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MJ-12 has presented each new President with a picture of a "lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet, and shower us with gifts of technology". In some cases, the President was told nothing. Each President in turn has bought the story, or no story at all; hcok, line, & sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of the alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research [just like Noah's pre-Flood times] that would make even the Nazis look like Sunday school children. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, glandulars, hormonal secretions, and blood. Many people are abducted and are sentenced to live with psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. In the documents I saw 1 in 40 humans had been implanted with devices the purpose of which I have never. discovered. The government believes that the aliens are building an army of human implants which can be activated and turned upon us at will [Like seen in movie, "Kingsman: the Secret Service"]. You should also know that to date we have not even began to become close to parity with the aliens. Is this technology worth it? -

I have been aided by the personal research of [aviator] John Lear, [Cattle mutilations expert] Linda Howe, Bill English, William Stienman, Paul Sheppard, Roger Scherrer, Don Ecker, Tal LeVesque, Leonard Stringfield, Ron Regehr, sources who must remain unnamed; and many others who have so freely shared the results of their labor with me. I extend to you my deepest appreciation and a very warm friendship. Thank you all.


Dr. Greer's D.U.M.B.s List

We changed the BS terms "UAP" and "ARV" to the accurate "AGC" and "UFO".


ID Facility Type City State Country Location Notes Original Facility

10172 633rd Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley Eustis, VA Government Langley VA USA

This facility may be running a program that monitors UFO activity.

10173 Air Force Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio Government Dayton OH USA Dayton, OH This facility may be running a program that monitors UFO activity.

10016 Air Force Office of Special Investigations Government AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

10017 Air Force Plant 42 Government Palmdale CA Air Force Plant 42 (Palmdale CA) – Location of manufacturing facility for major classified aerospace programs. Lockheed Martin Sikorsky, Northrop and Boeing all have facilities here. In addition, there have been reports of “black contact lens” shaped craft operating out of this location.

10018 Air Force Weapons Laboratory Kirtland Government Air Force Weapons Laboratory Kirtland

Since our interaction with the [Satanic] aliens began, we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. A[n aerospace] craft named Aurora exists at Area 51 which makes regular trips into space. It is a one-stage ship called a TAV (trans-atmospheric vehicle) and it can take off from the ground using a 7-mile runway, go into high orbit, return on its own power, and land on the same runway. We currently have and fly atomic-powered alien type [anti-gravity] craft at Area S-4 in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets aboard these craft. We have been lied to about the true nature of the moon, the planets Mars and Venus and the real state of technology that we possess today at this very moment.

In 1969, a confrontation broke out between ,the human scientists and the [Satanic devil] aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta forces
were sent in to free them but were no match against the alien weapons. 66 of our people were killed during this action.

As a result, we withdrew from all joint projects for at least 2 years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact.

Today, the alliance continues.

When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon had intended to ride out the storm confident that he could not be impeached.

MJ-12, however had a different agenda.

The intelligence community rightfully concluded that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the awful secrets to the public eye. Nixon was ordered to resign. He refused and so the first military coup ever to take place in the United States was promulgated. The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a TOP SECRET message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, "Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt." This message was sent a full 5 days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly that he would resign. I personally saw this message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do, as obviously the order violated the Constitution, I was told, "I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House and then I will decide". I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent.

A contingency plan was formulated by MJ-12 to throw everyone off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. It was implemented with the release by Moore, Shandera, and Friedman of the purported genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Document". The document is a fraud. The document lists the Executive Order as #092447. A number which does not exist and will not exist for quite a long time at the present rate. Truman wrote Executive Orders in the 9,000 range; Eisenhower wrote in the 10,000 range; Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket, and Reagan got only into the 12,000 numbers. Executive Orders are numbered consecutively--no matter who occupies the White House for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. The Executive Order is only 1 of several fatal flaws contained within the document. The plan so far has thrown the entire research community off the trail for several years and has resulted in the wasted expenditure of money looking for information which does not exist. It resulted in the total waste of a grant by the Fund For UFO Research of $16,000 which was given to Stanton Friedman to research the information. Many thousands of man hours have gone into looking for a "red herring". If you doubt the secret governments ability to run you through the rose garden you had better think again.

Another contingency plan is in force and is working upon you today. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual 'confrontation with an alien race. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and tv depicting almost every aspect of the true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and the bad. Look around and pay attention. The [Satanic devil] aliens are planning to make their presence known and the government is preparing you for it so that there will be no panic.

Continued in COMMENTS.

"Alternative 3" was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to either confirm or deny the existence of "Batch Consignments" of human slaves which would be used for the manual labor in the effort as a part of the plan. The Moon, code named "Adam", would be the object of primary interest followed by the planet Mars, code named "Eve".

As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES included birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to control or slow the growth of the Earth's population. AIDS, is only ONE result of these plans. There are others. It was decided since the population must be reduced and controlled, that it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of the [Satanically] undesirable elements [moral, stoical Christians] of our society.

The joint U.S. and Soviet [Russian] leadership dismissed "Alternative 1" but ordered work to begin on Alternative 2 and 3 virtually at the same time.

In 1959, the RAND Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the Symposium report, machines are pictured and described which could bore a tunnel 45 feet in diameter at the rate of 5 feet per hour. It also displays pictures of huge tunnels and underground vaults containing what appear to be complex facilities and possibly even cities. It appears that the previous 5 years of all out underground construction had made significant progress by that time.

The [STPI] ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien connected and other black projects was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was the President and CEO of Zapata Oil based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of offshore drilling. It was correctly thought that the drugs could be [covertly] shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat where it would then be taken to shore by the normal transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method no customs or law enforcement agency would subject the cargo to search. George Bush agreed to help and organized the operation in conjunction with the CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had thought and has since expanded worldwide and there are now many other methods of bringing the illegal drugs into the country. It must always be remembered though that George Bush began sale of drugs to our children. The CIA now controls all the worlds illegal drug markets.

The "official" [WHITE] Space Program was boosted by President Kennedy in his inaugural address when he mandated that the United States put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. Although innocent in its conception, this mandate enabled those in charge to funnel vast amounts of money into black projects and conceal the REAL space program from. the American people. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. In fact a joint alien, United States, and Soviet Union base already existed on the Moon at the very moment Kennedy spoke the words. On May 22, 1962, a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward, the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest.

Today cities exist on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of National Defense when in fact we are the closest allies.

At some point, President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and the aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to MJ-12. President Kennedy assured them that if they did not clean up the drug problem he would. He informed MJ-12 that he intended to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year and ordered a plan developed to implement his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the Council On Foreign Relations and knew nothing of "Alternative 2" or "Alternative 3". Internationaliy, the operations were supervised by an Executive Committee. known as the "Policy Committee". In the United States, they were supervised by MJ-12 and in the Soviet Union by its sister organization. President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in chargel. His assassination was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas.

President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service agent [Greer] who drove [and stopped] his [limousine] car in the motorcade [to help multiple shooter] and the act is plainly visible in the [CIA altered Zapruder] film...

Continued in COMMENTS..

By 1955, it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to MJ-12 and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft it also became apparent that our weapons were no match against them.


Gordon Dean, Chairman
Zbigniew Brzezinski Study Director 1st Phase [Evil daughter cunt married to Joe Scarborough, demoncrat scumster]
Henry Kissinger, Study Director 2nd Phase
Dr. Edward Teller [H-BOMB daddy]
Maj. General Richard C. Lindsay
Hanson W. Baldwin
Lloyd V. Berkner
Frank C. Nash
Paul H. Nitze [Mr. Nuclear Arms Control]
Charles P. Noyes
Frank Pace, Jr.
James A. Perkins
Don K. Price
David Rockefeller [Built WTC 1 & 2 with thermite he later imploded on 9/11 for the Global World On Terror]
Oscar M. Ruebhausen

Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin [Hero Paratrooper read/praised "The Paladin" JAD/CC semi-fiction who with Commander Ian Fleming rescued Nazi Second in command, Bormann from Berlin in 1945]

Caryl P. Haskins
James T. Hill, Jr.
Joseph E. Johnson
Mervin J. Kelly
Frank Altschul
Hamilton Fish Armstrong
Maj. Gen. James McCormack, Jr.
Robert R. Bowie
McGeorge Bundy [STPI sabotaged JFK with Bay of Pigs air strike cancel]
William A. M. Burden
John C. Campbell
Thomas K. Finletter
George S. Franklin, Jr.
I. I. Rabi
Roswell L. Gilpatric
N.I. Halaby
Gen. Walter Bedell Smith [Asshole 1st CIA Director back-stabbed General Patton]
Henry DeWolf Smyth
Shields Warren
Carroll L. Wilson
Arnold Wolfers

Genesis 6 Sick Medical Experiments

Pages 14 to 15:

Another major finding was the actual devils] aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The [alleged] aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist.

We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion.

Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens, MJ-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until such time as we were able to develop a technology which would then enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union, and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime, plans were developed to research and construct 2 weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology which would hopefully bring us to parity.

Continued in COMMENTS...


Corso's son said in the Dr. Greer video interview, October 26, 2000 he knew Vietnam war night vision technologist, U.S. ARMY officer who saw devils with them; says infamous "Alien autopsy" was an EBE facsimile of a living creature--which suggests whoever sent them were not who/what they said they were. Dad said most sheeple should not know how the Satanist Theosophist, Pedo-Illuminati (STPI) miss-run the world son refuses to discuss the STPI only Popes poops influencing his dad's world-view passed on to him. Senior drew Shroud of Turin and saw Jesus the day before he died said UFOlogy is supernaturally related thru the Roman Catholic Church pushing the alien/E.T. bullshit NWO.

Sr. knew Korean war POWs sent to Soviet Union for intel collection now MIAs. Wisdom of airraft bombing when battleship shelling is far better than risking aircrews. Disgusting lies USG tell families of fallen Aircrew. USG knew where POWs were located but sent no rescue mission lest ruin collusion with enemies. Sr knew figureheads like POTUS JFK do not make actual operant policy; the STPI DO.

Evil NWO discussion Jr. thinks it could be a WE THE PEOPLE INSTIGTED GOOD THING. UGGGH. Jr oblivious that fake E.T. UFO crashes are now routine. Wants planetary salvage law. Greer asks what cause UFO crash if so advanced? Jr. says EBEs die at 200 years and are fallible etc. Sr. felt that sheeple deserve to know secret didn't governmental and alleged alien/E.T. "truths". Jr. wants ecumenical alien/E.T. NWO anti-Christ but wants young people moral & stoical.

Ill Sr. went to Wash DC to see astrologist Jean Dixon and gave Astronaut, Senator John Glenn a document on a lightweight automobile based on amplifying fluids running on just a flashlight battery for years from a LTG Trudeau ARMY R&D laboratory derived from the Satanic technology transfer via Roswell UFO crash con. Football-sized atomic reactors for clean power to get impoverished sheeple out of their misery(ies).
Carl Sagan (Satan) was a CIA payroll scum DISinfo agent alien/UFO debunker. Russians put nuclear weapons into space orbit. Sr. knew Dr. Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb. Sr. predicted fall of the Soviet Union who the STPI told to close shop. Alleged ETs fucking with USMIL bases; Star Wars and "Cold War" was for Earth defense against them "aliens"; they are not all benevolent--yet Dr. Greer says they all are today.


They are malicious, Satanic devils.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

From Milton William "Bill" Cooper's book; "THE SECRET GOVERNMENT: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12"; May 23, 1989


Disgusting, horrid pages 7-9 QUOTES:

President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty between'the Alien Nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space. His name and title was His "Omnipotent Highness Krlll", pronounced Krill. In the American tradition of distain for royal titles he was secretely called "Original Hostage Krill". You should know that the Alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia". It is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and the second meeting were filmed. The films exist today.
The treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the Alien nation would furnish MJ-12 with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would receive the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other.

The [Satanic devil] Alien "Guests" would remain on earth and the human "Guests" would travel to the Alien point of origin for a specified period of time then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation and that 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use of the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These Alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and 1 would be constructed in'Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles south of the western border of Area 51, known as Dreamland. All alien areas are under complete control of the Naval Department and all personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy.

Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the "Yellow Book". A second project code named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of [human and] alien [anti-gravity] craft (UFOS). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public declined steadily until recent years.

Continued in COMMENTS


22:40 Co-author [CIA?] William Birnes in the background as LTC Corso spouts off alien/E.T. story the MILINDCOMP wants sheeple to believe to hide THEIR HUMAN Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) derived from Satanic devils and 4th Reich Nazi Germans.

Rockefeller, war-mongering, Satanist Theosophist, pedo-Illuminati (STPI) Free Mason, Senator Thurmond (sadly, a WW2 82nd Airborne Paratrooper) threw his former assistant, LTC Corso under the bus--probably on orders from his scum bosses.


Senator Regrets Role in Book on Aliens

By William J. Broad
June 5, 1997

A new book contending that the nation's military and industrial power largely derive from a crashed alien spaceship is being disparaged by Senator Strom Thurmond, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who wrote the book's foreword.

The book, ''The Day After Roswell,'' published by Pocket Books, says the Government found an alien craft that had crashed in the desert near Roswell, N.M., in July 1947 and set up a program to glean and use its secrets, including lasers, computer chips and fiber optics. Meanwhile, the book says, the Government covered up the existence of the aliens. The author, Philip J. Corso, who retired from the Army in 1963 and wrote the book with William J. Birnes, says he helped with this endeavor.

The book might be dismissed, as others in the genre have been, except for the author's military background, his claimed role and Senator Thurmond's praise of the author in the foreword.

Mr. Corso contends that, while at the Pentagon, he personally spearheaded an Army project that secretly planted the alien technologies throughout the economy and military, mainly to build up American strength to fight an inevitable war against alien invaders.

In the foreword, Senator Thurmond, a South Carolina Republican, says Mr. Corso worked for him as an aide after leaving the Army and praises him as a person of integrity who served his country well. ''He has many interesting stories to share with individuals interested in military history, espionage and the workings of our Government,'' Senator Thurmond wrote. But he made no mention of the book's central thesis of inadvertent aid to the United States by space aliens.

In a statement, Senator Thurmond said that he regretted that his foreword appeared to bolster claims of a Government conspiracy. ''I know of no such 'cover-up,' '' the Senator said, ''and do not believe one existed.''

Liz Hartman, director of publicity for Pocket Books, said in an interview that confusion over the book's topic appeared to center on Senator Thurmond's office and staff rather than Mr. Corso's revelations. ''We absolutely stand by the book,'' she said. ''It's a memoir.''


His last book: "A New World if you Can Take it". Young Corso visited a cave and encountered a Satanic devil masquerading as a gray alien who said he was NEITHER friend or foe--lukewarmness straight out of the book of Revelation i n the King James Bible!

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Dr. Ruckman elaborates on his sources & methods used to write his ground-breaking book, "Black is Beautiful"... that are frankly troubling. Apparently, sources within the BLACK Secret Space Program (BSSP) gave him 5 "Matrices" ie; bound documents revealing the secret U.S. Government collusion with Satan and his fallen devils, disembodied Genesis 6 Nephilim, Principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places to get high technologies in exchange for surrendering OUR PEOPLE to them to kidnap, murder, torture and mutilate their bodies for sick medical experiments with animals like cattle/bulls to make horrid hybrids like they did to mock God during the dangerous times before Noah and his family escaped in their huge Ark survival ship.

Spielberg's "ET" is a Dangerous and Sick Pedophile Murder Set-up to Deceive them that Satan's Horrid Ugly Devils are Cute

The horror is 30,000 CHILDREN went missing each year in the 1990s and they were murdered and EATEN by the devils concocted to look like the bug-eyed grays by skin absorbption. So much for those who mock this with "Satanic Panic" when it's disgusting Satanic evil mass murder realities. I know someone who lost a child this way... so shut the fuck up, in-bed-with-evil, normies. Dr. Ruckman says if a mere fraction of what his Matricies say are true it'd turn your hair white in fright as this sick treason is underneath the barren southwest AmeroBabylon in James Bond like Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) where a high speed underground train system interconnects them.

I CAN PERSONALLY VERIFY THIS having strayed into a forbiden (miss spell intentional) area at Fort Irwin, National Training Center in 1994 in a M113A2 Gavin light tracked tank where mysterious floating orbs lit a hub of the secret underground train system. I've also encountered a HUMAN Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) and a horrid hybrid BIGFOOT while UNwisely solo testing a lightweight sleeping bag at Fort Bragg, North Carolina a year later.
Dr. Ruckman in this video, illustrates the supernatural Satanic deviltry Intra-Terrestrials (ITs) can be ordered away by invoking the Lord Jesus Christ but doesn't discuss the kinetic humans and animal cryptids that might be working with them that needs gunfire to be thwarted.

In his book "Black is Beautiful", Dr. Ruckman frustratingly notes again and again and again how the establishment doesn't want the sheeple aware that the supernatural exists lest their normie consumerism within Satan's DEATH MACHINE be disrupted. During the waning days of the horrid "Hippie Jesus" Baby Boomer Clintons they considered playing their God-is-dead fake alien/ET card of a train going to every major city in AmeroBabylon with vats of alleged creatures from outer space exactly like depicted in the Revelation of the Method movie, "Independence Day"'s Area 51 troubling laboratory scene where a captured UFO pilot laughs that they are there to DESTROY mankind... which is exactly Satan and his pedo-Illuminati secret society's goal starting with demolishing our faith in God, Almighty.

The key here is that John 3:16 pardoned Christians with King James Bibles have combat over-matching T B A S E powers over supernatural evil beings. I'm not ending this with typical, do-nothing-kinetic pussy talk. We need a 24/7/365 Earth Defense Force (EDF) composed of J316 Christian Soldiers with both T B A S E and T B A M weaponry for actual national air defense. To effect this, ALL secret society members must be banned from ALL governmental positions so they can't block moral, stoical national survival reforms like the EDF which would be a 2-year National Service option reserved for only J316 Christians.

Play time is over!...boys & girls!

The Satanist theosophist, Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic weak to subversion, 1787 U.S. Constitution and it's horrid 1st Amendment anarchy is over.

Christian reality that combats supernatural must become our national defensive and way of life organization like it once was for 180 highly successful years from 1607 to 1786 when we were a confederation of Christian colonies living by God's Laws and best practices that work.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Dr. Greer [https://www.dpiarchive.com/] is a secular man ignorant of the evil Satanic supernatural manifesting 25% of the UFOs seen in the modern era--which are INTRA Terrestrial devils (I.T.s)--NOT E.T.s from outer space. This is validated by Nick Redfern's book on the Collins Elite, Dr. Peter Ruckman's "Black is Beautiful" who shows UFOs have always been a part of the Babylon mystery religions that even secular UFOlists Keel and Vallee similarly conclude. The words "Jesus Christ" are forbidden in evil USG D.U.M.B.s. since it triggers the I.T. devils there playing E.T.s

I am a John 3:16 pardoned, Christian military officer who has cast out devils from hapless people in a Deliverance ministry using the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and his perfect King James Bible. Later in the U.S. military I was attacked by a cryptid BIGFOOT who came from a human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) while unwisely testing a lightweight sleeping bag at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1995. The year before I witnessed a hub of the secret underground tunnel train system at Fort Irwin, National Training Center (NTC) in California when we took a short cut to our next ambush position as OPFOR in a war game in 1994. The hub was illuminated at 0300 hours by strange floating orbs.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the peace dividend Baby Boomer, Rothschild faction, Satanist theosophiest, pedophile Illuminati secret crime society, Clintons turned the nation towards sex, drugs, rock 'h roll and UFOs. Money was tight in the U.S. military run by the rival STPI Rockefellers. As their tenure ended, the Clintons pondered playing the fake E.T. card and sending a train to all major U.S. cities with vats of recovered "aliens" which are really Satanic concoctions like elves, fairies and gremlins of old. They decided against this "disclosure" at the behest of the Rockefeller STPI to return to the renegade war racket which begat the 9/11 False Flag Attacks (FFAs). Rockefeller Homofag, Senator Barry Goldwater attended Bohemian Grove orgies with LTG Trudeau (LTC Corso's U.S. ARMY R%D boss) and was threatened by General LeMay threatened him with destruction of his USAFR career if he continued asking to look into the Wright-Patterson AFB "Blue Room" where fake aliens are stored. Dr. Greer also reveals the spy bureaucracies will discredit truths coming out by a cover story which can be debunked to taint truths.

Dr. Greer is also wrong on identifying WHO and WHY the UFO evil emanates from offering that only GREED drives them when it's actually MALICE under direct orders from Satan to mass murder 8x billion people for alleged lifeboat Earth fears but actually to deny them a chance to ask for God's John 3:16 pardon . Mankind's main 3x evils are MALICE/GREED/EGO with greed is an enabler for pleasure hedonism. The Black Secret Space Program (BSSP) is a consequence of the Satanic Babylon mystery religion Free Masonic 1787 U.S. Constitution's weak, UNorganized 1st Amendment anarchy that allowed STPI take-over and creation of immorally restrained bureauracies like the CIA that do FFAs like the 1773 Boston Tea Party, the Operation NORTHWOODS and the 9/11 treason. Free energy would give Jim Bob and Billy Jean the power to explode the Earth if they break up.
3rd Reich Nazi, Dr. von Braun warned his PA, Carol Rosin that the final fear card to play to con the sheeple into a New World Order (NWO) is the alien invasion which would be done by actual AGC, holograms and Satanic devils.

The "Gordian Knot" cutting solution is to BAN all secret society members from holding ANY governmental position. Then we can start to clean up the AmeroBabylon mess we are in; revoking the horrid 1947 National Security Act, disbanding the CIA, FBI and BSSP thugs etc. and return to a great Christian confederation of states following God's Laws and best practices we were 1607 to 1786.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

L/CPL Michael Herrera, USMC's Fireteam + encounter a BSSP AGC and get captured, disarmed by Black SOF thugs who were collecting Indonesian dead bodies from the Tsunami for horrid medical life extension experiments for the Satanist Theoophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPI) elites.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

L/CPL Michael Herrera, USMC's Fireteam + encounter a BSSP AGC and get captured, disarmed by Black SOF thugs who were collecting Indonesian dead bodies from the Tsunami for horrid medical life extension experiments for the Satanist Theoophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPI) elites.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

1787: Along with the greatest normie LIE that Satan doesn't exist is the hubristic triumphalist, post-1787, Mammon god driven, social 1st Amendment anarchy, U.S. Constitution (USC) lie that AmeroBabylon is somehow a "Christian nation" brand name because the Babylon Mystery Free Masonic religion rejection-victimized 1607 to 1786 confederation of colonies who were morally sound.

This is exactly like the immoral evil Satanist CIA claiming its a derivative of the moral and successful OSS when Satanist stooge Truman disbanded the latter and concocted the former with Satanist lawyer, Allen Dulles Nazi war criminals in the horrid treasonous, 1947 National Security Act (NSA 47).

AmeroBabylon's survival to avoid Revelation 18 nuclear World War 3 incineration being instigated by the Satanist secret society criminals is hindered by useful right-wing normie lazy idiots who want to sit on their asses "conserving" instead of actively living... life fighting dangerous evil; Founding Scoundrel fan girls who delusionally claim the evil post-1787, weak secular neutral delusional, USC is somehow "the greatest government form MAN has ever concocted" and is somehow the best civil government we can have when the actual 1607 to 1786 confederation of Christian colonies was far more morally successful following GOD's Laws and best practices for 180 years.

1st Amendment anarchy, toleration-of-everything-YES-but-Godly-morality-No in a centralized, Tower of Babylonian, Nimrod arrangement, waters-down and surrounds TRUTH of which there is only 1 reality... not many ecumenical, Roman Catholic pathways to God Almighty. The Lord Jesus Christ warns; "I am THE way, THE truth and THE life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" John 14:6, God Almighty, King James Bible. Yet, secular anarchy lie-ism is neither clearly defined "cold" anti-God nor pro-God "hot"... it tries to be instead a non-existent neutral neither... which is unworkable... which makes the Lord Jesus Christ so sick he will throw up AmeroBabylon in national judgment as warned in his book of Revelation ending his King James Bible communication to mankind. Irresponsible normie alleged Christians are oblivious to impending Revelation 18 AmeroBabylon nuclear incineration miss-thinking they are somehow not responsible and guilty for AmeroSodomy when they damn well are... by constantly glorifying and subsidizing 1787 USC secularism who miss-think will instead be raptured by God according to 1830s Satanist apostate Darby's Scofield notes perverted, pre-Trib this-and-that... delusions.

Slavery was BAD, FEDERALISM is much worse!

1865: Slavery was bad but likely to peacefully fade away with labor-saving machine technology like took place in the mother U.K. but not as horridly evil as dirty tricks bureaucracy as centralized 1787 FEDERALISM despotism forcing 1 evil LCD mentality down all 50 states throats as a Satanic Sodomite empire.

1913: Satanists eliminated all state oversight and input in how the AmeroBabylon empire was directed with the horrid 17th Amendment, started automatically stealing Citizen's wages for a year with the 16th Amendment into pedo-Illuminati banks where national paper money filled with occult symbolism curses was printed at usury interest upon the tax payers. With uncontested helm control, the Satanists steered the nation into World War 1 ice bergs like the "unsinkable" RMS Titanic in 1912 but mass murdering not just over 1,000 souls but over 400,000 dough boy Soldiers and making billions of war materiel profits. WW1 survivors glad to be alive, hedonistically lived it up in the "Roaring 20s" setting up the Satanist's Great Depression and World War 1 continuation with mechanically-enhanced militaristic fascism.

1945: After the Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati destroyed much of the world in the Great economic Depression and World War 2, the pussee coward normies traumatized by the Great Depression and WW2 didn't find out WHO did these crimes to them and instead insisted on BS normie, suburban electro-gadget, consumerism that the 1954 Bilderberg meeting Satanists gladly gave them to keep them out of national directive politics forever. As Carlin concluded; "It's a BIG CLUB and YOU ain't in it!" AmeroBabylonians don't run jack shit as the Satanists miss-use our economic power and previously good Christian name to instigate profit and mass depopulation wars and tinker with Satanic devil/human/animal techno-fornications making Genesis 6 Nephilim horrid monsters and Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) flying saucers the dumb-founded sheeple call "UFOs" and lying bureaucrats "UA whatevers" like they lied about military land mines calling them "IE whatevers" to sabotage military understanding to defeat this techno-tactic.

Continued in COMMENTS...

Secular psychiatry is an evil Satanist anti-Christian front denying right & wrong:


Devil possession proves the existence of God and validates his King James Bible (KJB) are perfectly true. The hapless people we encountered were drug addicts that opened their legal status to Satan's devils. Watch the documentary, "Age of Deceit" to see devil possessed women in the U.K. hit by cars/trucks and not even scratched. These videos are posted on our dynmicpara007 BITCHUTE channel.

Roman Catholic pagan Babylon mystery religion priests lack power over Satan's devils.


Speaking from direct, personal experience in an effective Deliverance ministry, you should NOT play with any idolatrous pagan artifacts and play with devils inhabiting hapless people. You should not be anywhere near evil pagan Catholics playing with evil Satanic, supernatural devils. Only actual John 3:16 pardoned Christians have must-obey powers over devils in victim humans.

This Catholic, non-Christian psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Gallagher has a smug, cavalier outlook about people being DESTROYED by Satanic evil and is clue-less about how he has created a DEATH MACHINE of UNsafe flammable houses, cars, trucks, boats, ships, planes and spacecraft that if they are DEAD cannot ask for God's John 3:16 pardon--which Gallagher himself needs to do to actually be a Christian.

We the John 3:16 pardoned Christians have DECISIVE they-obey power over devils. I have participated in a Deliverance ministry where our J316 blood of the Lord Jesus Christ pardoned and protected status and God's King James Bible powers was decisive--no one thrown around when we did the combat.

Dr. Gallagher has a smug, cavalier outlook on Satan DESTROYING people that is intolerable. I wouldn't want him with me during a Deliverance combat.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Persumably only a few top leaders of communism have been and are consciously Satanists, but there is also an unconscious Satanism. A man can be a Satanist without being aware that such a religion exists. But if he hates the notion of God and the name of Christ, if he lives as though he were only matter, if he denies religious and moral principles, he is in fact a Satanist. Those who delve into the occult are in the same class.

There is no possibility of agreement between Christianity and Marxism, just as there can be no agreement between God and the Devil. Jesus came to destroy the works of the Evil One (1 John 3:8). As Christians follow Him, they strive to destroy Marxism while retaining love for the individual Marxist and trying to win him to Christ. Some proclaim that they are "Marxist Christians". They are either deceivers or are deceived. One cannot be a Marxist Christian any more than one can be a devil-worshiping Christian.


Marx anti-God Satanism + Hess token Socialism + Engels Money = Communism = a Malicious/Greedy/Egotistical, Bad Faith, dangerous, murderous, anti-God, evil, corrupt political/military criminal movement

Civil Government Leaders can be Satanically Evil Devil-Oppressed/Possessed

Civil governments must be based on the supernatural good vs. evil reality we live in to safeguard against Satanic devil controlled men from holding 25% psych-sociopath solidarity, and automatic 40% sheeple steering; this is not a preferential "nice-to-have" individual's choice; without it, Hitlers, Stalins, Maos and Bidens dictate entire populations to destruction. Public safety must be the main mission of good faith civil governments who can keep Satanic men out of power by banning all secret society members from holding any governmental position even if it's ostensibly just Fred Flintsone & Barney Rubble at the lodge wearing silly Grand Pooh bah hats. By their very definition, Secret societies are criminal entities violating public safety by secrecy.

Armed Christian Resistance NOT "Hippie Jesus" Surrender

Anyone can be tortured to say anything; hypnotized/drugged to do anything. Out of respect for what our Lord Jesus Christ endured to save us on the cross, If you will not drop the unBiblical "Hippie Jesus" toxic pacifism (who is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ and what he stands for), will you at least ARM yourself and not let yourself be arrested and taken to a death camp where they will make you deny Christ and mock God?

The "Machine Gun Preacher" in Africa realized he'd have no kids in his orphanage if he let Satanists murder them, so he got ARMED and gunned down these thugs before they could do this. WAR is morally sound if done for moral self-defensive necessity; which "Hippie Jesus" AmeroBabylonians refuse to acknowledge lest they lose their tolerate everything license to drug, sex and fornicate at will.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Dr. Ruckman explains how "Ancient Aliens" are really Ancient Babylon MYSTERY RELIGIONS--Satanic paganism with UFOs/flying saucers/ Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC). Fake aliens/E.T.s are not just malicious as several secular video makers have rightly asserted (we have re-posted them here for a coup d'oeil synergistic understanding) they are SATANIC evil manifestations cursing and terrorizing mankind since Cain murdered Abel 6, 000+ years ago. FYI, if you extrapolated backwards in time, the Earth's current magnetic decay rate, we'd be a ball of energy beyond 10, 000x years B.C.

He describes a flying platform that transported the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament...

Before his fall, Satan was not himself an angel--but an amphibious cherub with wings.

Dr. Ruckman reveals the evil USG is capturing conversions retained in rocks to spy on sheeple. Star Wars also shows inorganic robots being brought to animal life. Dr. Ruckman reveals the evil USG is capturing conversions retained in rocks to spy on sheeple. Star Wars also shows inorganic robots being brought to animal life. Satanic terrorism is already underway in the southwest USA death zone where the D.U.M.B.s are located.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Only once in all his works did Marx ever write about torture. During his own lifetime, many of his followers were tortured by Russian Czarist authorities. Since Marx is usually described as a humanist, one would expect him to write with horror about such an abominably practice. But his only comment was; "Torture alone has given rise to the most ingenious mechanical inventions and employed many honorable craftsmen in the production of the instruments."

Torture is productive, it leads to ingenious inventions - this is all Marx had to say about the subject. No wonder Marxist governments have surpassed all others in torturing their opponents! This alone displays the Satanic nature of Marxism.

Vetchernaia Moskva, a Communist newspaper, let pass a Freudian slip of the pen:

"We do not fight against believers and not even against clergymen. We fight against God to snatch believers from Him". [EDITOR: If you are DEAD you can't ask for God's John 3:16 pardon].

The Communist fight against baptism presupposes belief in its value for a soul. Religious people in Israel or Pakistan or Nepal oppose baptism in the name of their own religious outlook, because it is a Christian seal. But for atheists - as Communists clearly declare themselves to be - baptism should mean nothing. Supposedly it neither benefits nor harms the baptized. Why then do these Communists fight against baptism? It is because Communists "fight against God to snatch believers from Him." Their ideology is not really inspired by atheism, but by a fervent hatred for God.

"Among other purposes," said Lenin, "we created our party specifically for the fight against any religious deceiving of the people."

It is not that at different stages in life he held different opinions. In his pseudoZionist book he declares that he does not disown his former godless endeavors. No, this is an intentional "devilish muddle."

Hess was Jewish and a fore-runner of Zionism. Because Hess, Marx, and other people like them were Jewish, some people consider communism a Jewish plot. Yet Marx also wrote an anti-Jewish book. In this respect, too, he has simply followed Hess.

Communists have a habit of creating front organizations. All of the above suggests the probability that Communist movements are themselves front organizations for occult Satanism. The means to [bracket effectively unbracket] fight Satanism are spiritual, not [bracket just unbracket] carnal [bracket physical unbracket]; otherwise, while one Satanist front organization, such as Nazism, is defeated, another will rise to greater victory. Himmler, the minister of interior affairs of Nazi Germany, thought himself to be King Henry, the Fowler's reincarnation. He believed that it was possible to harness occult powers to serve the Nazi army. Several Nazi leaders were involved in black magic.

Netchaiev's plan was to divide mankind into two unequal parts:

"One tenth gets personal liberty аnd unlimited rights over the other nine tenths.

1787: Along with the greatest normie LIE that Satan doesn't exist is the hubristic triumphalist, post-1787, Mammon god driven, social 1st Amendment anarchy, U.S. Constitution lie that AmeroBabylon is somehow a "Christian nation" brand name because the Babylon Mystery Free Masonic religion rejection-victimized 1607 to 1786 confederation of colonies were morally sound. This is exactly like the immoral evil Satanist CIA claiming its a derivative of the moral and successful OSS when Satanist stooge Truman disbanded the latter and concocted the former with Satanist lawyer, Allen Dulles Nazi war criminals in the horrid treasonous, 1947 National Security Act (NSA 47).

AmeroBabylon's survival to avoid Revelation 18 nuclear World War 3 incineration being instigated by the Satanist secret society criminals is hindered by useful right-wing normie lazy idiots who want to sit on their asses "conserving" instead of actively living life fighting dangerous evil; Founding Scoundrel fan girls who delusionally claim the evil post-1787, weak secular neutral delusional, USC is somehow "the greatest government form MAN has ever concocted" and is somehow the best civil government we can have when the actual 1607 to 1786 confederation of Christian colonies was far more morally successful following GOD's Laws and best practices for 180x years.

1865: Slavery was bad but likely to peacefully fade away with labor-saving machine technology like took place in the mother U.K. but not as horridly evil as centralized, dirty tricks bureaucracy as centralized 1787 FEDERALISM despotism forcing 1x evil LCD mentality down all 50x states throats as a Satanic Sodomite empire.

1913: Satanists eliminated all state oversight anfd input in how the AmeroBabylon empire was directed with the horrid 17th Amendment, started automatically stealing Citizen's wages for a year with the 16th Amendment into pedo-Illuminati banks where national paper money filled with occult symbolism curses was printed at usury interest upon the tax payers. With uncontested helm control the Satanists steered the nation into World War 1 ice bergs like the unsinkable RMS Titanic in 1912 mass murdering over 400, 000 dough boy Soldiers and making billions of war materiel profits. WW1 survivors glad to be alive, hedonistically lived it up in the "Roaring 20s" setting up the Satanist's Great Depression and World War 1 continuation with enhanced militaristic fascism.

1945: After the Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati destroyed much of the world in the Great economic depression and World War 2, the pussy coward normies traumatized by the Great Depression and WW2 didn't find out WHO did these crimes to them and insisted on BS normie, suburban electro-gadget, consumerism that the 1954 Bilderberg meeting Satanists gladly gave them to keep them out of national directive politics forever. As Carlin concluded; "It'a BIG CLUB and YOU ain't in it!" AmeroBabylonians don't run jack shit as the Satanists miss-use our economic power and previously good Christian name to instigate profit and mass depopulation wars and tinker with Satanic devil/human/animal fornications making Genesis 6 Nephilim horrid monsters and Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) flying saucers the dumb-founded sheeple call "UFOs" and lying bureaucrats "UAwhatevers" like they liked about military land mines calling them "IEwhatevers" to sabotage military understanding to defeat this techno-tactic.

AmeroBabylonians Cavorting with Satan's Devils


Satan's post-safe train, 1953, UNsafe, inefficient, highway-connected "freedom" suburbian, DEATH MACHINE (wooden buildings, gasoline cars/trucks/boats/planes/action reaction rockets) wants YOU DEAD before you can ask for God's John 3:16 pardon. Fantasizing that the world is somehow "neutral" and just automatic process is no longer a delusional, 1st Amendment anarchy option. Boeing Satanist homofags go to evil gatherings like the Bohemian Grove where they burn things for Satan as a rehearsal for BURNING YOU in their crapola tube & wing deathliners in addition to house/cars/trucks/boats/spacecraft (if you are ever so lucky! like NASA's Challenger and Colombia drowned and BBQed astronauts!).


"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished."

--God, King James Bible, Proverbs


Since the weak horrid Satanist 1787 USC has resulted in secret crime society take-over and mass incubation of nihilist hedonist degenerates culminating in the CIA 2020 Biden election steal and moral collapse; it's time to either PLAN D restore the Republic then ditch the Free Masonism or PLAN E LEAVE all BLUE Sodom states and cities where this filth is concentrated for moral stoical RED states and cities and forming a new Christian confederation based on God's Laws and be


John 3:16

"Hippie Jesus" Reverend Richard Wurmbrand needed this to avoid 14x YEARS of imprisoned TORTURE. LTC Mohr U.S. ARMY (R) who also was horribly tortured by Satanists wrote:

"Nowhere, in either Old or New Testament, are God's followers told to 'turn the other cheek' to evil men who seek to harm them, their family, or their country. This is what the 'gun banners' want you to do! Over and over in the Old Testament, we have examples of men who used violence to save their own people. (Read about it in Genesis 14).

Looking back on the more than half a century I spent in the Judeo-Christian church, I can never remember a sermon preached on Luke 22:35, 36. This incident took place during what we now call the Last Supper. Jesus was discussing His departure, and His return to set up His Kingdom. He reminded them how He had sent them out to preach the Kingdom message and how they had gone unprepared, yet they lacked nothing. Then He makes this significant statement: "BUT NOW," (this indicates a change has been made), 'but now, he that hath no sword (weapon of defense), let him sell his garment and buy one'. What did He mean? This was as much an order as when He said: 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel!' He was telling them that they were going into a hostile world, which would attempt to destroy them, so "be prepared, buy a sword"! There is no indication that He ever changed this order, so I tell you Christians today, His word is still 'Be armed and prepared to defend your Christian heritage', against evil men.

Today, if you want to see the direction our government officials are taking, get a copy of State Department Book Publication 7277, titled: FREEDOM FROM WAR (The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament)."


"Hippie Jesus" toxic pacifism is DEBUNKED; this isn't the Lord Jesus Christ who said buy a sword for self-defense.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

With the CIA Biden election steal and AmeroBabylon moral collapse, everyone is showing their ass--including car/truck dealers placing illegal, immoral GPS tracking devices with cut-off switches to fuck-over customers who cross them. Remote control collision steer MURDERS sheeple:


John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Even Ecumenical Roman Catholic, LTG Mike Flynn USA R) realizes QANON is an evil (Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati secret society) CIA or FBI DISinformation front to con right-wing, do-nothing sheeple that men more virtuous and kinetic than them are doing their dirty work for them.

In another video, Wood explains how the Satanists blackmail people in power positions by having them witness a murder.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Let's examine Dr. Ruckman's Layer 5 message: the 1995 Satanists are about to take-over Amerika. I wish I had co-wrote this book to upgrade Dr. Ruckman's understanding to a more precise outlook. I learned while writing "James Bond is REAL" in 2010-11 exploiting the www/666/internet that the Satanist theosophist, pedophile Illuminati is divided into 2 bitter rival camps; the Type A personality appealing, immoral stoical Rockefellers wanting a "1984" war-loving New World Order (NWO) and the Type B personality, immoral hedonist Rothschilds wanting a "Brave New World" of sex, drugs, rock 'n roll and UFOs. As the Rothschild Clintons grip on power waned in the late 1990s, the Rockefellers acted and concocted the 9/11 False Flag Attacks (FFAs) to return to a new war racketeering boogeyman since the "Peace Dividend" had sapped the monetary life out of the Milindcomp; I know this personally having to bureaucratically struggle to get a paid slot at U.S. Army jump school to further my military expertise. For some reason, the Clintons decided at the time to NOT play the false alien/ET. fear card to try to kill God off in the minds of the 40% sheeple (nation-crossing train with vats full of E.T.s on public display) who don't objectively think about reality or established facts like millions have seen UFOs which Dr. Ruckman hammers constantly in this book instead doing whatever authorirties or groupstink Simon Says! tells them.

BEWARE: the fake alien/ET fear card is in play NOW today empowered not just by man-made AGC but convincing outdoor holograms seen in the 767 airliner disappearing just before it looked like it rammed the south World Trade Center Tower on 9/11.

I'd love to know what Dr. Ruckman's opinions are on 9/11 and the Global War for Corporate error the world turned to instead of the Rothschild forced nihilist hedonist Marxist utopiaHELL he warns at the end of this book?

Lastly, I have to violently disagree with Dr. Ruckman's 1787 U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights stance that these secular, neutral unreality delusional incubators are somehow good--when they are actually Satanic Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic weak civil government lash-ups that have damned us since the Founding Scoundrels concocted them for their own degenerate elbow room. This is a GIGO failing of Dr. Ruckman easily corrected since he realizes FEDERALISM is horridly evil: we were great when we were a Christian confederation of colonies following God's Laws and best practices from 1786 to 1786 before the evil Free Masonic take-over detailed in Gary North's "Conspiracy in Philadelphia".

Did Dr. Ruckman realize before ending his audition here on Earth that we are Amerobabylon headed to Revelation 18 nuclear incineration judgment from God?

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Dr. Ruckman in 1995 "Black is Beautiful": We are in DIRE SATANIC SUPERNATURAL DANGER! Christian Realism Needed

Dr. Peter Ruckman's urgent book, "Black is Beautiful" details how normie mankind has constantly rejected the existence of supernatural evil manifestations attacking him for thousands of years and buying into lie myths empowered by minor Satanic miracles so as to not humbly reconcile with God and ask for his John 3:16 pardon:


* There is no neutral; we are under intense evil Satanic attack whether we like it or not; Christian realism must be society's defensive organizational stance--it's not a mere individual's indulgent preferencial belief; secular normies lacking John 3:16 pardon protection wanting a neutral reality that doesn't exist are getting blind-sided creamed by the evil supernatural in Satan's dangerous wooden homes/flammable cars/trucks/boats/planes aka DEATH MACHINES in dangerous places like the Bermuda/Devil's Triangle and our unprotected parks for delusional nature worship

* Non-human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) aka Satanic UFOs are re-packaged forms of the Babylon mystery religion

* Pagan religions are Babylon mystery religion copy cats by Satan reverse zeitgeisting God's words and plans--not the other way around

* Sick sexual perversions are Satan's combined sex Baphomet mockery against God

* Fake aliens/E.T.s are biological perversions lacking reproductive organs by devils fornicating with women like Genesis 6 GIANTs Nephilim and horrid animal/man monsters

* LOOK DOWN not UP; these are ITs destroying oblivious mankind from Hollow Earth UNDERGROUND bases created with Judas humans

* The sparsely populated, Southwest USA is a killing ground for the Satanist USG alphabet soup thugocracies; USAF, USN, CIA, NSA etc. and fake alien I.T.s to abduct and medical experiment hapless people and animals

* Christians had better be armed and not go quietly into death camps behaving like "Hippie Jesus" who is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ

* Since the turn of the century, industrial age electronics and mass produced media have turned sheeple away from supernatural weaponry (KJB) rendering them against supernatural attack

* The sheeple traumatized by the Great economic Depression and WW2 horrors did not go after who did this to them and make them pay for their crimes and remove them from societal power

Dr. Ruckman's 1995 conclusions were made during the evil Baby Boomers taking over the helm from their Great economic Depression and World War 2 traumatized "Greatest Generation" (GG) parents who failed to find out who did this to them, bring them to justice and remove them from power so they couldn't do it again. Instead, the GGs retreated to the suburbs and consumerist normie life fed them by the pedo-Illuminati who decided sheeple should never be directly involved with national affairs again since they ruined the latter's Hitler experiment of overt military take-over. The Boomers took their GG parent's tuning out to their evil degenerate conclusions making an entire decade of drugs, sex, rock 'n roll and UFOs or in other words New Age paganism.

Continued in COMMENTS.

One of the GREATEST AEROSPACE ENGINEERS OF ALL TIME, the late Dr. Paul Czysz penned the M113A8 AeroGavin art in the video--a friend of mine--I RESENT ALL YOU DO-NOTHING, non-engineers CIVILIAN (no or no relevant military experience) fucktards telling us what's possible or not--LOOK AROUND BEYOND YOUR MOM's basement, drop your video game controller and SEE AVIATION IS GETTING STRONGER AND STRONGER SUCH THAT ANYTHING CAN FLY--INCLUDING TANKS YOU DUMBSHITS sending Amerika down the can't do toilet.

ANYTHING that is TRACKED and ARMORED is a TANK. WW1 tanks did NOT have turrets. Morons claiming a tank is only with a turret doing fire support for dueling other tanks is NOT MOUNTED MANEUVER and threatens America's defense by low-balling what tanks must do so we dominate & win wars. "Armor in the future must fly; just as all other means of war must fly. Possessing good cross-country mobility and gunned to destroy any earthbound vehicle, the tank will play the decisive role in the coming battles of the airhead. "

--Lieutenant General James M. Gavin, U.S. Army

MODELVISION demonstrates in this experimental video, an important operational concept (OPCON) so we can have responsive, DIY Air-Mech-Strike--without having to "mother may I?" a ride from aviator bureaucracies.


We already have working flying fixed-wing cars (TerraFugia Transition) as advocated by Commander Ian Fleming:


...and working autogyro cars (PAL-V):


Therefore, the penis-less, losers who hate this concept and its depiction here need to confine themselves to their Luddite sheeple pens and stick to trash-talking their betters in their pathetic little bulletin boards--lest they confront real adults to their face--and get their comeuppance. There is a reason why we moderate out rude comments on our videos we worked countless hours on---for FREE (see any ads before watching our vids?)--to educate the general public to better our defense of freedom--so losers can't vandalize good ideas with their defeatist, envy graffiti. Freedom of speech is NOT anarchy of speech.

Another problem is "beggars can't be choosy" ie; if we depend on incompetent Aviator bureaucracies like the Army's rotorheads who absurdly fly in DARK GREEN helicopters during daylight sky-blue hours that might get us all killed and ruin the mission.


A recent DoD study concludes 76% of all U.S. helo shoot-downs took place during DAYLIGHT but the dumbasses persist in dark green helos!


"In OEF/OIF, 76% of combat hostile action losses occurred during daylight hours"

"Study on Rotorcraft Survivability" Summary Briefing 19 October 2009 for Congress/DoD, by JAS, IDA

You can read the entire report below and notice the idiots don't even think of improving their camouflage!





If Air-Mech Light Infantry flew themselves, we'd be able to insure to be painted in proper sky-gray camouflage and even have things like Yehudi lights employed etc.

Here's an U.S. Army Command & General Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) report by Infantry officer, Major William Sutey on the need for cross-country MOBILITY (XCM) from M113 Gavin light tracked tanks to improve LIGHT INFANTRY FORCE mobility, protection and firepower. READ IT.


Future M113 Gavin High-Technology Variants

M113A3 Gavins: Vanilla light tanks in U.S. Army HBCTs today
M113A4 Super Gavins: Up-Armored, Perfect Protection Record in Iraq
M113A5 Mini-Gavins: 4-Roadwheel Proposed Internal CH-47 air-transportable for LIBCTs
M113A6 Marauders: 6-Roadwheel MTVLs for HBCTs
M113A7 Sustainers: 7-Roadwheel XM1108 Pallet/BATTLEBOX Logistics carriers
M113A8 AeroGavins: Aero Propulsion Unit Interface

ARIS SPA water jets and nose can be fitted to any Gavin variants to make the AmphiGavins:


What made a father suddenly express the fear of demonic influence upon a young son who until then had been a confessed Christian?

What made a father suddenly express the fear of demonic influence upon a young son who until then had been a confessed Christian? Was it the poems he received as a present from his son for his 55th birthday?

The following quotation is taken from Marx's poem "On Hegel":

Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle.
Thus, anyone may think just what he chooses to think.
Here also are words from another epigram on Hegel:
Because I discovered the highest,
And because I found the deepest through meditation,
I am great like a God;
I clothe myself in darkness like Him.

In his poem "The Pale Maiden," he writes:

Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell.

No commentary is needed. Marx had started out with artistic ambitions. His poems and drama are important in revealing the state of his heart; but having no literary value, they received no recognition. Lack of success in drama gave us a Goebbels, the propaganda minister of the Nazis; in philosophy a Rosenberg, the purveyor of German racism; in painting and architecture a Hitler.

Hitler was a poet too. It can be assumed that he never read Marx's poetry, but the resemblance is striking. In his poems Hitler mentions the same Satanist practices:

On rough nights, I go sometimes
To the oak of Wotan in the still garden,
To make a pact with dark forces.
The moonlight makes runes appear.
Those that were sunbathed during the day
Become small before the magic formula.

"Wotan" is the chief god of German heathen mythology. "Runes" were symbols used
for writing in olden times.

Hitler soon abandoned a poetic career, and so did Marx, who exchanged it for a revolutionary career in the name of Satan against a society which had not appreciated his poems. This is conceivably one of the motives for his total rebellion

He determined to be the man who would kick out God... all this before he had embraced socialism, which was only the bait to entice proletarians and intellectuals to embrace this devilish ideal.

When Marx had finished Oulanem and other early poems in which he wrote about having a pact with the Devil, he had no thought of socialism. He even fought against it. He was editor of a German magazine, the Rheinische Zeitung, which "does not concede even theoretical validity to Communist ideas in their present form, let alone desire their practical realization, which it anyway finds impossible.... Attempts by masses to carry out Communist ideas can be answered by a cannon as soon as they have become dangerous...."

[Mere human] Marx Will [somehow] Chase Supernatural God from Heaven [?]

After reaching this stage in his thinking, Marx met Moses Hess, the man who played the most important role in his life, the man who led him to embrace the Socialist ideal.

Hess calls him "Dr. Marx - my idol, who will give the last kick to medieval religion and politics." To give a kick to religion was Marx's first aim, not socialism.

Georg Jung, another friend of Marx at that time, writes even more clearly in 1841 that Marx will surely chase God from His heaven and will even sue Him. Marx calls Christianity one of the most immoral religions. No wonder, for Marx now believed [without any factual justification] that Christians of ancient times had slaughtered men and eaten their flesh.

Shifting gears somewhat, men usually wore beards in Marx's time, but not beards like his, and they did not have long hair. Marx's [unkempt] manner and appearance was characteristic of the disciples of Joanna Southcott, a cultist priestess of an occult sect who claimed to be in contact with the ghost Shiloh.

It is essential at this point to state emphatically that Marx and his comrades, while anti-God, were not atheists, as present-day Marxists claim to be. That is, while they openly denounced and reviled God, they hated a God in whom they believed. They challenged not His existence, but His supremacy.

Marx felt no obligation to earn a living for his family, though he could easily have done so through his tremendous knowledge of languages. Instead, he lived by begging from Engels. He had an illegitimate child by his maidservant, Helen Demuth. Later he attributed the child to Engels, who accepted this comedy. Marx drank heavily. [Ehich is another reason why moral stoical societies should ban mind-altering drugs like alcohol] Riazanov, director of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, admits this fact in his book, Karl Marx, Mai, Thinker and Revolutionist.

Always in need of funds, Marx lost much money at the [capitalist] stock exchange, where he, the great economist, knew only how to lose.

Continued in COMMENTS.

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"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished."

--God, King James Bible, Proverbs


John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL


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