full consideration must be given to Crotty v An Taoiseach [1987] and Pringle v Ireland [2012] on the requirement for a Referendum before the approval of both Houses of the Oireachtas can be sought.

Yours etc


Gotta Love This:
Poland just shocked NATO with record breaking election results that are a direct repudiation of the globalist agenda. Polish people stood up and said "we don't want to be a garrison for NATO, we don't want the Ukrainization of Poland." Polish EU MP Grzegorz Braun just won a landslide election victory which is a big middle finger to NATO and the EU globalist cabal. Let's use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire of globalism.

"Does money talk?" "It does. It speaks Yiddish."

Catherine Austin-Fitts joins Maria Zeee on the Alex Jones Show to expose the globalist banking coup and race towards Digital ID & digital currency worldwide!

This originally aired on banned.video: https://banned.video/watch?id=6668c0ea1baffb0c68fadd61

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Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today:

LIFE IN RUSSIA TODAY: The Greg Reese Report.

Enoch Burke Has Been In Prison For Over A Year Now As Irish Illegal, Unelected, Taoiseach Simon Harris runs away from Enoch Burke questions:

What was covid-19 really for - the depopulation plan laid bare.
Due to abuse and libellous comments from the 77th Brigade, etc., we can't allow comments. Please subscribe to my channel here on Bitchute for notifications of new videos and visit my webiste www.vernoncoleman.com every week day for new material.

Consider this, Mobile phones receive a pulse modulated microwave signal. So, in theory, the CIA and NSA, already do this an extra low frequency, ELF, signal, 16 Hz, could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioral pattern into every cell phone user in the US to cause widespread riots, or to calm all the mobile phone users involved in the riots.
Rashid Buttar, a prominent 'antivax integrative medicine' practitioner, 'died suddenly' May 18th 2023.

Covid 19- The World’s Biggest Mass Murder. The

Operation Crimson Mist Creating Electronic Rage Rwanda 1994.
Excellent article Shawn, your next to last paragraph connects the present with past.

"Eyes glazed, the mood of the Hutu crowd went from simple anger to uncontrollable rage, and within minutes, hundreds of assorted Tutsi body parts were flying through the air as “electromagnetically augmenting.”

Illegal Economic Migrants Overwhelm History And Culture In Ireland:

Part One Is Here https://www.bitchute.com/video/Le5DMeqbRrJQ/
PART 2: Sasha Latypova is back with leaked CDC orders exposing the power to declare anyone a health risk and force quarantine. She has some suggestions for surviving.
GUEST: Sasha Latypova: Substack Due Diligence and Art
Twitter: @sasha_latypova

Just a reminder....
YOU and your children are being sprayed like cockroaches, with toxins from military, NASA, and even commercial aircraft, on a daily basis!

You ARE being exterminated just like a cockroach!
Do you think it's time to get off the couch and TAKE ACTION yet?

Stew Peters Show Segment. May 31st.
John LeFevre is here to talk about how 13% of the population commits over 50% of all violent crime.

Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!

Gardai (Irish Cops) and there links to criminals

Stew Peters Show Segment. May 31st.
Dr. E. Michael Jones is here to talk about the Jesuit influence on the Catholic Church and how the LGBT lobby has infiltrated seminaries.

Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

3925 videos

Category News & Politics