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From the end of the book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" (2015) by Larken Rose.

"The Punch Line Revisited

Contrary to what nearly everyone has been taught to believe, “government” is not necessary for civilization. It is not conducive to civilization. It is, in fact, the antithesis of civilization. It is not cooperation, or working together, or voluntary interaction. It is not peaceful coexistence. It is coercion; it is force; it is violence. It is animalistic aggression, cloaked by pseudo-religious, cult-like rituals which are designed to make it appear legitimate and righteous.

It is brute thuggery, disguised as consent and organization. It is the enslavement of mankind, the subjugation of free will, and the destruction of morality, masquerading as “civilization” and “society.” The problem is not just that “authority” can be used for evil; the problem is that, at its most basic essence, it is evil. In everything it does, it defeats the free will of human being controlling them through coercion and fear.

It supersedes and destroys moral consciences, replacing them with unthinking blind obedience. It cannot be used for good, any more than a bomb can be used to heal a body. It is always aggression, always the enemy of peace, always the enemy of justice. The moment it ceases to be an attacker, it ceases to fit the definition of “government.” It is, by its very nature, a murderer and a thief, the enemy of mankind, a poison to humanity. As dominator and controller, ruler and oppressor, it can be nothing else.

The alleged right to rule, in any degree and in any form, is the opposite of humanity. The initiation of violence is the opposite of harmonious coexistence. The desire for dominion is the opposite of love for mankind. Hiding the violence under layers of complex rituals and self-contradictory rationalizations, and labeling brute thuggery as virtue and compassion, does not change that fact.

Claiming noble goals, saying that the violence is “the will of the people,” or that it is being committed “for the common good” or “for the children,” cannot change evil into good. “Legalizing” wrong does not make it right. One man forcibly subjugating another, no matter how it is described or how it is carried out, is uncivilized and immoral.

The destruction it causes, the injustice it creates, the damage it does to every soul that it touches – perpetrators, victims, and spectators alike-cannot be undone by calling it “law,” or by claiming that it was necessary. Evil, by any name, is still evil.

The ultimate message here is very simple. All of recorded history screams it, yet few have, until now, allowed themselves to hear it.

That message is this:
If you love death and destruction, oppression and suffering, injustice and violence, repression and torture, helplessness and despair, perpetual conflict and bloodshed, then teach your children to respect “authority:’ and teach them that obedience is a virtue.

If, on the other hand, you value peaceful coexistence, compassion and cooperation, freedom and justice, then teach your children the principles of self-ownership, teach them to respect the rights of every human being, and teach them to recognize and reject the belief in “authority” for what it is: the most irrational, self-contradictory, anti-human, evil, destructive and dangerous superstition the world has ever known."

James Corbett reviewed the book, "The Most Dangerous Superstition" (2015) by Larken Rose, here:

"Could you take us through what you know is going on there? They are coming after the water." "We found in the [U.S.] Federal Register that the EPA [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] had entered into an agreement with the [U.S.] Army Corps of Engineers, whereby regulation of water goes all the way to it leaving your body and effectively the US Department of Defense is the one in charge of enforcing the EPA edicts." "So anything the EPA says goes." "We are yet again, plenary [absolute] power, dictatorial edicts by a regulator out of control." "Herein lies the problem... they've given... themselves the ability to do anything they want as a dictatorship." "How and why. " "13 March 2020 a national emergency was declared. " "That by itself consolidates power in the executive branch alone." "But worse, after that, a public health emergency was declared." "Title 42 is in operation." "Guess what that means?" "All human rights, all constitutional rights are suspended, and plenary [absolute] power sits in the hands of the executive branch, and the public health authorities in particular." "They will use it for any and all excuses including taking away your food supply under something they call the One Health Initiative." "They designed diseases to be zoonotic [a disease that can be transferred from animals to humans] so they can blame disease on people and on animals for purpose of pulling them [killing animals] and depriving us from our food supply."

Todd Callender (lawyer) with Maria Zeee on InfoWars on 25 June 2024.

The entire 45-minute interview is posted on X here:

“About the [COVID] vaccines… I am sure… [the vaccines] were designed, intentionally, to harm, maim [to permanently injure], and kill, and to reduce human fertility.” “Second point: We’ve all been lied to 
from the very beginning.” “There was never a pandemic.” “There was never a public health emergency.”

Mike Yeadon, PhD, former Vice President at Pfizer, and former Chief Scientist at Pfizer, speaking on 20 Oct 2023 is posted here:

[They poisoned people with nasal swabs.] [The famous Salk Institute found (April 30, 2021) that the 
spike protein ALONE causes ALL the problems of COVID. 
NO “virus” is necessary.] "Yes, people have 
spike protein fragments." "Some of them from 
the shot 
[the COVID vaccine,] 
[and] some of them from 
the tests that were done." "How many people 
lined up and got 
nasal swabs 
shoved up their nose?” "How many of you know that DARPA funded a company that infects nasal swabs?”

[DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
U.S. Department of Defense.]

The full 1:41 hour interview with David Martin, PhD interviewed by Alex Jones on 19 June 2024 is posted here:
The press release from the Salk Institute which notes that the spike protein causes all the problems of COVID — NO "virus" is necessary — was released on April 30, 2021, titled "THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS’ SPIKE PROTEIN PLAYS ADDITIONAL KEY ROLE IN ILLNESS", is posted here:

“[P]ediatricians… were... financially incentivized to get a percentage of their children injected." "We know, we know that in 2018, we know that the pseudouridine that was put in the shot, the thing that was put in the shot to stabilize the mRNA, the thing that was modified, was published to be lethal 
in every single use it had ever been put in." “We knew we were going straight to humans 
to kill them."

The full 1:41 hour interview with David Martin, PhD interviewed by Alex Jones on 19 June 2024 is posted here:

"For 40 years, Pentagon [has known] that snake venom proteins are in every single childhood vaccine, and every single adult vaccine." "... Time magazine, January 11th, 1999, it reads 'The Future of Medicine.'" "The illustration is your double stranded DNA around a tree." "[L]ook at what half of the DNA becomes." "It's not human. It is a snake." "How genetic engineering will change us in the next century." "They're gonna merge snake DNA with human DNA. It's right here on the cover of TIME magazine." "I was in Michigan for an event about a month ago... it's called Eyes Wide Open." "And a guy who's worked with the Pentagon for 40 years... he walks up to me and he [says], "Dr. Ardis, We have never met. I just want you to know I've worked in Washington DC with both the Pentagon with the FBI... the CIA, I worked with them for 40 years." "They use snake venom in the COVID-19 vaccines." "However, what you don't know is that in the Pentagon, I have had meetings... where it has been discussed and disclosed that it's not just COVID-19 vaccines that have snake in it." "The reason for all the injuries primarily from all childhood vaccines and adult vaccines in America on the CDC schedule — all of them, not the COVID-19 vaccines — all vaccines for 40 years."

Bryan Ardis, DC with Seth Holehose, Man In America, on 8 May 2024, which is posted here:

The TIME magazine cover from 1999 titled "The Future of Medicine: How genetic engineering will change us in the next century", which shows a snake intertwined with human DNA, is posted here:

"If you or a loved one is diagnosed with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, any brain tumor… including glioblastoma, which are proven to be dissolved in three days with nicotine only, and... autism." “[N]icotine patches are used to cure personality traits and characteristics of autistic kids and adults just in seven days.” “You can get rid of all their violent behavior, all their antisocial behavior with nicotine patches." "I have had people walk up to me… telling me... their loved ones and husbands were cured of Parkinson's in two weeks or less, just chewing nicotine gum or wearing nicotine patches." "If you want to know the benefits of this nutrient called nicotine that all of us have been lied to is a carcinogenic drug and an addictive drug, which it is not, it is a nutrient no different than calcium, no different than magnesium.“ “Nicotine is a nutrient.” "It's found in your plants and God put them in those plants for your benefit." "In that study, I show you, can be averted, can be cured, slowed down its progression just by eating the vegetables with nicotine." "I've had people tell me their blindness was cured in two days, chewing nicotine gum." "I've had [people who had] deafness for life... medical doctors chewing nicotine gum, totally cured their hearing." "It was all related to the venom proteins, they called spike proteins of COVID, and the explanation was nicotine is the antidote." "It was published by scientists around the world."

Bryan Ardis, DC with Seth Holehose, Man In America, on 8 May 2024, which is posted here:

The previous video where they talk about nicotine, titled "THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT NICOTINE AND ITS BIZARRE NWO CONNECTION W/ DR. ARDIS", that they refer to is posted here:

A 2:38 hour presentation about nicotine by Bryan Ardis, titled "Episode 04.10.2024 - The Other "N" Word", is posted here:

Bryan Ardis's PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded from here:

(The link is from here, titled "Nicotine Presentation: The other "N" word: LA Conscious Life Expo, 02/10/2024":
https://thedrardisshow.com/free-patient-resources )

David Martin, PhD with Maria Zee on the "Vigilant News Network" on 16 June 2024. “Starts to give us the cracks that 
we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals — employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals — that actually injected people." "The Ninth Circuit technically has now remanded the case back to the lower courts saying that the Los Angeles Unified School District teachers can… bring lawsuits with respect the vaccine mandate." "The opinion makes it unambiguous that the Ninth Circuit has determined that Jacobson is misapplied in this particular instance." 
"And that is a watershed moment because now what we can do is we can now bring legitimate statements that say that the manufacturers willfully misled the public by mislabeling these things and calling them a vaccine." "That's a violation of the 
Federal Trade Commission Acts in the United States." "And it's a violation of the Deceptive Medical Practices Acts that are largely in every civilized country. "[The Covid vaccine] 
did not stop infection, did not stop transmission." “And, as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime." "And under the criminal statute... all the liability shields fall away." "Pfizer and Moderna are both financially and criminally liable 
for deceiving the public."

The full video is posted here:

David Martin, PhD with Maria Zee on "Vigilant News Network" on 16 June 2024. "In April of 2020, both Pfizer... and Moderna in their S.E.C. filings, unambiguously stated that 
mRNA is… an experimental gene therapy." "Which means that, at the time that they were promoting what they were calling a vaccination, rather than promoting a vaccination, they were, in fact, promoting an experimental gene therapy." "They mislabeled it intentionally so that the public would be 
bamboozled into accepting it." "That's a crime." "That is actually domestic terrorism, that was used to force people to take something that 
they would not otherwise take." "In 2005 at the DARPA/MITRE conference where Ralph Baric made the statement that synthetic coronavirus fragments were, and I'm quoting right off of his CV, biowarfare-enabling technology." "This [COVID vaccine] 
does not stimulate immunity." "The injection that was put into people's arms around the world, whether it came from Moderna or it came from Pfizer,
instructs the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin."

The full 4:29 minute video titled "The Injection Put into People’s Arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN" posted on "Vigilant News Network" account is posted here:

Rashid Battar, D.O. interviewed by CNN’s Drew Griffin in Oct 2021.
Rashid Battar, DO: ”I don't want to be part of this mass genocide
that I see happening [ COVID vaccine ]. "And I think that what's going on right now will be remembered as a 
worst time in history…"
Drew Griffin (CNN): ”You are
raising doubt about a vaccine…"
Rashid Battar, DO: "I hope I am
because I hope more people take heed 
of the warning that is necessary."
Drew Griffin (CNN): "I'm vaccinated... You think I have a time bomb in me
and I’m going to DIE?”
Rashid Battar, DO: "I hope not, but I'll be happy to meet you in 
three years and see how you're doing."
Drew Griffin (CNN):
“But you think that it's possible?”
Rashid Battar, DO: "I think that it's probable.”

Credit to others who found these clips and published it.

"COVID, as I've proven in my book and in the CDC Memorandum, a second publication, 80% to 90% of the COVID deaths are fraud. "They were drug overdoses and car accidents, and they were a bunch of old people dying out of neglect and being mistreated by hospitals, [they] weren't given antibiotics when they had a bacterial infection in their lungs. "These things all combined through a coercion of doctors from the American Board of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, the state licensing boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the NIH, FDA, CDC, all said the same thing: you will use this protocol or we're going to suspend your license. "You can find that on the web. The letter is still there. "It's a joint statement by the CEO's of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the other two I mentioned. "With regard to all of the hospital protocols, I call it murder because at some level, somebody knew what they were doing. "More than half a million people killed by hospital protocols. "Another half a million killed by what they call a vaccine [COVID vaccine]. "I have all the data. I can show it. "I now have 1.4 million un-redacted, non-redacted death certificates. "That represents 5% of the US population. "It's the biggest study, biggest database ever in anything COVID."

The full 49-minute interview of John Beaudoin, Sr, done by Randy Bock, MD, posted on 17 April 2024 is posted on "X" here:

John Paul Beaudoin, Sr is the author of the book "The Real CDC: Covid Facts for Regular People",
and of the book "The CDC Memorandum: Notice of Criminal Liability".

John Beaudoin, Sr's website with his two books is here:

The Preface of "The Real CdC"
DECEMBER 20, 2023
This book is for anyone open to truth. Cut through all the BS from both sides of covid and vaccine issues. Become informed in order to make your own decisions. Your life may depend on it.
Learn facts derived from official record-level source data (RLSD) not published elsewhere. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments publish data that is not capable of being collated across variables. Only source data at the record-level can be easily analyzed for important changes at the margins. What happened? When? To whom? The answers are in this book.
If you believe covid vaccines work or don’t work, read this book. Learn not the opinions of biased researchers beholding to their funding sources. Learn rigorous truth irrespective of your own or others’ preconceptions.
The word externality appears often throughout this book. In this context, externality means an input or condition that interrupts the normalcy of a system. Examples are a new pathogen, a new government policy, or a new drug administered en masse.

“When looking at mortality data, we see the death rate for measles, and every other infectious disease fell by nearly 100% before any vaccine or antibiotics. So what does this tell us? It was NOT vaccination that 
saved us from these diseases. Other factors that decreased 
death rates were far more critical. Governments and medical organizations have skewed information to make you falsely believe it was their interventions that made all the difference. You need to do your own research and trust yourself to find the truth.”
— Tweet by Roman Bystrianyk (@RBystrianyk), coauthor with Suzanne Humphries, MD of the book “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History”, posted on 7 Jun 2024 here:

"I don't always know what the truth is, and I certainly repeated a lot of things that were lies." "I've certainly said a ton of things that were wrong." "I know when someone's lying to me." "I don't always know what he's lying about or why he's lying, but I can smell deception as we all can from our instincts, instantly." "This was the thing for me with the [COVID vaccine].“ "I was not against vaccines. 
I hadn't really thought about them. I thought they were... miracles of science. That's what I was told." "[The COVID vaccine], all I knew, I didn't know anything about mRNA technology…” "I still I'm not an expert on that, but I know a lot about human deception because that's been my job my whole life.” "The behavior of the people selling me that was so transparently dishonest." "I didn't know that the vax wouldn't work, which it didn't." "I didn't know [the vax] would cause harm, which it did.” "But I did know that the people selling it were liars.” "I knew that instantly, and I know some of them, but I can just tell by their behavior, they're lying." "I was like, I don't know what this is, [but] no one in my family is getting this." "We're not doing this, and I'm not doing this..." "I figured out the first day..." "I felt it so strongly, I just obeyed."

Tucker Carlson on the "Shawn Ryan Show" on 3 June 2024, titled "Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon", which is posted here:

"What we're seeing is an attempt to… create a bubble." "The stock market internals are horrific." "We have basically five [5] mega-cap stocks holding up the stock market. Eventually this ends badly." "This is what happened in 2007, as well before the crash in 2000." “I call this the Macgyver economy: They're holding it together with scotch tape, tin foil and gum." "The cracks are appearing…” "Jamie Diamond of JP Morgan… last week said that the US is due for a hard landing… a big recession." "We have the admission from the FDIC that last year's bank crisis was worse than we thought." "The Bank of Japan is facing a currency crisis." “… this economy is absolutely awful.” "In 2000, the DOT-com bubble, they had started lowering interest rates, and then two years later, we were down 50% in the stock market." "In 2007 they started lowering interest rates, and then we had the crash." "Once they start lowering interest rates, run for the hills." "What should regular people be doing to protect and prepare?” “If you have a portfolio or 401k, just put some of your allocation in cash.” “[Short-term] treasury bills [T-bills] are government money-market funds. Because at the end of the day, [T-bills] will still be money good.” "What you should be focused on is not growing your wealth, but preserving your wealth right now, and you'll be happy that you did that." "And then when the crash does come, you can buy bargain basement financial assets like Warren Buffett's gonna do."

The 8-minute interview with Ed Dowd is on X here:

The full interview with Ed Dowd, former portfolio manager for BlackRock, by "The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson", which was posted on May 30, 2024, is posted here:

"I can no longer trust the CDC, the FDA, the NIH," pediatrician Paul Thomas, MD tells 'Children's Health Defense' on May 5, 2024. "The institutions themselves are captured. "When it comes to vaccines or COVID or a new illness that's gonna pandemic, that's gonna come out they are the last people you want to trust. "I'm not gonna follow their advice. I'm probably gonna do the opposite of whatever they say to do."

The full interview titled ‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’, posted on May 6, 2024, is posted here:

"S.I.D.S. is sudden infant death syndrome," pediatrician Paul Thomas, MD tells 'Children's Health Defense' on May 5, 2024. "There are six (6) data sets / studies that looked at SIDS, when that infant died relative to when they got a vaccine." "In one data set, 97% [of the deaths] were in the first 10 days after the vaccine..." "For the six other studies, a couple of them showed that 50% of the deaths happened in the first week." "But 75% to about 90% of those deaths are happening in the first week after vaccines in all these studies." "So it's real clear — you get a vaccine, your infant dies." "We've known this for decades." "The countries that have the most infant vaccines, have the highest infant mortality..." "We [the U.S.] are number one in infant vaccines, [and] we are number one in industrial countries for infant mortality." "There's a document, a 450-page legal document, that has tables showing for every single disease for which we have a vaccine, there are more deaths from the vaccine than there are from the disease for which we have that vaccine." "Now that we've got a handful of studies comparing vaxxed and unwaxed, we now know, without a doubt, that things like neurodevelopmental concerns, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, we know they're clearly linked to vaccines." "The more you vaccinate, the more likely you are to have these problems. We know without a doubt that allergies and autoimmunity, eczema, asthma, all those sorts of conditions, the more you vaccinate, the more likely you are to have those conditions." "It's the vaccinated who get more ear infections, more sinus infections, more lung infections." "Any kind of infection you look at, the vaccinated get more infections. "The more we vaccinate, the sicker our kids are."

The full interview titled ‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’, posted on May 6, 2024, is posted here:

“Five [5] studies now show” that “children who take no vaccines” are “healthier than the 
kids who take the vaccines.” says Peter McCullough, MD.
Peter McCullough, MD speaking at Calvary Chapel, Chattanooga, Tennessee on 17 May 2024 in his "Art of War" series, titled "Who is Winning the War of Information".
The full 1:44 hour lecture is posted here:

“I can tell you these are UN soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the 
next pandemic lockdown… ," UK Funeral Director, John O'Looney tells Jim Ferguson. “They've been trained by British soldiers. “They've been trained by the Black Watch Regiment. “They were training them in Antalya in Turkey and in the east of Ukraine… “They're then shipped to France. “They all signed the Official Secrets Act… “A couple of people have told me these uniforms are burgundy. “Others have told me they're U.N. blue. “They are going to be deployed because otherwise, if they announced another lockdown, what would everyone say? “They'd say bollocks and they'd go about their business…

The full 4:36 minute video by Greg Reese of "The Reese Report" was posted on May 14, 2024 here:
Video transcript:

The southern border of the United States is wide open and the federal government has been conducting a wide scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States and providing them with homes and financial support.
This is something far more sinister than election fraud now that we are seeing tens of millions murdered by the experimental shots.
It is becoming more clear what the objective is.
We are told that these are poor families fleeing tyranny, but there are massive amounts of healthy young men without any families and time and time again, we have seen them act violently against the native population with very little repercussions from the law as we are expecting the announcement of disease X and another lockdown.
A recent report from UK S Jim Ferguson provides a plausible explanation of what we are seeing.
This isn't normal. There's something not right.
This isn't just refugees coming in.
These aren't people fleeing from some kind of war zone.
These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age men.
John, what do you think is going on here?
So I can tell you these are UN soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O., when they announce the next pandemic lockdown, that's what's going to happen.
They've been trained by British soldiers.
They've been trained by the Black Watch Regiment.
They were training them in Antalya in Turkey and in the east of Ukraine.
They are predominantly down to Sergeant ranks.
They're then shipped to France.
They all signed the Official Secrets Act.
Then they're Ferried over, they're going to put them in uniforms.
So a couple of people have told me these uniforms are burgundy.
Others have told me they're U.N. blue, they are going to be deployed because otherwise, if they announced another lockdown, what would everyone say?
They'd say bollocks and they'd go about their business, wouldn't they?
They're gonna need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it.
Why do they import young men from the East?
Because traditionally, if you wanna kill, and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in, because there's a cultural disassociation and that's their method.
That's the way these globalists are gonna do it.
Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, we'll walk over these people in 10 minutes.

"This Bird flu thing… it's coming out before an election. "We've already been through this one time to get mail-out ballots and drop boxes..." "Is this Bird flu just another election... scam?" “[W]e have incredible evidence that it's gain of function research again… "We can identify even this gain of function strain. "[Former] CDC director [Robert] Redfield... came on national TV and said it's gain of function research. ... "It's perfectly timed to head of this W.H.O. meeting to try to bring in the U.S. and everyone else under this global treaty control. It's poised right ahead of the [ U.S. Presidential ] election." "What they're doing now is, they are doing mass PCR testing of animals, creating this artificial crisis and then mass culling [ killing ] … of poultry.” "They're going to create a food shortage. "Bird flu scare, which is 'Disease X', the Global Vaccine Alliance says it is 'Disease X', this is going to create food insecurity as the driver of fear going into the election cycle.”

Peter McCullough, MD tells John Fredricks on "Outside the Beltway" on 17 May 2024.

Mattias Desmet, PhD, author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism", says:
Propaganda became more and more and more important throughout the 19th century.
And then with World War One and World War Two in the 20th century.
And now we live in a time where propaganda is everywhere, without us realizing it.
Starting from the 17th century, the religious view [of] man and the world was slowly replaced by the rationalist-materialist view [of] man in the world.
And then two things started to happen simultaneously.
More and more people got lonely, lack of meaning, making more frustration, anxiety and aggression and so on.
But at the same time, the elite changed because the ancient elite, the clergy and the noblemen, could just impose their will to the population.
They could tell the population what to do.
The new elite couldn't do that anymore.
They found a solution to that.
They said if we cannot impose our will anymore, we have to make sure that the population does what we want without them knowing that they do what we want.
It was the moment at which modern propaganda started to exist.
Modern propaganda started in the beginning of the 19th century.
Modern propaganda was like scientifically-based, ideologically-founded and industrialized manipulation of the population.
Propaganda became more and more and more important throughout the 19th century.
And then with World War One and World War Two in the 20th century.
And now we live in a time where propaganda is everywhere, without us realizing it.
The emergence of an elite [group] which used more and more propaganda, and the emergence of a population which got more and more lonely...
These two evolutions reinforced each other because the lonely state of a population, of an individual, is exactly the state where someone is most vulnerable for propaganda.
A mass formation and propaganda leads to the emergence of a new kind of state, a totalitarian state.
And I think we are again at risk of the emergence of such a worldwide global totalitarian state.

The full interview with Mattias Desmet done Jan 20, 2024 by Zahra Sethna, host of "Collapse Life", is posted here:

Leaked Document Reveals Big Pharma Paying Doctors A Quarter Of A Million Dollar Bonuses For COVID 19 Vaccine Bonuses

“Do you know there was a leaked letter from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield? A typical doctor could have 1000-2000 Blue Cross Blue Shield patients in their panel. If the doctor got to 70% of his population vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, you know what the bonus was to the doctor?”

“About a quarter million.

"So the question on the table is, was Blue Cross just giving a doctor a quarter million dollars or were they paid through the government, through the Biden administration COVID community core money? So I think what's happening is money is passing from the government to the insurance companies. The insurance companies are juicing the system and leveraging the system.

"Why would CVS and Walgreens be giving out vaccines? They have to be getting government money to do this. They're not gonna waste their time doing this, right? So the government must be behind this.”

The story on The Vigilant News Network (by The Vigilant Fox) is posted here:

The leaked memo is posted here:

The full interview that Peter McCullough, MD did with “The Tommy T Podcast” is posted here:

The Vigilant Fox’s X account ( @VigilantFox ) is here:

Del Bigtree on The Highwire on 9 May 2024.

“… I am so opposed to vaccination, if I had the power, I would ban ALL of them. I would outlaw every single one.” Forest Maready tells Bret Weinstein, PhD on April 20, 2024. “I think the damage [vaccines] have caused is so severe that one day they will be completely banned…” “I did not start that way… Through a lot of research, I’ve come to that point.” Bret Weinstein says: “In the book that Heather and I wrote… we said the three (3) greatest medical advancements in human history were vaccines, antibiotics and surgery.” Bret Weinstein asks: “Are you an anti-vaxxer? “We’re you always one… ?” “I started with complete belief that vaccines were the important medical discovery of all time…” “I was as convinced as anyone was.” “I slowly [ came to realize the truth about vaccines ]… “I think the damage [vaccines] have caused is so severe that one day they will be completely banned from humanity.”

The full 2:27 hour interview, which was posted on April 20, 2024, which is titled "The Untold Story of Polio – Forrest Maready on DarkHorse", is posted here:

Forest Maready is the author of the books:
• The Moth In The Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio
• Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained: The incredible story of metal, microbes and medicine hidden within our faces

Forest Maready's website is here:

His books are here:

“I call on the Swiss authorities… to arrest those people immediately” — Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, WHO, WEF, Big Pharma, Big Tech — for advocating injecting humanity with a bioweapon, says Pascal Najadi, whose father was co-founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The original full 4:45 min video, which was posted in Dec 2023, is posted here:

• Create a One World Government
• Create a One World Currency
• Kill Billions Of People
• Destroy Education
• Destroy Religion
• Destroy The Family Unit
• Destroy National Identity
• Destroy National Pride
• Control People With Mind Control
• Create Mass Unemployment
• Create One Crisis After Another
• Collapse The World Economy
• Cause Political Chaos


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

1121 videos

Category Health & Medical

In search of the truth about health, nutrition and medicine.