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I'm not sure if stats are just generally better or the AI has gotten smarter, but I can do wall to wall pulls very confidently in this expac.

Jolly guy who likes a scrap.

I have no idea how to pronounce any of these names.

Thancred is a dick.

Wuk Lamaat can do DPS despite having warrior moveset. Neat.

It took me a few attempts to get into the groove of things. But there are obvious patterns to how this fight goes, making it ultimately less of a headache than some regular noise battles.

For some reason this didn't feel satisfying. My build just kinda trivialized him.

In terms of encounters, this was a fun series. In terms of story, it was ok. Some of the characters were nice but when is that not the case?

Man, I love this. The music. The dark and light.

Too bad it took me forever to figure out what keeps killing me.

The webs mechanic is rough. Hard to be in a place where you won't stick to anyone else.

I love these first runs ever deals. It took me a while to figure out how the fire and ice mechanics really worked.

You will suffer my bad tanking.

Suffer my shitty Sage gameplay.

0:00 First Segment
6:49 VS Lyngbakr
10:29 Second Segment
16:57 VS Arkas
20:13 Third Segment
26:13 VS Octomammoth

I didn't think I'd be posting videos of this. Not because the video isn't fun, but sometimes I'm just not feeling the videos.

This one tho...

I don't really expect many people to watch the whole thing, but I still wanted to leave a lasting record of my adventure through this world.

I liked that he can perfect dodge. But also the perfect dodge can be exploited because his attack after the perfect dodge is completely deterministic and therefore easier to parry.

Oh, so THIS was the idea with that Kohga fight.

So... I really had no idea how to damage his second phase..

The gloom kind of stressed me out but when it comes down to it, their movements other than with the spear are rather slow and deliberate. And the damage they deal is pretty manageable.

There is a pretty cool boss diversity here. It took me a while to remember I was in a low gravity zone and could totally leverage that to my advantage.

I know this is supposed to be a minor miniboss to tutorialize Sidon's ability, but it was so very fragile.

Also, Sidon.

Although it was a little simple, I like the vehicle vs vehicle combat. On water too. That said, having Yunobo makes a huge difference.

This one was kinda rough. I mean I don't think I was ever in any danger of dying, but in terms of how it felt, it was pretty rough. I like it tho.

Although I think he is mechanically much less convoluted than before, his attacks really pack a punch.

It seems we can never quite escape Gohma.

Although it didn't quite melt, I still think my weapons may have been a bit too strong for this.

The Rito arc didn't have any boss fights aside from the final one. Then here comes the Goron arc with a second miniboss after the first. This one's a bit more setpiece-y than difficult though. They seem to put in some aerial combat where they can.

That said, it was very convenient that there was a complete flying machine with a steerer and several large batteries attached right there.

I am not sure if I'm just using a ridiculously overpowered weapon, or this boss guy is just that easy. Like I know he's more of a miniboss, but still.


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

464 videos

Category Gaming

Just some guy who likes videogames.