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A much longer video that I made about 3 years ago. Some freaky stuff.

Imagine seeing this a thousand years ago lol. The sound making this happen is actually one of those relaxation videos from YouTube.

Using function generator for android at 132.98 hertz sine wave left channel.

Using a tray from chocolates. Just uploading to give others an idea of things to try I guess.

Notice how the liquid is changing shape as well. What a trip huh. I wouldn't of thought that I would be able to get any type of pattern when the liquid itself is changing shape. One could argue that it is in a container but yet is not being contained if that makes sense at all lol.

I am not sure if there is anything positive or negative from doing this. Maybe it isn't even really restructuring it. I say this because you would think that there would be a point where it would no longer make the liquid filled spheres because they have already all been restructued but I have not reached such a point yet. It does seem to make the liquid thicker and slicker. I have not done many measurements on the weight so I for now will take back my comment saying that it weighs more. There are just too many unknowns. I am sure you guys are getting tired of seeing these videos anyways.

I am using function generator for android with 108.98 hertz sine wave on the left channel.

I am using function generator for android with 108.98 hertz sine wave on the left channel.

The frequencies used are shown. I don't use these frequencies much because it is really loud. It does however create a lot of the floating liquid filled bubbles very quickly. It's a 1.24 GB video file so it will take a little while to upload. I might as well drink some of it and see if it gets me drunk. I do feel buzzed. The liquid definitely was thicker and slicker. I should of weighed it before and after. Maybe next time.

I put my videos on here for others to watch if they want to. It is pointless to make negative comments unless one can learn from it. I didn't go to college so I don't have a magical piece of paper saying that I know what I am talking about. In fact, the more I know the more that I know that I don't know shit. If you think my videos are pointless or stupid then don't watch them. It's that simple.

Just me messing around again.

I guess I forgot to upload this one. I did this one a couple of weeks ago. I still have to get a powerful enough Amp to show that it can be done in glass.

106.65 Hertz sine wave

The music I believe is from a Cymatics video on YouTube of the solfige frequencies but I actually am not sure.

I believe the liquid is blue ocean breeze from a powder packet. Sorry about the quality. This is from my Google photos account in backup saver quality from about 2 years ago. Currently this is my most watched video and no thumbs up. I really thought that I would get a lot of comments about this and a lot more views. I have never seen this done or discussed by anyone and believe me I have been trying to find anyone else that came across this before me with no success. I might just stop making videos for awhile or all together as I guess this isn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. If only I can replicate what happened as a result of this one time. I am going to keep that to myself for now and if I can replicate it again then I will seek a patent like I should of already done with this. I'm in this world to make life better for others and not to be a slave to the bankers that make money out of thin air.

I had to adjust the position of the bottles a couple of times as they stopped making the liquid filled spheres that float on top. By the way I drank one of the bottles that I did this to that I froze but I didn't get drunk like I did with the one I drank right after making a lot of the spheres in the bottle. If you want some advice on how to do this yourself read the descriptions for my other water Structuring videos and any comments that I have left.

Not sure when I did this. Probably a couple of years ago. I believe the liquid is water with a little bit of corn Starch with red food coloring.

Based on the view count it looks like I will have to do more videos of Structuring different kinds of beers. This time I am going to freeze them before I drink them to see if I still get drunk. I was totally not expecting to get drunk off of half a Heineken after doing this to it. Try it yourself and let me know if it gets you more drunk by doing this.

123.369 hertz on the left channel sine wave. I got buzzed from drinking just what's in the bottle

I don't recommend doing this in the sun.

Another video of creating ez coffee with a speaker.

No magic wands here. Frequency 115.31997 hertz sine wave left channel.

Towards the end I show the frequency I am using and the equipment. I am not in this world to make money. Unfortunately money is a necessity in this world that these bankers make out of thin air. I have been told that I should of patented this or try to profit off of it somehow. While I do have it setup to allow donations to my PayPal account it probably doesn't even function as it's a personal account and not a premium or business account. I can't say that I don't need money. I can only say that it is not what motivates me. Those of you with money and the time / knowledge to investigate this more please do so. I just ask that your thoughts and actions go through your heart before your brain. Guts may be required in between.

123.369 Hertz on the left channel. Nice colors. In the sun. 3 more videos uploading soon. The last one could be explosive.


Created 2 months ago.

53 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

Exploring Cymatics and the generation / creation of real ez structured water using sound / frequencies through a speaker.