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It's really unjustified how so many men on YouTube are saying women shouldn't have rights and glorifying violence against women. Women never did anything to deserve all this misogyny, and the YouTube admins are allowing this, despite not allowing other forms of bigotry on YouTube, such as racism, probably because they are misogynists themselves.

Looking at how badly men treat women, how can you not support feminism? Feminists = Good, Anti Feminists = Evil

Men always blame women for their own wrongdoings. Men can't take accountability.

Women absolutely deserve rights and it should have never been taken away. Men who don't want women(including their own mothers) to have rights, should not have the right to be on YouTube. They shouldn't be allowed to be toxic to half of the human population for no good reason. Women have not done anything to deserve all this hate and toxicity. Women just want to be left alone and men just can't mind their own business. YouTube is the second most popular website in the world so it is absolutely irresponsible and evil that these admins are allowing so much misogyny on here for the masses to watch.


Men are known to get offended by women rejecting them, all the way from throwing insults to committing violent crimes. Talk about male entitlement.

Males should look at the way they act.

A girl from Duane D. Keller Middle School in Las Vegas, was a target of misogynistic bullying from a bunch of boys. Those boys need to be held accountable before they become a real threat. Bad men don't just come out of nowhere.

I don't see anyone victim blaming Jordan like they were doing to Amanda, on social media. Somehow, they are less tolerant of males getting humiliated and bullied, than females getting humiliated and bullied.

A New York man who is a banker, was seen on camera, punching a woman at a pride event.

Men don't need to get offended when women say sexist things about men, especially since men are way more likely to be sexist to women. Also, men absolutely do not need a revolution either. We do not have a problem with misandry in our society.

and this guy wants to give the wild dramatic narrative that he was somehow the abuse victim, when all we have seen on camera was him being the abuser(and gas lighter). I only blame Melissa for not being wise enough to leave him a lot sooner. She shouldn't have even considered being in a relationship with him in the first place.

Women are literally blamed for everything bad in our society when in reality, it's men who should be blamed.

A man killed and dismember his sister who was married and pregnant at the time.

The victims were 54 year old Mary Klein and 53 year old Sarah Alden. Sarah Alden didn't survive the attack.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

466 videos

Category Vlogging

BitChute is not the main platform I use. I just include it and almost all the videos you see here from me, are mirrored from my YouTube channel:

I'm just an internet chipmunk with many opinions about life.

I'm a devoted ally to feminism and I do a lot of videos about women's issues but I may also do other types of videos.