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Materialism asserts that the only thing that can be truly said to exist is matter.
According to this worldview, all phenomena, including consciousness, thoughts, and emotions, are the results of material interactions.

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Qualia, a term rooted in philosophy, refers to the individual instances of subjective, conscious experience.
These are the raw sensations and feelings that constitute the fabric of our mental lives, such as the redness of a rose, the bitterness of coffee, or the pain of a headache.

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The dark empath: an intriguing, enigmatic figure who combines the ability to understand and share the feelings of others with a tendency to manipulate and exploit them.
This paradoxical personality type challenges our traditional notions of empathy and underscores the complexity of human nature.

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The paradox of tolerance, a concept famously articulated by philosopher Karl Popper in his 1945 work "The Open Society and Its Enemies," addresses the challenge inherent in a tolerant society that must decide how to handle intolerant ideologies and actions.

The Messiah Complex, also known as the Savior Complex, describes a psychological state where an individual harbors an intense desire to save or liberate others, often at the expense of their own well-being.

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Gnosticism is the belief in gnosis, a special, esoteric knowledge necessary for salvation.
This knowledge, claimed by Gnostics to be hidden from the masses and accessible only to a select few, involves profound insights into the nature of the divine, the cosmos, and the human soul.

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Serendipity is a delightful concept that encapsulates the occurrence of fortunate discoveries made by chance.

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Guilt is a multifaceted emotion that stems from the recognition of having committed a moral or ethical transgression.
Unlike shame, which is rooted in the perception of how others view us, guilt is an inward-facing emotion, focused on one's own moral compass and the disparity between one's actions and ideals.

Fideism is a philosophical and theological stance asserting that faith is independent of and often superior to, reason.

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Humanism, a philosophical and ethical stance, emphasizes the value and agency of human beings individually and collectively.

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Cosmicism is a philosophical and literary concept developed by H.P. Lovecraft, emphasizing the insignificance of humanity in the vast, indifferent universe. It posits that human beings are powerless and inconsequential in the grand scheme of existence, with the cosmos governed by ancient, incomprehensible forces that are indifferent or even hostile to human concerns. This perspective often evokes feelings of existential dread and highlights the futility of seeking meaning or purpose in a universe devoid of benevolent deities or cosmic order.

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Mamihlapinatapai describes a shared look between two people, each wishing the other would initiate something both desire but are unwilling to start themselves.
This term, often considered one of the most succinctly expressive words, conveys a concept rich in emotional complexity and subtlety.

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Emotivism is a meta-ethical theory that asserts moral judgments are expressions of emotions or attitudes, rather than statements of fact. It proposes that ethical propositions do not convey factual information about the world but instead reflect the speaker's feelings or preferences.

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Psychologist Paul Ekman identified seven universal emotions that are expressed similarly across all human cultures.

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Words, phrases, and concepts to expand your worldview and help with your personal growth.

Hiraeth - describes a mix of nostalgia, wistfulness, and a profound yearning for something lost or unattainable.

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Seeking validation is a fundamental aspect of human behavior.
At its core, is the desire to receive affirmation and acceptance from others, often to bolster one's self-esteem and sense of belonging.

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This quote comes from Blaise Pascal's work "Pensées", which is a collection of fragments, notes, and essays that reflect his thoughts on various subjects, including theology, philosophy, and existential questions.

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Cynicism is a perspective characterized by skepticism and distrust, often towards societal norms, the motives of others, or the general state of affairs.

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A sense of belligerence and readiness to fight.
The word bellicose is an adjective that describes a person, group, or behavior that is inclined to start fights, argue, or engage in conflict.

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Ethereality refers to the quality of being light, airy, or heavenly.
It describes something delicate, almost otherworldly, and not of this physical world.

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Words, phrases, and concepts to expand your worldview and help with your personal growth.

Avernal is an adjective that describes something related to the underworld or hell, often with connotations of being infernal or hellish.

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Words, phrases, and concepts to expand your worldview and help with your personal growth.

Individualism is a philosophical and social perspective that places value on personal autonomy, freedom, self-reliance, and self-expression.

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Something gloomy, mysterious, or difficult to see through.

Words, phrases, and concepts to expand your worldview and help your personal growth.

Tenebrous is an adjective that means dark, shadowy, or obscure.

It often connotes something that is gloomy, mysterious, or difficult to see through, and can be used both literally and figuratively.

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Inveigle - Words, phrases, and concepts to expand your worldview and help your personal growth.

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Five percent of people think... - Quotes and concepts to expand your worldview and help your personal growth.

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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

67 videos

Category Arts & Literature