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If you are too high with this harm your sale in anyway? Check us out at DIYHomeSeller.US

This type of issues happen. Avoid this with a few tips here. Check us out at DIYHomeseller.US

Who is best qualified to appraise you home and know the local market conditions? Check us out at DIYHomeSeller.US

Don't underestimate these critical areas. Simple tip go a long way to helping the sale. Check us out at DIYHomeseller.US

It's ok to walk away. Why you should know your bottom price. Check us out at

What is Considered a major repair? why is this important to disclose? Check us out at

Real estate agents can be helpful in bringing a buyer to you. You need some tools in how to make this a win win for all. Check us out at

To stage or not to stage your house should be on every home sellers mind. The simple answer is- everyone should stage their home. It may be as simple as taking down a few pictures or is complicated as removing all of your furniture and replace with another style. Check us out at

Doing something against the odds and accomplishing your goals is one of the best feelings you could ever have. Think about the times when people told you something couldn’t be done but you just had to prove to yourself that it could be done. One of the reasons people...DIYHomeseller.US Check us out at

The only time you should be physically showing anyone your home is after they have met all of YOUR qualifications and criteria. This doesn’t matter if it’s a real estate agent bringing a buyer to view your home or you’re showing an interested buyer who contacted you directly. In either case you should not be doing it alone.
The technology available to homeowners as well as real estate agents can significantly reduce the number of people traipsing through your home at inconvenient times. If this technology is not being used, you are increasing the odds of you and your family being taken advantage of in ways you’ve probably never thought about.

Curtis and Todd explain some of the current dangers of showing your home alone and how your safety can be jeopardized in this short video. DIYHomeSeller.US Check us out at

After a general home inspection is complete sometimes a structural engineering inspection is also warranted. If this is the case, the home inspector typically includes this recommendation in their final home inspection report. Home inspectors are not qualified to assess and diagnose structural problems. Only a licensed, structural engineer can provide accurate assessments and solutions for a home seller.

A professional engineer can help identify, alleviate, and/or provide recommendations to homeowners in need of structure repairs such as the examples listed below:

In the event of a natural disaster which caused damage to your home
Foundation wall cracks, settlement or movement
Interior cracking and framing movement
Sagging or bowing floors or walls
Termite, carpenter ant or rot damage
Undersized and damaged framing members
Sink holes and soil concerns
Roof failure
Building collapse
Flood, fire, water or high wind damage
If you are planning on renovating your home and it involves removing or cutting into load-bearing walls, adding living space by way of 2nd story renovation or addition with great rooms containing wide open spaces (no supports), a structural engineering consultation is a good idea. If you are extending your living area nearly every city and/or county will require design drawings and engineering reports in order to obtain special permits to alter the home. Your local building department will require a licensed, professional engineer stamp any new construction or major renovation.

Complicated structures or projects involving older homes (constructed before 1970) may require early input from a structural engineer. Many times homes constructed before 1960s-70s were built without prescriptive building methods. Today, state and local building codes exist to ensure contractors and home builders follow a set of pre-determined guidelines for building or altering a preexisting home. A licensed structural engineer is the best professional to assess the feasibility of any major home renovation project.

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When selling a home, inspections are not required. Even buyers are not required to get a home inspection except under certain circumstances. However, if inspections are done correctly they can work to home sellers advantage in a big way.

Todd and Curtis discussed some of the key inspection reports that keep homeowners from selling their home to just anyone. Many times after inspections are done it changes the way home sellers or home buyers value the house. This can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on what is found during these important inspections. Check us out at

Curtis explains the use of some awesome new tools that homeowners now have access to that increase the exposure of any home sale from hundreds of people to thousands or even millions of potential home buyers. Check us out at

Price change history is on almost every platform on the Internet that helps sell your home. If these platforms are sharing with everyone all the price adjustments you make when trying to sell your home, the question you should be asking is “who are these platforms working for”? The information on these real estate websites typically received through the brokerage hired to sell your home. The next question you should be asking is “who is the brokerage working for?”

Todd and Curtis briefly discuss why price changes available to the public can affect offers from buyers. Check us out at

Determining the price your home should sell for can be very challenging at times. With all the online tools available to homeowners these days one might think pricing your home correctly is easy. Ask yourself, can online tools see your property upgrades and determine the value of the upgrades. Below are a couple examples of how dream pricing works”

Many online appraisal outlets use tax valuations as the basis for pricing homes near your home. They may only calculate your homes values using the average neighborhood square footage value. Your home could have a higher square footage value than your neighbors. It’s also important to remember prices based on tax values rather than actual value could cause you to either undervalue or overvalue your home; either way it will cost you money in the end.
Then there is the best house in the neighborhood Many homeowners like to visit popular real estate websites to see how much the neighbor’s got for their house if it is available. Then, using a similar pricing strategy as the neighbors used, they misprice their home.
Todd explains to Curtis in this short video the downside of “dream pricing your home” and how it can really hurt the home seller to the point of no longer being able to sell their home. Check us out at

One of the hardest things for a home seller to do is price the home they are planning to sell correctly. It is extremely important to price the home correctly from the beginning or it could cost the home seller big money in more ways than could ever imagine if they’re wrong. But did you know the history of making price corrections on your home for sale is typically available for every homebuyer to see in plain view? How does price history help the homebuyer?

Think of pricing your home using this crazy example: You are shopping for anything, say vegetables. For fun, let’s narrow it down to tomatoes. If you see the price of one brand of tomatoes marked down 30 percent next to another brand of tomatoes that’s the exact same price as the marked down brand, what are some of the questions you begin asking yourself? Could it be they have been on the shelf to long and the vender needs to get rid of them? Maybe people just are not interested in buying that particular brand at the original price. Is one brand better than the other? They look the same, smell the same, and may have even been grown at the same tomato farm, but one brand has a history of change front in center for you to clearly see. So which tomato do you buy?

In this short video Todd and Curtis don’t talk about tomatoes, but they do talk about price change history seen on nearly every home for sale platform available for homebuyers and why home sellers should understand the cause and effect of the history. Check us out at

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You can easily sell your own home . Let us show you. Check us out at


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

19 videos

Category DIY & Gardening


When it’s time to sell your home ask yourself these questions:

1. How much freedom am I willing to give up to accomplish my goal?
2. Do I want my home invaded on a moment’s notice by potential uninterested and unqualified buyers?
3. How many times will I allow third party miscommunication and bad timing get between myself and a potential buyer?
4. Do I want to pay thousands of dollars in commission to someone else when I can do it myself and learn a skill for a lifetime?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, our course can teach you how to sell your home yourself with confidence.

DIYHomeSeller is a division of 247OpenHOuse LLC.