Curious Magpie

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Curious Magpie



Transglutaminase known as meat glue or TG is used to bind food scraps together and improve the texture of food. Transglutaminase can be used in a number of foods including: - Steak - Pork - Processed meat - Seafood - Yogurt - Cheese - Hummus Transglutaminase must be disclosed on the ingredient list and the label must say formed or reformed. Restaurants are not required to disclose its use. Our bodies naturally produce Transglutaminase enzymes which play numerous important roles. The biggest known risk with meat glue is bacterial exposure from combining together different pieces of meat. It also can trigger autoimmune symptoms in people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

The Line was supposed to be Saudi Arabia's shining new eco-city concept. Over 100 miles of tech-powered living on a green energy base.
But now its ambitions have been radically curtailed. And questions have arisen over the engineering at its core, including the transport system, distance between residence, as well as the massively underestimated scale of the project and build time.
Can The Line survive and grow - or is it little more than an expensive 21st century folly?

Another company to look out for - are they also part of the Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and JP Morgan globalist groups?
I wouldn't say they run every company but the companies - and governments - take their advice on how to run their businesses

Another company I noticed years ago seemed to have their fingers in a lot of pies was Accenture. Accenture's current clients include 91 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500

Are the two groups connected?

Dr. Robert E. Willner was a controversial American doctor who gained notoriety for his views on AIDS and HIV. He was a family physician who advocated for alternative medicine and believed that HIV did not cause AIDS. He was a vocal critic of the medical establishment and the government’s response to the AIDS epidemic.

Career and Controversies

Dr. Willner was a licensed physician in Florida and was a past president of the Dade County Academy of Family Practice. However, his views on AIDS and HIV were highly controversial and led to him being ostracized by the medical community. He believed that AIDS was not caused by HIV, but rather by malnutrition, recreational drug abuse, and modern medicines, including AZT.

In 1994, Dr. Willner gained international attention when he injected himself with blood from an HIV-positive individual during a public demonstration. He claimed that this act proved that HIV was not contagious and that the AIDS epidemic was a government-sponsored hoax. However, his actions were widely criticized by the medical community and were deemed to be irresponsible and dangerous.

Personal Life

Dr. Willner was born in 1929 and died in 1995. He was a strong advocate for alternative medicine and believed that conventional medicine was often ineffective and harmful. He wrote several books on the topic of AIDS and HIV, including “Deadly Deception: Proof That Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS”.


Dr. Willner’s views on AIDS and HIV were widely rejected by the medical community and were considered to be harmful and dangerous. His actions were seen as a form of medical malpractice and were widely condemned by the medical community. Despite this, Dr. Willner remained a vocal critic of the medical establishment and continued to advocate for alternative medicine until his death in 1995

And today, we can add a few more names to that list

And, it was a huge mistake

Is obesity caused by the food we eat or from genetic factors?
Processed foods, oils and sugars are the real cause
Low fat diets are so bad for you and, we need salt but, the good sort not table salt
Oh, and Ozempic is not good for you either - watch this:

If you've got half an hour to fill, watch this
Great music too

Best photo shoot - ever

A broken arm or a broken leg?


Interview with a 102 year old man born in 1856

New Evidence We Are In A Simulation - Simulation Theory - The Simulation Hypothesis and The Scientific Case For A Simulated Universe - Reality Reloaded - Dr. Melvin Vopson

Episode 32 - Dr. Melvin Vopson is Associate Professor of Physics at Portsmouth University and Author of the recently released "Reality Uploaded" - The Scientific Case For A Simulated Universe. Dr. Vopson is also Co-founder and CEO of the Information Physics Institute.

Within the scientific community, the concept of a simulated universe has sparked both fascination and scepticism. The key question remains: Can we find scientific evidence to support or refute the simulated universe hypothesis?

Scenes of a medical nature which some viewers may find upsetting.

Over three months, a Dispatches reporter has filmed secretly while working in a major NHS A&E department. The undercover footage exposes the suffering and dangers patients face on a daily basis.

Things have clearly got worse since I was left on a trolley in a corridor for four and a half hours with a perforated bowel and peritonitis. I could have died. I was refused an ambulance through 999 and it was a nurse who called back via 111 that ordered an ambulance for me. It was 1am, 15 miles from the nearest hospital and I had no other means of getting to there. I was admitted on December 13th 2016 and left the hospital January 6th 2017!

Aired on Channel 4 on June 30th 2024

Dave Fishwick, a minibus supplier and salesman from Burnley decides to open his own bank - but only for the people of Burnley to use
It's Dave versus the Goliaths of the banking world as Channel 4 follows one man's fight to bring old-fashioned banking back to the High Street. With the global financial system in a mess, bankers in disrepute and their customers feeling short-changed, straight-talking minibus supplier Dave Fishwick has had enough. If the high street banks aren't lending enough to keep the economy going, why doesn't he just start his own? Surely it can't be that difficult?

Dave starts his fight in his hometown of Burnley and his plan is refreshingly simple: he promises is give 5% interest on savings and then use that money to lend to people struggling to secure loans from the big banks. If after six months his local bank works, Dave says he's going to do something the big banks just can't bring themselves to do - instead of paying bonuses, he'll give any profits to charity. As Dave says: "if I can make £1 after all the bills are paid, my bank will be £2billion and one pound better off than the RBS, because they lost £2 billion."

Part 1 of 3 -
Part 2 of 3 -
Part 3 of 3 -

All rights are owned by LDS and Channel 4

Dave Fishwick, a minibus supplier and salesman from Burnley decides to open his own bank - but only for the people of Burnley to use
It's Dave versus the Goliaths of the banking world as Channel 4 follows one man's fight to bring old-fashioned banking back to the High Street. With the global financial system in a mess, bankers in disrepute and their customers feeling short-changed, straight-talking minibus supplier Dave Fishwick has had enough. If the high street banks aren't lending enough to keep the economy going, why doesn't he just start his own? Surely it can't be that difficult?

Dave starts his fight in his hometown of Burnley and his plan is refreshingly simple: he promises is give 5% interest on savings and then use that money to lend to people struggling to secure loans from the big banks. If after six months his local bank works, Dave says he's going to do something the big banks just can't bring themselves to do - instead of paying bonuses, he'll give any profits to charity. As Dave says: "if I can make £1 after all the bills are paid, my bank will be £2billion and one pound better off than the RBS, because they lost £2 billion."

Part 1 of 3 -
Part 2 of 3 -
Part 3 of 3 -

All rights are owned by LDS and Channel 4

Dave Fishwick, a minibus supplier and salesman from Burnley decides to open his own bank - but only for the people of Burnley to use
It's Dave versus the Goliaths of the banking world as Channel 4 follows one man's fight to bring old-fashioned banking back to the High Street. With the global financial system in a mess, bankers in disrepute and their customers feeling short-changed, straight-talking minibus supplier Dave Fishwick has had enough. If the high street banks aren't lending enough to keep the economy going, why doesn't he just start his own? Surely it can't be that difficult?

Dave starts his fight in his hometown of Burnley and his plan is refreshingly simple: he promises is give 5% interest on savings and then use that money to lend to people struggling to secure loans from the big banks. If after six months his local bank works, Dave says he's going to do something the big banks just can't bring themselves to do - instead of paying bonuses, he'll give any profits to charity. As Dave says: "if I can make £1 after all the bills are paid, my bank will be £2billion and one pound better off than the RBS, because they lost £2 billion."

Part 1 of 3 -
Part 2 of 3 -
Part 3 of 3 -

All rights are owned by LDS and Channel 4

A video about why British cities are running out of cash.

Written, directed and presented by Tom Nicholas

Dr. Barbara O'Neill reveals cayenne pepper’s shocking secrets that seem to be illegal to know!
Cayenne pepper isn’t just for flavour; it could be your secret weapon for a healthier body and life! Dr. Barbara O’Neill’s research uncovers how a pinch of cayenne pepper can boost your immune system and so much more.

Are you susceptible to hearing the hum?
Since the early 1960's, an increasing number of people have been hearing (and feeling) a sound causing everything from annoyance to psychosis to death. We have a deeply objective look at what could be causing it.

What if the water you are drinking is not what you think it is? Where does it come from? Is it really natural spring water? Might it be contaminated with microplastics and synthetic chemicals?

This is the story of Poland Spring water. This video focuses on the controversies, including false advertising claims, allegations of using ordinary groundwater, and issues with recyclability and microplastic contamination.

Learn about the major lawsuits faced by the brand, and what it all means for the bottled water industry. Get the facts about what's really in your water bottle and how it impacts your health and the environment.
And, don't forget, Nestle is owned by those big conglomerates, Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan etc..

Listen to this and then tell me the government aren't DELIBERATELY creating food shortages
The puzzling thing is, it affects everyone in the end so why are they complying to this tyranny? Do the government bodies have secret supplies or private gardens or what?

Full documentary from archived films

Public information film from 1948 explaining how the new NHS (National Health Service) system works

UK Crown Copyright 1948

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

World Economic Forum (WEF) members have begun discussing plans to seize control of all elements of nature that humans rely on for survival such as food, water, and even the oxygen supply.
During the WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists declared that natural systems are finite and must be corporatized.

During a Summer Davos panel discussion, WEF speaker Lindsay Hooper blasted members of the general public for expecting water and oxygen to be “unlimited” and “free.”

Hooper, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership CEO, argued that food, water, and oxygen are “forms of natural capital” that global elites must put “on the balance sheet.”

“We can’t do business on a dead planet,” she warned fellow WEF members gathered for the annual event.

Hooper pushed the plan during the panel titled “Understanding Nature’s Ledger.”

During the panel, globalists argued that every part of the economy depends on nature.

They concluded that in order to “protect” natural systems, unelected corporate elites must “bring nature onto the balance sheet.”

“If we’re going to protect natural systems, one of the solutions is to bring nature onto the balance sheet; bring nature into the ways that decisions are made within business to allocate a value to it — to bring it into accounting and financial mechanisms,” Hooper explained


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

709 videos

Category Education

Aiming to open people's eyes about the lies, the cover ups and to expose the truth
Many would consider this being a conspiracy theorist but I like to think that I have an open mind and consider my self a conspiracy researcher
My opinions and views don't mean you have to have the same opinions and views
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