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๐•ฏ๐–—๐–†๐–œ๐–‰๐–ž ๐•ฎ๐–‘๐–†๐–“

๐•ฏ๐–—๐–†๐–œ๐–‰๐–ž ๐•ฎ๐–‘๐–†๐–“


Strong delusion mass confusion
All of the illusion you believe

Presumed conclusion resumed seclusion the darkness diffusion they receive

No truth in you at all
You parrot the lies echoing in your hollow head

Imitating the fools on your screen a carbon copy of the dead

Normalization of nonsense
Confliction of a chaotic mind

Contagious outrageous
Maledictions revealed unwind

Death is a tangible fabric which is sometimes blown by strange winds into the fabric of life. To say so isn't spiritualizing the material plane but the recognition of the materialization of the spiritual plane.

Idol jew is vile and discrete and it cheats
Who is tricking everyone with deceit as they bleat
Always on the wrong side of the law, of the law
Don't cuck, don't suck, don't give a fuck

It's bake a kike, bake a kike
bake it yeah

Keeping out of trouble with spies in the back of your face

Kissing ass upper class race traitors are a damn disgrace

They tell me what to think but they know that I don't give a shit
Got a mind of my own, move on, get your ass in the pit

Bake a kike, bake fags and dykes
Bake a kike, it's Christ Reich
Bake a kike, author of sin
Bake a kike, bake a kike yeah

Abusery, usery, industry of misery
Faggotry, pornography, castration by chemistry

Goin' against the grain, trying to keep me sane with you
So stop your sinnin' time to start winnin' with me

Bake a kike, fags and dykes
Bake a kike, it's Christ Reich
Bake a kike, author of sin
Bake a kike, bake a kike yeah bake it
Come on!

Goddamned genetic devils think they are safe from other genetic devils because they are not true Israelites.

The serpent seed will devour itself!

Born to love volcanos
Seen em on PBS

Born to love volcanos
This ghetto is a mess

Somewhere under that kike skin is satanic DNA

Telephones are ringing
In a land called PBS

Shitlib feminist singing
In a land called PBS

Maybe she loves volcanos too
I'll just have to take a guess

She looks like a little volcano
With her red hair and brown dress

Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Volcanos, volcanos, volcanos,

Born to love volcanos
Seen em on PBS

Born to love volcanos
This shit hole is a mess

Somewhere in a synagogue
Sits a kike with a kidnapped boy

Tribute to some nigger
Tonight on PBS

A fucking kike is beggin'
Tonight on PBS

Maybe he needs more sheckels for
Genociding all the goy

He wants to make a documentary
Bout the benefits of soy

Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Volcanos, volcanos, volcanos

Born to love volcanos
Seen em on PBS

Born to love volcanos
This zog hole is a mess

Every 2 minutes a girl gets raped
Cause they told her to relax

Cucktards are phoning
To a land called PBS

Some jewgayo is droning
In a land called PBS

Maybe he deserves my hate more
than a bunch of mudshark teens

A toll-free number to call in my sheckels
Appear upon my screen

Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Born to love volcanos
Volcanos, volcanos, volcanos

Born to love volcanos


Created 5ย years ago.

1094 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith


Identity Christian
Musician, recording artist
Artist in general
Old dude, gen x

All discussion is welcome.....but

I don't have time to care or argue about your beliefs, keep your flatard, faketard, conspiritard shit off of my comment section.... I know trolling is fun but you will not have your fun on my dime.