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@michaelusher assured me that there wouldn't be editing,. however, some very crucial information was edited out of the show, which is.of significant Public Interest. Here is an account of my exchange with him which the entire studio audience, production crew and panellists were privy to.

This man is nominated for a Logie? A man who is deplete of journalistic integrity and honest news delivery? Who engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct?.

Just a Random Video I came Across

SUNDAY 30 the JUNE 2024
Full Segment No Commercials

SPOTLIGHT Limited Hangout on Morning Rise 1st July 2024 Episode 80.
COVID-19 has transformed the world. But the question remains: Did Australia's leaders handle it correctly?

Three years after the pandemic began, its effects persist, impacting our health, our youth, and our seniors. In the highly anticipated 7NEWS Spotlight event of the year, host Michael Usher tackled the crucial questions that officials have yet to address.

SPOTLIGHT After Covid was all but a limited hangout.

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From Instagram

"@michaelusher you are a pathological liar. What you did was misleading and deceptive. You gave your reassurance in front of the entire audience that nothing would be edited out, yet you edited my response,.because you knew it was potent, relevant and of public interest. You are not a journalist, you are a lying propagandist. You lied to the everyone in the audience.
You are an embarrassment to honest journalism"....

This film I don't know who Made it.
But it seems to be maybe 10+ Years not really sure and What this man talks about is as we know is Happening today 2024.

Leave a comment if you know anything about it.


These political Parties Just do NOT Care about People only Themselves and How they get their Numbers up even if they Have to Lie.. That's right Lie to the People to get them on their Side to Vote for them and They still Need to be Accountable for their Lies, and Being Called out is one of the ways on how to Get them to Stop this in the Public Ariana.

21st July 2024
Glen Fisher Has Called out the "PHON" Pauline Hanson of the One Nation Party in Queensland after a Video of Pauling was Published of her Stating that She would Help anyone that has the Facts.

Still to-date Nothing has Been Seen Heard or Talked about like The (Three Monkeys) by the One Nation Party .. Malcolm Roberts has Also Confirmed that "There is NO such Suppression orders and Never was" ? LIE. Just this Statement along with Pauline Hanson Also said in her Video That She would Get rid of Anyone in her Party that were Lying and Not for the People. (Video Segment at the end in this Video) Full Video Here https://www.bitchute.com/video/3cxjTNgddSuh/

Malcolm Roberts Statement to Suppression Orders "There is No Suppression Orders" Lie

Glen has 2 Suppression orders upon him after the Woods Royal Commission Also he had 4 of his Pedophile Abusers Convicted.

Glen's Story is a Remarkable one and He is Not letting go. In previous Video Glen Stated "There are Bigger Fish Out There"

Please Pass this Video on to Pauline and See if Glen gets a Reply and Pauline Hanson Reacts to him.

As of the 28th June 2024 after Glen Fisher has Emailed them Nothing No Replies Nothing Calling on Deaf Ears.

Glen also has a Book Published and a Facebook Page "Predators Paradise"
Where you can See more of his Video's. www.facebook.com/groups/498114067677692

Recorded by Courage Is Te Cure

See - In Relation Glen Fisher Calls Out To Deaf Ears

Have you ever Heard of Royalties and Did you know that All Australians are Entitled to a Royalty Payment.
WoW do they owe The Australian People a Refund and a Half.

While We get NOTNG there are Single Mothers Living on the Streets with Children in the Cold this Winter While these "Public Servants" are Getting another Pay Rise and Some are reaching over the 1 Million Dollar Mark.

This Australian Government are Wanting for the Australian People to Struggle and barley live Meanwhile they are Cashing in

AI Generated Question:- Do The Public Service Work For The Australian People.
Yes, the Australian Public Service (APS) works for the Australian people. They provide public administration, public policy, and services for the government and the community. The APS Values mandate that they serve the government with integrity, provide advice based on evidence, and work collaboratively to achieve the best results for the Australian community.

Punter's Politics
www.youtube.com/ @punterspolitics

Music Jesse Wells

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

Australia is under belligerent occupation and Australia and her people have had their national and individual sovereignty usurped by an Occupying Power.

This Occupying Power is not a nation state but rather a global crime syndicate comprised of a cartel of international central bankers, other transnational corporations and multiple international government agencies.

Using a fake and engineered Australian Constitution and a fake and engineered raft of fictitious corporations, these central bankers and their Australian insider traitors (bound together by secret oaths, secret handshakes and secret covenants) have enslaved the Australian people under a tyrannical regime encompassing a complete loss of rights and freedoms, underpinned by the most savage and aggressive surveillance state.


Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections
Dr. David Martin witnessed decades of criminal preparations years before 2020

26 June 2024
Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming.

In a recent interview with Clayton Morris on Redacted, US Border Patrol agent turned filmmaker, J.J. Carrell, discussed his new documentary and the fact that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents.

“And there's detention facility bids. Bids to build individual detention facilities in every state in the Union. And then she goes on to say to me, well, who do you think they're built for? And she says, in this interview, they’re for dissidents. American dissidents."
~ J.J. Carrell

What you hear May or May not Surprise You.

Have your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

Dear Michael, it was so lovely meeting you today and doing the interview with you, that was so special and we are so deeply grateful for the opportunity.
Please see attached the Proof Of Concept that you can actually download and post on your socials together with our interview if that is okay. I think posting our interview together with this (maybe half way through our interview if there is an opportunity to add it, would be wonderful as people will get a real shock when they watch it.
Unfortunately to vote for our film to be made by Angel Studios (the co-creators and co-funders of 'Sound of Freedom') you have to be a Guild member. To be a guild member, you need to sign up for a month and the cost is $12USD. I know that is a lot of money for people these days but that $12USD will help to return children rightfully to their homes and more.
Here is also a link to our Not For Profit website, set up specifically to help other people who have been falsely accused and imprisoned, and/or going through the process of having been falsely accused. The Parental Voice which has the link to Angel Studios voting page on it:
This page also has the instructions on how to vote so it is a great page to link the call to action to please. Knowing this doesn't make a difference unless people actually vote for the film to be made.
Making the film, we believe, will:
- Generate public awareness and a public outcry as most people don't even know about this subject.
In turn, the public outcry and awareness will cause:
1. The diagnostic principles of SBS to be reviewed, thereby preventing other families from having to go through this heartache
2. Return children rightfully to their homes
3. Free innocent, falsely incarcerated parents, carers. grandparents
4. Transform a dreadfully broken system

Source Video
Courage Is The Cure

Michael Gray Griffith's Interviews

13 June 2024

Filmmaker Dee McLachlan investigates the ‘open market’ of child trafficking that operates in Australia. Through her films (that have gone as far as the United Nations) and her online news network, Dee raises the alarm over the way Australian governments, judiciaries and departments coordinate to create a market for children being removed from one or both parents, sustaining a massive bureaucracy that is not incentivised in any way to reunite or restore children to their families.

Listen to this interview to learn what sort of parents are targeted, how they are targeted, and what we must do to clean up the legal but heinous market for officially trafficked children in Australia.

Watch the The Full Video "SOUND OF FREEDOM"

Source Video
The Discernable Interviews


What is Civil Disobedience and Is There a Time for It?
Jun 24, 2024
The definition of Civil Disobedience is the refusal to comply with certain laws considered unjust, as a peaceful form of political protest.
Join me as I engage in conversation with highly knowledgeable professionals who share their insights on the concept of Civil Disobedience.
1. Gabriel Moens - Emeritus Professor of Law
2. James Allan - Professor of Law, including Human & Civil Rights
3. David Flint AM - Emeritus Professor of Law
4. Topher Field - Libertarian Political Commentator and Human Rights Activist
5. Dr Augusto Zimmermann - Professor of Law
After listening and becoming aware of the importance and consequences, you decide the answer to my question. (ABOVE) Comments welcome.
What do you Think - Please Share This Video

Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.
This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.
WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know.
As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.
Julian's freedom is our freedom.

David Icke, a popular speaker and self-published writer, describes this rapidly spreading quest for the truth as the awakening. According to the former footballer and sports broadcaster, people are now waking up to the facts that got him labeled as a conspiracy theorist and a social pariah in his country many years ago. David Icke has been banned from numerous countries due to his outspoken views on free speech, censorship, and his efforts to expose those he claims secretly control the world. According to Icke, a highly compartmentalized network of secret societies holds real power, with only a select few knowing the full extent of their control and censorship and plans to strip humanity of its free will. He believes these elites aim to establish a dystopian New World Order, where a powerful minority enslaves the global population.

In an interview with Gary Lee Haskins, Icke talks about the importance of being true to oneself and beliefs and shedding the prison of what others think. He warns that we’ve been indoctrinated to think and behave in a particular way because doing otherwise will shatter the establishment's firm hold on us and make us see the world in a new light. Icke also talks about the Great Awakening, the final event that will save humanity from those hellbent on dominating and controlling it forever.

Jun 24, 2024
Wayne Glew Debunking Anne Twomey both are "Constitution Experts" ?

How can They Be both be "RIGHT OR WRONG" This can not be..WTF

On Sunday 23 June 2024
So After Wayne Glew Discovered inconsistencies on the Auspol Explained Video with Anne Twomey on the Commonwealth Constitution debunking Youtube Comments. this Video was His reply

Wayne is a Ex police Officer when Left the Police Force he became a "CPO" Commonwealth Public Official Sworn To tell the Truth on the Oath of the Commonwealth of the Australia Constitution and has Debunked this Video and has Given his Expert Advice to Anne Twomey.

Is Anne Twomey a Constitution public officer and is She sworn the oath and is she Holding her Oath to the Commonwealth of the Australian Constitution.? This is also yet to be Remained

Is her Constitutional Advice in Doubt according to Commonwealth Public Officer. (Which One) remains to be seen according to Wayne Glew this is not over..

The Commonwealth of the Australian Constitution can be Found 1900 - 1901 Enact Constitution
Founding Docs

Very easy and Explained Website
Constitutional Watch

Posted on Auspol Explain 18th June 2024
Constitutional Expert Debunks Youtube Comments with Professor Anne Twomey | AUSPOL EXPLAINED

The Synthetic Transformation of our Food Systems Lab Grown Met Approved Into Australia
A presentation at the recent 100 year Biodynamic Conference in Sydney.
A rough sweep of the BioTech food "transformations" Biosecurity Threats and One Health
Key players- Globally and within Australia CSIRO and State government plans.

And a touch on what is happening with the word "Regen" (I will do more on this in future including the impact investors).

Jonny Q is studying Law and he is Very Good at it.
If you think the police and government work for you, think again. They don’t. They think you work for them. Here’s the EVIDENCE
Tic Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@the_little_johhny_q_show
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnnny.Q


What does the Australian Belligerent Occupation Look like -John Wilson
They All Must Go

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

Karen Brewer - The Bush Telegraph News Spiders Insiders and the Web of Filth - Hunts down and Researches Freemasons and Does a Great job into what she does..
Bush Telegraph on Telegram

Refer Back to Glen Fisher Book and FB page "Predator Paradise"and Senator Bill Heffernan Speech in 2015 that was Dropped. These can be Researched online, 9 News and ACA Australia.

Glen Fisher is a Sexual Abuse Victim and Survivor from the 80's and is making a Film online to gets His story out to all Australian's.


PREDATORS PARADISE "Glen Fisher" Ch 9 News ACA (Australia) and More

Johnny Harris https://www.facebook.com/JohnnyHarrisVox

I Hunted For Switzerland Bunkers!
Switzerland Has More Than 360,000 Hidden Bunkers...


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

3410 videos

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