Expat Farming in the Philippines

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Expat Farming in the Philippines

Expat Farming the Philippines


Getting closer to producing some of our own meat and eggs. A chicken battery is emerging.

Winning a little every day is better than losing a little everyday.

Believe it or not, the catholics have a different version of the ten commandments than the bible.

Inching right along.

Working through a worker crises.

One of my subs got them to look at degenerate square and they turned it off for one day. Not good enough Bitchute!

Here we go again.

The most important message that exists.

Just walking and talking. Things are lightening up.

Ever so slowly but progress none the less.

The US government is accountable to the highest bidder.

We just need a few materials.

We're starting to put a lid on it.

They opened the rant section with no controls. What a great place for demons to misbehave.
I'm thinking about moving to another platform.

How it's going as we get started on the project again.

I'm in a mood.

Some people get there water at a spring.

What's next on my fake dome?

And this time we had insurance!

We need to surgically remove our war gene.

It is all fake.

Sometimes you just aren't Godly!

A few chores and a bit of welding today.

What do you gain?

When your looking around at other people, what are you looking for, are you looking for your perception of their weakness's?


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

2157 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

Change can be a good thing , but I don't have to like it. I am an American farming in the Philippines. My wife and I are trying to make a living raising livestock and growing food. We are heavily effected by this bio weapon as are everyone in the world. Sometimes it's about farming and other times I'm sharing my experiences with what's happening and how it effects my self and the people around me. This is my account as an expat experiencing life in another country. I have been doing this since 2017.