Calvary Chapel Mission Valley

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Calvary Chapel Mission Valley

Calvary Chapel Mission Valley


Are good works necessary unto salvation? Tune in today to learn about this.

Photo by Jon Tyson on unsplash.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #religion #salvatrion #saved

Today we discuss the distinction between praise, prayer and scripture. Is there a difference?

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #praise #prayer #scripture

Happy Father's Day! Society today lampoons fathers. But in God's kingdom, fathers play a vital role in the family and in society. Today we have a special service to bless fathers.

#God #Bible #Church #Jesus #Love #fathers

Imagine writing a beautiful song only to never play it. How often do we start things and never finish?

Today we discuss how so many "Christians" fail to persevere to enter God's place of rest. What keeps us from entering this rest? Tune in to identify barriers in your life today.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #love #perseverance #persevere #Hebrews

Zechariah receives a vision of four horns and four horsemen. What does this mean. Join us to find out.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #hope #promise #Israel #temple #prophesy

Christian, have you become complacent in your faith? Has your belief become calloused? Do you find the Word of God uninteresting, unexciting? Is your prayer life almost non-existent?

Join us today as we continue to learn about our unbelief.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #faith #hope #patience #love #Satan

Today we continue leaning about God's warning to His people regarding unbelief. Hebrews uses the example of the Israelites in the desert. The Israelites witnessed the pillar of smoke and fire. They witnessed God's Shakina Glory from the temple. They witnessed impossible victories against nations multiple times their size.

We have never seen these miracles in our lives, yet we have God's written Word. Israel did not have this book. Today we read about each story from beginning to end. We witness a different type of sign and wonder, yet just as compelling: the Word of God.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #Israel #faith

Zechariah received eight visions in one night. Today we learn about the first of the visions, the Horseman.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #Israel #Zechariah #prophesy

Can a believer loose his/her salvation? Join us to learn what Hebrews has to say about that.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #salvation #Trinity

The universe has an order. God created the order and God is above all else. Do you find yourself telling God what you want and how you want it? Are you frustrated? Try trusting in God's plan instead of dictating your own.

#God #Bible #Church #Jesus #Jonah #humility #pride

Womanhood is under attack. Jesus Christ came and gave value to women, who were often discarded in society. Moses' mother risked her life to protect the life of her son. God had plans for that child, she was unaware of. In our country alone we have destroyed millions of lives though abortion.

Even if you have been the victim of an abortion (mothers are victims too), please join us. Jesus forgives even this. We dedicate today's message to Mothers and women. Jesus loves and values you, mother.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #mother #mother'sday #abortion #mercy #love


Is baptism a requirement for salvation? Join us to find out what the Bible tells us about this commandment.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus baptism baptized salvation commandment

Rick Warren claims that Bible prophesy is a distraction to Christians. What say ye? What sayeth the Lord?

Today we discuss what the Bible says about end-times prophesy. Join us to learn more.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #prophesy #RickWarren #saddlebackchurch

Can God clean our hearts and minds? Can a sinner be made pure? Today we learn about how God deals with evil. Please join us.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #religion #Haggai #Israel

Does Jesus have supreme authority?

Today we continue learning about Jesus' supreme authority even over Moses. Join us to learn more.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #Moses

Can God create a stone to heavy for Him to lift? Absolutely not! God is above all creation. There is nothing in creation greater than God. No matter the size of the stone, God is greater.

Likewise, there is nothing that can thwart God's plans. Satan knows he has been defeated so he wants to take as much of God's creation with him. Why? Because we are made in God's image. He hates God and by extension he hates us.

Today we continue learning of God's promised future temple. Even today, the Jews make preparation for the future temple! Who can thwart God's promised temple? Join us to find out.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #hope #promise #Israel #temple #prophesy

In the battle between good and evil, the world would have us believe that Satan is the antithesis to Jesus, Messiah. Is this true? Are Jesus and Satan polar opposites?

Join us to dive in to find out what God's word says about the supremacy of Jesus Christ.

Photo by Jon Tyson on

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #prayer #love #hope #salvation #satan #hell

In the times of Haggai, while the Jews were in captivity in Babylon, Cyrus, king of Persia conquered the city. Imagine the confusion and turmoil the Jews felt, not knowing what would become of them. It's at this time that Haggai was used of God to bring words of encouragement and instruction to repair the temple.

How has your walk with Christ been? Do you ever feel discouraged and confused? The Word of God speaks to us today. It speaks words of encouragement and instruction just like Haggai was used of God in his time. Invest your time in God's word. Receive the words of encouragement written for you thousands of years ago.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #Persia #Babylon #temple #Israel #Haggai

With an unprecedented convergence of events on 4/8/2024, we are being bombarded with many commentaries and teachings claiming many things. But what does the Bible tell us of these events? Join us to find out from a Biblical perspective what these things really mean.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #eclipse #cicadias #signs #prophesy

Service begins at 46:00.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #resurrection #crucifixion

When a father compassionately disciplines his child, he does it out of love. Similarly, God corrects His children. When a Christian sins he/she should feel the conviction of the presence of the Lord. If you do not experience the Lord's presence when you sin, you need to check your relationship with God.

Israel was being corrected, subjected to slavery. But even in that, God was with His people; He placed them in a setting where they could prosper so much that they began feeling comfortable. Soon they forgot their calling in the world: to represent God in His holy temple.

#God #Church #Bible #prayer #Jesus #conviction #Mercy #Israel

An innocent man dies. Does anyone care? Do you care?

Jesus Christ, an innocent man whose body housed the creator of the universe has come to fulfil the Law of God which accuses all of sin. The wages of sin is Death according to said Law.

Join us to learn about all that God did for us on the cross. Find out why Jesus had to die for you today.

Good Friday message delivered by Elder, Joel Garcia

Are your sins unforgiveable? Today's message is for you.

Guilt. This is a feeling we all experience. God never condemns us, however, He will convict us. There is an immense difference between condemnation and conviction.

Today we discuss Haggai's sermon regarding conviction. If you are struggling with feelings of guilt or despair, please join us to see what God said about these feelings to the house of Judah. We can glean great understanding today from this intense sermon.

#God #Church #Bible #Jesus #Haggai #prophesy #conviction #condemnation #prayer love #religion


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

309 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Calvary Chapel Mission Valley is a fellowship of non-denominational believers in El Paso, Texas. We believe in the inerrant Word of God. Worship and teaching is simple, just like Jesus' teaching. You are invited to join us. Please visit our website at for location and service schedules.