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Creation Fellowship


Today is #InternationalPicnicDay. 🐜🍉 Grab a basket, grab a friend, and while you're eating be sure to invite them to join us this Thursday (the #FirstDayOfSummer) to our #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 presentation with Pastor Douglas Van Dorn. Who was Goliath? Were there other giants in the Bible? Where did they come from? Doug will answer those and more questions for us, and you don't want to miss it!

Meet Steve Hendrickson, this week's #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 speaker. Steve began teaching in 1977 while in the US Air Force. His academic teaching has spanned over three decades, and covered topics from electronic system repair to university-level thermodynamics. He also has a passion for apologetics and has been teaching on that topic since 1993. He's written multiple articles published in the The Creation Club magazine.

We welcome back Nate Loper of Canyon Ministries for a great presentation on Biblical Archeology in Egypt.
Nate Loper at Creation Fellowship Santee, CA
Nate Loper at Creation Fellowship Virtually There
email us with ideas: [email protected]

Join us tonight as Dr. Anthony Silvestro presents one of the lessons CTI's new "Apologetics for the 21st Century" curriculum. This will focus on Big Pharma. Be sure to watch Part 1 with Mike Riddle
The Word of the Lord stands true for all ages and times. But sometimes the way we defend it has to change depending on the enemies' attacks. Mike Riddle and Dr. Anthony Silvestro at The Creation Training Initiative, Inc. have written a new curriculum which they are teaching when they visit churches to help equip Christians to be bold in their defense of God's Word. #1Peter3v15 This course is titled "Apologetics for the 21st Century," and this Thursday and next Thursday, we're looking forward to hearing two segments. Join us this week as Mike presents "Tactics for Controlling People and Nations," and be sure to make plans to attend next week's #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 when we also welcome Dr. Silvestro with a talk on Big Pharma
[email protected]
[email protected]

The Word of the Lord stands true for all ages and times. But sometimes the way we defend it has to change depending on the enemies' attacks. Mike Riddle and Dr. Anthony Silvestro at The Creation Training Initiative, Inc. have written a new curriculum which they are teaching when they visit churches to help equip Christians to be bold in their defense of God's Word. #1Peter3v15 This course is titled "Apologetics for the 21st Century," and this Thursday and next Thursday, we're looking forward to hearing two segments. Join us this week as Mike presents "Tactics for Controlling People and Nations," and be sure to make plans to attend next week's #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 when we also welcome Dr. Silvestro
[email protected]
[email protected]

Does evolution have enough time? Join us as John Harris of Living Waters Europe explores that question. Tonight is the conclusion to last week's presentation.

Does evolution have enough time? ⏱ Secularists (and even some Christians) who believe in "long ages" will tell you that time is one of the four key factors in the processes they claim advanced nothing into human beings. A rarely broadcasted fact, however, is that when the math is done regarding beneficial mutations, the timeline still runs into problems. Our good international friend John Harris of Living Waters Europe will be joining us this and next Thursdays for a two-part #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 series to explain "Haldane's Dilemma." Make plans to join us, and be sure to invite your friends on this #CFSTellAFriendTuesday!

This week we welcome back Michael Maughon of Genesis Animal Sanctuary. Michael is a wildlife educator, and last year he delighted us with the animals he brought on screen with him. See what he has in store for us this Thursday night! Invite your friends!! #CFSTellAFriendTuesday
If you found this interesting please press the thumbs up.

Have a speaker idea? email us: [email protected].

s it possible that the supposed "lost" city of Atlantis wasn't just a myth? That it existed above ground? And that it is actually referred to in the Bible? Listen to the results of Alan's research!
[email protected]
Have an idea for a speaker? Email us.

Rumors and theories abound regarding the so-called legendary creatures both on earth and in space. Are they fanciful theories and imagination? Is there any truth to the supposed sightings and eyewitness accounts? Most importantly, what does the Bible have to say about these beings?
[email protected]
You can friend Mark on Facebook here:

"The Ark and the Darkness" will be in theaters March 20 & 21. Join us as we welcome back producer Dan Biddle to #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 for a sneak peek and live Q&A about the film.
[email protected]

Fan-favorite CFS speaker Dr. Jason Lisle is back to answer the question: How did we get the Bible?
[email protected]

Joseph Hubbard (AKA "Indiana Joe") has been working with Creation Research UK since 2014 and founded the Genesis Museum of Creation Research in 2013. He is a missionary, zoologist, biologist and a speaker, often addressing science\creation topics. Tonight he'll be our special international #CFSVirtuallyThere2024 speaker to give us a biblical perspective on climate change.
email us: [email protected] to get a full transcript of this presentation

We welcome for the first time Scott Weckerly of Mission Apologetics. Scott is an apologist and a drummer. This week, he'll be helping us sharpen our apologetics skills with a lesson on critical thinking!
[email protected]

Our most interactive speaker, Bill Morgan. He always has a way of breaking down God's creative designs to demonstrate the irreducible complexity of created creatures. Amazing!!
Some language you may not be used to hearing so proceed with caution.
email us at [email protected] to receive invites to our Zoom calls

Thursday, 11-JAN is our first #CFSVirtuallyThere2024, with Dr. Aaron Judkins, The Maverick Archaeologist. Dr. Judkins will be talking to us about the dinosaur trackways he has explored and discovered in the western hemisphere. See Aaron's site here
Find past CFS videos here
you can email us to find out our next speakers at
[email protected]

Join us for a special talk from Pastor Mark Kirk of Calvary Knoxville. He will have a Christmas presentation for us that starts from Gabriel's first appearances in the book of Daniel. Be sure to invite your friends to our last #CFSVirtuallyThere2023, and be sure to watch for our soon-to-be-released schedule for #CFSVirtuallyThere2024!

Ryan Cox of Creation Truth Foundation will be joining for a special Thanksgiving presentation. Ryan is an expert on both 🦖 dinosaurs 🦕 and the 🇺🇸 founding of America 🇺🇸. Join us for FREE presentations by finding the Zoom fellowship link in the Event's description on our Creation Fellowship Santee Page so you get notified when we go live here on Facebook!

Join us as we welcome back Nate Loper from Canyon Ministries. Nate will be joining us to explain how those really cool rock formations you might see off the coasts when you go to the beach or go for a drive were formed! Find the Zoom fellowship link in the Event's description, or like and follow our Creation Fellowship Santee Page so you get notified when we go live! #CFSVirtuallyThere2023 #NateLoper
[email protected]
Nate Loper Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Ministries

Sola Scriptura: The inerrant, infallible Word of God should be our primary guide. And two of the most important rules of proper hermeneutics are to let Scripture interpret Scripture and to read Scripture exegetically. So, what exactly does God's Word have to say about the shape of the unique planet He created to be inhabitable for us? Three years ago we had "Creation Guy" Pat Roy present on this topic from a scientific perspective. Tonight, we welcome our friend John Harris, director of Living Waters Europe, to approach it through the lens of God's Word. Join us for this free presentation by finding the Zoom fellowship link in the Event's description, or by following along with the livestream right here on our Creation Fellowship Santee Page. #CFSVirtuallyThere2023

Pastor Josh Schwartz of Mark Henry Ministries and Jan Markell's Olive Tree Ministries. Observing the world around us, we see so much chaos and darkness. We know Satan is working overtime to lure people away from God. And many Christians are aiding the enemy by either knowingly or unknowingly participating in activities that welcome him and his demons into their lives. In this timely #CFSVirtuallyThere2023 presentation, Pastor Josh will arm us with some insight and tools to be able to defend ourselves against the darkness.
[email protected]

Dr. Jobe Martin graduated in 1986 from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters of Theology in Systematic Theology. He has spent the last twenty years studying the topic of Biblical Creation vs. Evolution and lectures frequently on the subject. Dr. Martin was a "traditional evolutionist," but his medical and scientific training would go through an evolution – rather, a revolution – when he began to study animals that challenged the scientific assumptions of his education. Thus began the "evolution" of a creationist.
You can hear Dr. Martin's testimony at
[email protected]

We welcome back speaker Israel Wayne of Family Renewal, LLC. Israel is a homeschool dad of eleven and travels the world speaking about homeschooling, parenting, and--most importantly!--the Word of God. Those of us who study Creation Apologetics have a keen understanding that biblical misinterpretation is where many people get mixed up in their theology. Is there a right and a wrong way to read the Bible? The answer lies in the often mispronounced word "hermeneutics." Tonight, Israel will give us a lesson on the proper way to read God's Word.
[email protected]

Dan Kreft (The 7 Foot Apologist)
When those missionaries come knocking at your door next (or when you see them out on the town), will you be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you? Dan Kreft breaks down a plan so simple that even middle schoolers can follow it!
[email protected]

Dan Biddle, Phd is the President of Genesis Apologetics, reaching youth pastors, parents, and students about Genesis, Creation, and the Flood. Join us for this informative talk about the flaws with the idea of molecules-to-man evolution.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

91 videos

Category Science & Technology

Creation Fellowship Santee began in 2012 in Santee, CA at the Creation and Earth History Museum. The late John Nelson was our founder and after John passed in 2014 Alan Smith and Glenn Jones took over taking turns leading our meetings. Eventually Alan led our classes until Thursday, March 12 2020 which was our last meeting together in person. The USA entered a very bleak time in its history and the country was shut down for 'Slow the spread' for 'two weeks' that lead into foreverness or so it seemed.

The Museum we met at being in CA was shut down with every other museum in California. So we unable to meet in person again until we decided to take Creation Fellowship Santee to the air and began meeting via Zoom on May 21, 2020 and have met almost every Thursday at 6:30pm Pacific after that. We break for Holidays etc.

We are a core group joined by our belief in the 6 day creation account also know as Young Earth Creationism (YEC). We have the same evidences as Evolutionists and Theistic Evolutionists (OE Old Earth) however we interpret this evidence through the lens of Scripture. Our beliefs are found only in the bible and sometimes supplemental texts that are referenced in the bible.

Our only criteria to be a speaker is that you also believe the 6 day creation account. We welcome to attend Atheists, Evolutions, Theistic Evolutionists and any person who wants to hear another point of view and ask questions and why we believe what we believe. Join us live via Zoom or listen live on Facebook at our CreationFellowshipSantee Facebook page.
Email us for our schedule of speakers and to receive the Zoom meeting information.. [email protected]