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Coming From a Retired Army Combat Soldier, Don't let Them Sacrifice Your Son's And Daughters, Because THEY Will If You Let THEM!

The Biden Admin Reinstating The Draft!

This judge is so corrupted he’s brainwashed himself into believing that he’s not corrupted!

Isaiah 5:20-21

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!


Revelation 6:8

Transgender People Aren't What They Used To Be!

Air Force Senior Airman Fortson from FL was gunned down, shot six times. Fortson never raised his handgun and didn't even have his finger on the trigger when his life was snuffed out by the Okaloosa County Sheriff Deputy who has been placed on an Administrative Paid Vacation ever since the Execution took place. Sheriff Eric Aden said the deputy acted in self-defense, and he rejected assertions that the deputy was at the wrong apartment. Well, we'll see about that!

It's not really shocking, I knew this a long time ago. It's their Religion and their Agenda! Justine Trudeau is a Woman Pretending to be a Man and so is the French President!

Psalms 5:4-7

Air Force Senior Airman Fortson From FL was gunned down, shot six times. Fortson never raised his handgun and didn't even have his finger on the trigger when his life was snuffed out by the Okaloosa County Sheriff Deputy who has been placed on an Administrative Paid Vacation ever since the Execution took place. Sheriff Eric Aden said the deputy acted in self-defense, and he rejected assertions that the deputy was at the wrong apartment. Well, we'll see about that!

Most of the info spoken of in this video is accurate except for the part about the Messiah not coming back, that's a Doctrine of Devils and Full Blown Heresy!

Proverbs 18:13 KJV

It will also be known as the Re-instatement of the Draft! And when the SHTF in the U.S. if you think that the government won't use the Military against you, you're living in a fantasy world!

I Don't Think There Will Be A 2024 Selection!


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

349 videos

Category Education

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