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The Final Deception Confronting the Body of Christ:
A Clear Refutation of the Error that Contradicts the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church - by Pastor Doug Riggs

This message was originally recorded March 4, 2015.

"The last and great and final deception that will be in the body of Christ – [is] the agenda of false teachers". According to Dr. Michael Lake, the doctrines of demons come from the watchers (fallen angels) and the Nephilim (hybrid offspring). The final deception confronting the body of Christ is the false teachings so prevalent in our generation related to eschatology. The confusion and deception is because the church today is not instructed sufficiently in the revelation of the mystery of the Christ, the singular and corporate aspect of the one New Man, Christ the head, the church His body. Without this key to properly interpret scripture, false teaching about the end times abounds. How many will apostatize and abandon their faith when tribulation comes on the church (not "The Tribulation") and Jesus isn't here to deliver us? The saints at Thessalonica experienced this confusion and had to be corrected.

It's important to see the distinctions between the prophecies in the Old Testament and the gospels relating to Israel and the second coming of Jesus, and the teaching on the coming of Jesus for the church (i.e.: the rapture), two completely different events soon to come. "The message for the church is very much different than what you see in Luke 21, Mark 13, and Matthew 24. Luke 21 is actually the Temple Discourse which sets the stage for the Olivet Discourse in Mark 13 and Matthew 24 that is focusing on the 2nd coming of the Lord. In other words, you look at the events leading up to the 2nd Advent of Christ when He returns from heaven to earth to establish His kingdom, that's what those passages are focusing on. There's nothing in there of the church; absolutely nothing." Remember, the revelation of the mystery of the Christ (corporate body o..

This song is dedicated to those who have committed their time and effort to fight Human Trafficking.

Lyrics (see below), Music, and Performance by Dennis Holmes

Back Story: As an early teen I ran away from home and, for a time, was a street kid. I lived in San Francisco's tenderloin district. I was propositioned by pedophiles and experienced many of the things kids who are basically ‘lost’ experience. Fortunately, I wasn’t on the street very long. I got busted, jailed and sent home.

After graduating from college, I spent 5 years as a Juvenile Probation Officer and heard many stories; most obviously much worse than mine.

Three of my children, as young adults, lived in Romania working in orphanages there; as a result, five of my ten grandchildren are Romanian orphans.

All of the above affected my music. I’ve been involved in bands and eventually soloing in Coffee Houses and other venues, so I’ve been around music since I was 14.

The song involved only 4 instruments and vocals. (It’s not professionally engineered - the goal is to get the message out, not compete for a Grammy:-). I wrote the song (music and lyrics) and my parts were vocals, guitar and the script for the Cello. An associate added drums and bass.

Music Video: John Mark Music Video Productions

Lyrics & Chords:
Can You Hear Them?

Am F G Em
It’s a hot night on the streets of Memphis
Am F G
Danny isn’t sure if he’s alone
Am F G Em
Beaten badly, he starts to tremble
Am F G
If they find him, he knows he’s through

Dm Fmj7
Growing desperate, tears fill his eyes
F G F G Es/E
Doesn’t anyone, doesn’t anyone care?
Fmj7 Cmj7
Can you hear him sigh?
Am C..

NEW - not published before - Jim Wilder at Pastor Doug Riggs' conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

James Wilder, Ph.m psychologist, pastor, author, and one who is "just on the cusp of being an Elder" serves as the associate director of Shepherd's House. His broad experience in SRA/DID counseling gives him Insights into Overlooked Factors in Restoration specific issues that block progress and the specific approaches that resolve them. Through his passion for the people he counsels, God made him one of His most valuable advocates for survivors in the Body of Christ. In The Deadliest Deterrent (or Twice As Fit For Hell), Jim shares what God must do in the counselor and church to restore SRA/DID survivors.


NEW - not published before - Tom Hawkins at Pastor Doug Riggs' conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

Tom Hawkins, Ph.D., a pastor and counselor from Pennsylvania, has personally counseled several dozen (among the hundreds he has worked with) dissociative Christians for nine years. In that time Tom has gained an understanding of the Luciferian and Satanic Agendas that advance the kingdom of darkness. Along with this the Lord has given Tom unique experience in applying biblical truth in Resolving Internal Conflicts that perpetuate dissociation, character pathology, demonization, and mind-control programming.


NEW - not published before - Jim Wilder at Pastor Doug Riggs' conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

James Wilder, Ph.m psychologist, pastor, author, and one who is "just on the cusp of being an Elder" serves as the associate director of Shepherd's House. His broad experience in SRA/DID counseling gives him Insights into Overlooked Factors in Restoration specific issues that block progress and the specific approaches that resolve them. Through his passion for the people he counsels, God made him one of His most valuable advocates for survivors in the Body of Christ. In The Deadliest Deterrent (or Twice As Fit For Hell), Jim shares what God must do in the counselor and church to restore SRA/DID survivors.


NEW - not published before:
Dan addresses Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now referred to as Dissociative Personality Disorder, from a biblical perspective.

Dr. Dan Rumberger, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Rumberger has been a licensed Psychologist since 1982. He lives and practices in Colorado and also retains his license in Iowa, where he helped establish ICBC (the precursor of Deeper Walk) in 1988, serving on its staff for many years. Our founder, Mark Bubeck, dubbed him the “Rare Bird”, due to his holding a doctorate in Psychology while having a biblical worldview that embraces the reality of spiritual warfare. The oldest (in any sense of the word!) Deeper Walk Board member, Dan established a robust legacy of ICBC/Deeper Walk biennial conferences that, for the first time, brought together many of the likeminded ministry partners who continue to serve the Body of Christ alongside Deeper Walk International. He and Susanna have been married for 50 years.

Many resources for survivors, counselors, and all disciples of Jesus Christ:

NEW - not published before - from Pastor Doug Riggs' conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997:

Dan addresses Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now referred to as Dissociative Personality Disorder, and how childhood disturbances affect the rest of your life.

Dr. Dan Rumberger, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Rumberger has been a licensed Psychologist since 1982. He lives and practices in Colorado and also retains his license in Iowa, where he helped establish ICBC (the precursor of Deeper Walk) in 1988, serving on its staff for many years. Our founder, Mark Bubeck, dubbed him the “Rare Bird”, due to his holding a doctorate in Psychology while having a biblical worldview that embraces the reality of spiritual warfare. The oldest (in any sense of the word!) Deeper Walk Board member, Dan established a robust legacy of ICBC/Deeper Walk biennial conferences that, for the first time, brought together many of the likeminded ministry partners who continue to serve the Body of Christ alongside Deeper Walk International. He and Susanna have been married for 50 years.

Many resources for survivors, counselors, and all disciples of Jesus Christ:

NEW - not published before - from Pastor Doug Riggs' conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997:
Dan addresses Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now referred to as Dissociative Personality Disorder, from a biblical perspective.

Dr. Dan Rumberger, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Rumberger has been a licensed Psychologist since 1982. He lives and practices in Colorado and also retains his license in Iowa, where he helped establish ICBC (the precursor of Deeper Walk) in 1988, serving on its staff for many years. Our founder, Mark Bubeck, dubbed him the “Rare Bird”, due to his holding a doctorate in Psychology while having a biblical worldview that embraces the reality of spiritual warfare. The oldest (in any sense of the word!) Deeper Walk Board member, Dan established a robust legacy of ICBC/Deeper Walk biennial conferences that, for the first time, brought together many of the likeminded ministry partners who continue to serve the Body of Christ alongside Deeper Walk International. He and Susanna have been married for 50 years.

Many resources for survivors, counselors, and all disciples of Jesus Christ:

NEW - not published before - Tom Hawkins from a conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

Tom teaches practical protocols and recommendations for counselors of SRA/DID survivors from a biblical perspective.

Many resources for survivors, counselors, and all disciples of Jesus Christ:

NEW - not published before - Pastor Doug Riggs from a conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

Doug teaches practical protocols and recommendations for counselors of SRA/DID survivors from a biblical perspective.

NEW - not published before - Pastor Doug Riggs from a conference in Tulsa Oklahoma - 1997.

Luciferian Kingdomization; Satan's strategy to contaminate the body of Christ; to have a position in the body of Christ to thwart the consummation of the church coming to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). Modern day satanic rituals mirror the mystery religions of ancient Babylon. These ancient mystery rituals are the antithesis of the mystery of the gospel, the mystery of the corporate Christ, even as the 'New Age' movement is not new at all, but a counterfeit that Jesus Christ will soon finally come to deal with.

Why minister to survivors of satanic ritual abuse? Doug gives the many scriptural reasons to be instrumental in bringing light, life, love, and healing to the brokenhearted and release to those held in captivity by Satan.

"We, the body of Christ, are the instruments of divine judgment upon the satanic kingdom - to displace the satanic kingdom on the people of God."

2014 年 7月,晨星見證教會的牧師道格-里格斯(Doug Riggs)分享了這篇短短的講章。 講章內概括了我們在 「被接在空中與主相遇 」之前,在教會時代最後的日子裡應該要預期的事情。 這將只會有倖存的餘民。 道格牧師挑戰我們往更高的地方攀登。 在他擔任我們牧師的 40 年裡,他所教導我們的一直都是這樣。 這段簡短的摘錄會讓您一窺屬天的末世觀點。

John Mark, 網站管理員



「起初的愛心是將我們自己的全部都降服,交給我們的神來分擔和補足祂患難的缺欠--補滿基督患難的缺欠,在教會中,也就是祂的身體」 (歌羅西書 1:24)

本信息摘自 Doug Riggs牧師於2021 年3 月7 日分享的信息。此後一年之內,Doug牧師本身就被遷到我們的救主耶穌基督的同在中。作為我們 40年之久的牧師,他在這裡完成了他的心路歷程。


First love is loving what God loves most... the church.

"First love involves deeds... deeds give evidence of first love."

"First love is the surrender and the giving up to our Lord all that we are in sharing and fulfilling the measure of His sufferings - the filling up of the measure of His sufferings in the church, which is His body." (Colossians 1:24)

This message is an excerpt of a message by Pastor Doug Riggs given on March 7, 2021. Within a year, Doug would find himself translated into the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, having finished his course here as our pastor of forty years.

The full message can be heard here:

The Fight of the Faith - by T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel
Pastor Doug Riggs reading and commentary of this message by T. Austin-Sparks recorded 12/14/2014.
For those who might not yet know what 'mystery' means in the New Testament, and what it doesn't mean, we might want to take a step back before proceeding. As we see in the scriptures, it has several applications: 'the mystery of the kingdom of God' (Mark 4:11); 'the mystery' (Romans 16:25; Ephesians 3:3; Colossians 1:26); 'this mystery' (Romans 11:25; Colossians 1:27); 'a mystery' (1 Corinthians 2:7); 'a great mystery' (Ephesians 5:32); 'the mystery of His will' (Ephesians 1:9); 'the mystery of [the] Christ' (Ephesians 3:4; Colossians 4:3); 'the mystery of the gospel' (Ephesians 6:19); 'the mystery of God' (Colossians 2:2; Revelation 10:7); 'the mystery of iniquity' (2 Thessalonians 2:7); 'the mystery of the faith' (1 Timothy 3:9); 'the mystery of godliness' (1 Titus 3:16); 'the mystery of the seven stars' (Revelation 1:20); 'the mystery of the woman and of the beast' (Revelation 11:25).
Better understood, 'mystery' means a sacred secret kept until a time revealed by the Holy Spirit, and it is available for all to come to know, not limited to an elite class. 'Mystery' is not something kept secret for only a few to come to know. Though we cannot explore each instance noted above where the word 'mystery' is used, we will focus on that pertaining to Brother Sparks' message. When it comes to 'the mystery of the Christ' (i.e. ‘mystery of the church’; ‘mystery of the gospel’), it doesn't come to us merely from an intellectual pursuit, but a 'spirit of revelation' as Paul prays in Ephesians 1, an illumination of the eyes of our heart. Though we are to diligently study the word of God so as to handle it accurately (2 Timothy 2:15), we need spiritual revelation and illumination to not only know it mentally, but to know it experientially. The Apostle Paul, after exhausting the Greek lan..

The School of Christ
by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, 1942-43, Vol. 20-3 - 21-4. Subsequently published by Witness and Testimony Publishers as a book in multiple editions, this version is from 1964.

Audio Version read by Roland van Noppen

Chapter 1 - The Foundation of Spiritual Education
Chapter 2 - Learning the Truth
Chapter 3 - Learning by Revelation
Chapter 4 - The House of God
Chapter 5 - The Light of Life
Chapter 6 - An Open Heaven
Chapter 7 - Learning Under the Anointing

GeorgeAnne Hughes' ByteShow Interview: June 28, 2010
Pastor Doug Riggs / Dr. Preston Bailey

Session 1: A clinical and biblical explanation of Dissociative Identity Disorder that results from early childhood trauma and satanic ritual abuse.

What is Satan's final assault on the church and his final preparation for his end-game to attempt to thwart the coming again of Jesus Christ - to wage war against Him and His army (Rev. 17:14; 19:19)? How widespread is child abuse? Are there coverups protecting people who participate in satanic ritual abuse? Can Christians have Dissociative Identity Disorder? Can we believe the reports survivors of traumatic abuse tell us? Should pastors and Christian counselors work with abuse survivors, or should they leave that to psychologists and psychiatrists? Can fallen angels take on physical form and copulate with human women? Can women get pregnant when they have sexual contact with fallen angels? What are Nephilim? Are there Nephilim in the world today?

Doug Riggs served as Pastor to Morning Star Testimony Church for 40 years, 35 of which included intensive biblical counseling to satanic ritual abuse survivors with D.I.D. You will find a plethora of counseling resources at, including several seminars held in Germany, South Africa and Hawaii.
Spiritual Warfare: Defeating the Forces of Darkness Paperback – May 20, 2008 by Preston T. Bailey Jr. (Author)
Dr. Bailey's website:

GeorgeAnne Hughes' ByteShow Interview: June 28, 2010
Pastor Doug Riggs / Dr. Preston Bailey

Session 2 continues with a clinical and biblical explanation of Dissociative Identity Disorder that results from early childhood trauma and satanic ritual abuse.

We read in Genesis 3:15 that Satan has seed. Is Satan mixing his seed with human women to produce hybrid offspring? Some of the very women Satan is using - eyewitness testimony - says 'Yes'. The result of Satan's seed mixed with human ovum has produced the antichrist and false prophet, restrained for now and not able to be brought out into the open, but they await the removal of the church for the time they will carry out their mission described in the Book of the Revelation.

The portal located at Mt. Hermon through which fallen angels came down to 'the daughters of men' (Genesis 6) has reopened as a result of the slaughter of 6 million Jews - the holocaust. Women have been conceived in satanic conception rituals to prepare them for later rituals (age 13) to be impregnated with fallen angel seed, producing nephilim hybrids. Later, at age 27, these nephilim mothers are forced to marry their offspring, thus committing incestuous beastiality, a most extreme sinful act, to produce another hybrid offspring. This isn't Hollywood. It's been happening since 1943, as numerous eyewitnesses have reported.

In the Genesis 6 narrative as well as the following eruptions of fallen angels mixing with human women, there were several kinds of offspring. There were the 'men of renown' - many varieties described in Greek legends (I purposefully avoid the term 'myths') including giants (i.e.: Goliath) and part-human-part-animal creatures. Since the 20th century, we've heard of countless reports of 'greys' and 'reptilian' hybrids. In the early 1940's, it was discovered through the experiments of Dr. Josef Mengele and what Doug coined the Hitler Genesis 6 Project that using carefully selected females who would open their hearts to Jes..

Doug Riggs, Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church, in July 2014 shared this short message. It encapsulates what we should expect during these last-days of the church age prior to our being "caught up to meet the Lord in the air". It will only be a surviving remnant. Doug challenged us to reach higher and press on to higher ground. What he taught us over the 40 years he was our pastor was consistently just that. This short excerpt will give you an idea what that heavenly end-time perspective looks like.

John Mark, Web Administrator

During my 'breakfast with Jesus' this morning I was moved to listen to a recent message by Frank Viola. It is called "The Two Anointings". I soon discovered he was speaking of the anointings of Saul and David - a really good message. In his third point, he spoke on suffering which really spoke to me, especially as I know we all go through these seasons and events of God's testing and refining. I certainly invite all to listen to the full message (it's the first of two he gave). Frank Viola gave permission to post this excerpt.

Here are portions of the transcript to whet your appetite:
"When your Lord brings circumstances and situations in your life that are painful, He allows these things to come into your life; He permits them. But He has a greater objective - that is to break you, to break your natural power, to break your reliance upon yourself so that you will be useful in His hands; so that it is not you, but it is Christ; so that it's not your power, it's His power. And He needs to bring the cross into your life and mine for that to happen. To break us - brokenness."

When we experience God's testing and fail the test, "God doesn't fail His students; He just makes them take the test over and over again."

"... He (God) is saying, 'I have a higher purpose; submit to My breaking. This is the cross. You are fellowshipping with the sufferings of My Son ...' Why? So the power of His resurrection may be in you - through you to others."

"It is through death that we enter into life, and it is through the death of His cross working in us as we yield to it, we submit to it, we let it break us, that we are able to be those who release life. The treasure can get out of the vessel because it's been broken."

Link to entire message:
The Two Anointings:

John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach ..

Pastor Doug Riggs gave this message May 13, 2018.

As I listened to it, I wondered just how many local churches are able to hear such a message as this. Having experienced rejection from more than one assembly (three thus far) because of my association with this ministry as I’ve attended other churches, I’ve been informed along the line of “We don’t deal with demons and Satan. Jesus already won the war, so we don’t have to fight.” We see that passivity in the description of two of the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, Sardis and Laodicea, one is asleep; the other thinks they have all they need. There’s coming a day that the body of Christ will be required to fight the warfare the Apostle Paul described in Ephesians 6, like it or not. Without preparation and equipping (i.e.: “having done all to stand”), the church at large is in for a very rude awakening.
Jesus our Lord is A MAN OF WAR (Exodus 15:3), and in case you missed it, “The LORD is His name.” So what did Doug uncover about the warfare we’ve been called to? He served as pastor our small assembly 40 years, most of which included counseling Christian survivors who endured the most heinous satanic ritual abuse you could not even begin to imagine. How many people know there are born-again Christians in their congregations who are captives of Satan, even serving him in indescribable rituals Saturday night and coming to church to teach Sunday School, work in the nursery, and even preach from the pulpit? The blinders of Satan over the eyes of the church are very effective in keeping his activity secret. It’s too unbelievable to be believed, redundant as that may be.

In this shocking teaching, Doug takes the blinders off and exposes some of the most hidden of what is done in the darkness, Satan is using Christians as his weapons against God, and against the body and bride of Christ. It’s time we in the church do something about that. Benaiah in 2 Samuel 23:20 and 1 Chronicles 11:22 “had gone down and killed a lion i..

Satan's Strategy - Stealing Neshama and Weaponizing it Against the Church; God's Strategy - Rescuing the Neshama and Weaponizing it to Defeat His Enemies!

Pastor Doug Riggs gave this message May 6, 2018, and begins with a refresher course on what it takes to live the Christian life and an explanation of the ministry given to Doug and our assembly.
Here are my notes:
• We must understand and live in the reality of our identification with Jesus Christ; His death is our death; His resurrection life is our resurrection life; we are organically grown together in His death and His life.
o We died together with Him; we live together with Him; this is consecration.
o BE being dead to sin; BE being alive to God; BE being filled with the Holy Spirit.
o Become weapons of righteousness to be used by God.
o SIN is a weapon against self; against the body of Christ; against God.
• Why did Doug and our assembly work with survivors of SRA?
o so God can have His place;
o to release the whole person’s humanity to be fully possessed and occupied by God;
o to transfer them from operating as weapons of Satan to weapons of God.
• Flesh / Sin / old man / natural man = CRUCIFIED / dead / buried.
• Jesus is coming soon in WRATH & FURY to destroy Satan / antichrist / false prophet / fallen angels. How? IN / THROUGH His glorified corporate body, the body of Christ – His instrument of JUDGMENT.
• Truth & righteousness = weapons God can use to destroy the works of the devil; to heal the brokenhearted; to set free those in captivity and from oppression.
• Jesus Christ is a ‘man of war’ (Exodus 15:3) – weaponized by God.
• When we live in obedience, truth & righteousness (experiential, not imputed), God uses us as HIS weapons of war. We are clothed in Christ who is the armor of God; clothed in truth, righteousness, salvation, peace, faith – and able to wield the sword of the spirit – to slay His enemies at the 2nd Advent (end of the day of the Lord).
• Our consecration to God will result in ou..

Pastor Doug Riggs gave this message October 17, 2020 to correct the deceptive erroneous teaching on the ‘apostasy’ term used in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (“for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first) - ἀποστασία (apostasia). Some, such as J.D. Farag, teach it quite energetically that this term refers to the rapture (departure) of the church and not a spiritual rebellion that precedes (and follows) the rapture. Though there is beneficial and edifying teaching from our brother, he is in error when it comes to his interpretation. As you will hear, Doug clearly and definitively proves it and explains to us what it means.
Here are my notes:
• Just because we are experiencing tribulation doesn’t mean we are in The Tribulation.
• If we’re looking for the antichrist or the mark of the beast, we’re looking at the wrong things. What about the blessed hope (Titus 2:13) and the morning star arising in our hearts (2 Peter 1:19)?
• ἀποστασία (apostasia) = spiritual departure/rebellion – not physical/spatial departure (i.e.: rapture)
• Caution: as Doug was reading from commentaries, the term “professing church” is used. Before I was properly taught by Doug, for example passages like Revelation 3:14-22 regarding the church in Laodicea, I believed it to be filled with people who profess to be Christians but actually aren’t. Doug (and others who know how to interpret scriptures) corrected this for me. Jesus didn’t write these 7 letters to unbelievers in churches, but to the church, made up of believers, some of which were in apostasy and rebellion that needed correction. Therefore, when we hear “professing church” or “professing Christians” in the context of what Doug quoted, this refers to born-again Christians not walking in the truth.
• Additionally: unbelievers can’t apostatize – to apostatize is to fall away from something you once had (i.e.: the truth).
• What will we observe and experience just before the rapture?... a world-wide revival?... millions of new converts to ..

In case you've never heard Maj. W. Ian Thomas, you'll want to hear this message. Maj. Thomas was an evangelist to Christians. He taught us that Jesus' death on the cross and shedding His blood saves us from our sins; but it's His resurrection and ascension that gives us authority. Due to a conference I attended in Siloam Springs back in the early 80's where he spoke, my Christian life took a most important turn for which I will always be grateful.

Pastor Doug gave this message October 1, 2020 to correct the deceptive erroneous teaching by those who believe the church will have to endure the “day of the Lord” that includes the 7-year tribulation (Daniel’s 70th Week). For those of us who understand the correct eschatology, we need to be shored up for when tribulation and persecution comes upon the church that we will know where we are in the prophetic scene, and will have ‘ammunition’ to use to correct those in error who say we’re now in the Tribulation. Doug clearly taught the distinction between the rapture of the church and the day of the Lord. Here are my notes:
• As some (many?) teach that the rapture of the church is included in the day of the Lord (see 2 Thess. 2:2), and when we encounter persecution and tribulation, we’ll be told we are in the Tribulation, Doug gets us straight on our understanding of eschatology, the study of end-times. The eschatology for the church is distinct from that of Israel and the Gentile nations.
• Just because you are experiencing persecution and tribulation, this does not prove you’re in the 7-year Tribulation, and therefore can figure out what vial is being release, or which horse is coming this way.
• Doug has told us about the very real possibility of a counterfeit tribulation – how our enemy the devil might bring such catastrophes on the earth similar to what we read in Revelation 6 – 19, especially what so many will (and even now) believe is the ‘mark of the beast’.
• The ‘day of the Lord’ is in two phases: 1) 7-year Tribulation (after the church is removed); 2) the millennial kingdom. As the Jewish custom is to start each day at sundown (i.e.: 6 p.m.’ish), so also the day of the Lord begins with the dark judgments of the Tribulation and then culminating in the light of Jesus’ return to establish the millennial kingdom.
• The Jewish eschatology begins with judgment on unbelievers with the purpose of salvation to those who recognize and believe in Jesus as Yesha Hamas..

Dealing with FEAR??

Afraid of what's going on?... of the future? ... of what happens after death?

Are you convinced you're good enough to spend eternity in heaven?
Just how good do we need to be to go to heaven?
Do 'good people' go to heaven, and 'bad people' go to hell?
Is your eternity secure?
How do I know I'll be going to heaven after I die?
What happens if we don't believe in Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach?

Pastor Doug Riggs gives us reason not to be afraid. It's all about how we relate to the God of the universe, our Creator. Original Broadcast: Nephilim Super Soldiers and Satan's Infiltration in the Church - End Time Talk Radio w/Dr. Preston Bailey & Doug - 2011


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

130 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith - a website for Christians - Spiritual meat for those who are serious about growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

FINANCIAL NOTE: I started my website and my YouTube channel in 2011. Expenses include - internet, web hosting, cloud file storage, office and equipment requirements, etc. However, interrupting my videos with advertising is not worth the tiny financial compensation I get to help cover expenses. I will trust the Lord to continue providing financially to keep this work going.

If you'd like to participate financially: PayPal button at
