Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝

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Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝

Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝


Track - The Real Agenda (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Exposing The Beast Part Four (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Becoming A Prisoner For The Prisoners
Speaker - Carter Conlon

Track - Pole Shift
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - EXPOSING The Beast Part Three
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - EXPOSING The Beast Part Two (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Land You Live In
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

- The power is going back to the States
- Look for all the ID's people have to be consolidated in 2024
- Support the good of the land you live in. God's people are drawn to Righteousness...the world to success.
When a wise person goes sour, they turn their back for more gain.
Do what you can do for people now.
Low Orbit Sat's adjust orbit every 2-3 weeks now because of geomagnetic storms.
Science = rule of force
Your body has the ability to overcome anything and your Lord decides what happens to you. Whatever mankind "fixes" ...something else is broken ( meds ).
The dead will rise first...shedim...manifested spiritual entities that will harm people...
The Lord has you to affect change by way of His Light. Daniel 12

Track - Exposing The Beast Part One (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Fight Begins
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Choose Jesus and walk in the spirit. Walking outside of Christ is to be at one with the world.

Track - Fight The Good Fight Perseverance Is Needed
Speaker - The Once Lost And Now Found Sheep

Track - The Final Push
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Many people who are tired in their Christian walk are now becoming grumpy and bitter - we need to watch for them...lead them to being encouraged and refreshed.
The church is not always teaching the Gospel...the sheep are hungry.
The Lord called you out of the World for you to make a difference in the World. We present our own "character" to the world but it is not who the Father made us to be. God wants the mature person of us when He returns...not the hidden one tucked away.
- absolute design of the planets - orbits - Universe by God...all topics in the future studies, and more.
When we reach a point of soundness in Christ, vain imaginations have no more hold on us...we are mature...purposeful and faithful.
Species identification is not guaranteed with cloning...evil spirits desire a vessel and will jump into a cloned being.
We have gone beyond the point of no return with global changes as of Yesterday. We will see evidence soon.
Because of the collapse of the earth's magnetic field, this planet has six times had a spike in radio carbon particulates...We are entering into that 7th time, as the same process is happening now.

Track - Our Failing Infrastructures (2017)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

The common problems in the UK and USA have to do with our failing infrastructures. In particular, the nuclear power plants...roads and bridges.
The Eclipses' path divided the US North to South. It crossed over with darkness towns named Salem, which means "peace".
A question on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit was asked and answered.

Track - Mercy and My Feeble Prayers
Speaker - Carter Conlon

Track - Many Will Be Deceived (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Beast System And You (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Battle For the Bible
Speaker - The Once Lost And Now Found Sheep

Track - You Are The Door Holiness Enters
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Michael mentioned Geological issues tonight...and the importance of having a solid understanding of what is happening so we can help others when they do. People unaware will be subject to psychological sickness from the shock they experience.
Michael will introduce much information in future broadcasts and in the KD Files. Make sure you are able to access them from the Website.
You are the determiner of what is around you...peace...holiness...wherever you are you carry that anointing.
The most precious of times are of those that are most difficult. These are times when you grow closer to your Savior.
Let the Lord defend you. Being right is defending yourself.
The objective is to be pleasing the Lord, not self or man.

Track - Realizing The World Is A Illusion (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Walk Forward In The Principles Of Christ
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

When you make a choice, pride can enter in and alter how you see the truth, should your choice be in error....Blind Pride is when we choose something because we believe another saying it...and have not the knowledge firsthand.
In the days to come, there will be those who would advise spraying the sky's to protect us from the heat of the Sun...and the people who do not know the reasons will bless the project.
Walk forward in the things you know and be a good Steward of the Word of God.

Track - Make Yourself Ready (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Geological Updates
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Walking in your own light. The life of the Apostles. Being envious of other people's lives. Your attitude about winning and losing. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. The refinement process. You are being trained to be royalty. Choosing light OR darkness. You are not living a competition. Seeing the truth of darkness.
You "must" forgive. Mental breakdowns. Being conditioned for your calling. Change your way of thinking...Do you do everything to win? What about when you loose? What do you learn?
"Frank's story" is told here.

Track - God Is In Complete Control
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

It's important we know God doesn't try to do anything. God cannot fail - ever! You were appointed, a peculiar people, chosen.
We can no longer afford to compete. Competition is of the world. All of this that is happening is for you!

Track - Knowing The Tactics Of The Enemy (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Spiritual Insights
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

3832 videos

Category Music

John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Job 28:28 - "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

Hebrews 12:28 - "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:"