Blurry Creatures Podcast

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Blurry Creatures Podcast

Blurry Creatures


The Nephilim Movie Trailer

Hope you enjoy The Nephilim concept trailer. This was a labor of love, created by us to show what we imagined some of these ancient events might have looked like. Thank you for all the inspiration, motivation, and support of our podcast. Blurry Creatures has grown into so much more than we ever envisioned. Maybe a film will be made one day? Stay tuned.#nephilimgiants #nephilim #gensix #genesis #gen6 #goliath #blurrycreatures #movie #movietrailer #giants #bigfoot #sasquatch #fallenangel #angels #hybrid

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This video is a parody concept and as a derivative work, parodies are covered as a Fair Use of material.

Luke Eastwood joins us this week to discuss his book "Samhain: The Roots of Halloween" and the Irish genesis of the holiday. A practicing Druid and founder of the Irish Druid Network, Luke brings a unique perspective on the topic. We discuss how the modern celebration of Halloween is derived from the ancient festival of the dead in Ireland known as Samhain. Eastwood contends it is from Ireland that most of the Halloween traditions we have in the West have been inherited. Delving into the ancient past, our guest this week uncovers the history of this festival in Britain and Ireland, including the forgotten goddess Tlachtga and the sacred temple of the Druids in county Meath, named after her, where the first Halloween fires were originally lit. We discuss how this time of year it is believed the veil is thin, how candles are lit on Samhain to invite in the spirits of the dead, how fairies are real and can be found all over Ireland, and what this festival means to the pagan Irish and Druid class.

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Intro song: Dreamkid83

contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Author and explorer Tim Alberino is headed to Peru to meet with the villagers who have reportedly been attacked by "face-peeling aliens". These encounters have been ongoing since this shocking story first hit the wire in July. Reports of 'Los Pelacaras' or 'The Face Peelers' --said to be seven feet tall, have been emerging from the small jungle community of Loreto since the beginning of the summer. The fear around these encounters is such that the Peruvian National Police and Peruvian army have been called in to investigate. With the support of some members of the Blurry community, Tim and his team are headed into the jungle to investigate these encounters and also on a humanitarian mission to supply the people and villages with food and medicine. Pray for Tim and his team as they head to the frontlines of one of the most bizarre stories of this year and hope to return with evidence and insight into what is actually happening deep in the jungles of Peru.

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Intro song: Dreamkid83

contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Dr. Joel Muddamalle returns to Blurry Creatures and we delve into a peculiar story found in the book of Jude about a supernatural fight over the body of Moses. Why would the location of the body of Moses matter in cosmic space and time? What did the ancients believe about the importance of where our bodies are buried? Join us for a fascinating conversation about the unseen realm and one of the stranger stories in scripture. Dr. Joel is currently the Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Lysa TerKeurst and is passionate about teaching the brilliant truths in Scripture.


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Intro Song: Juno Dreams "Space Warp"


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:

Editing: @Africkingcasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Is The Book of Enoch Legit? We’re taking a deep dive into this forgotten book and uncovering the truth with Timothy Alberino!
Episode in FULL:

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Ali Siadatan joins Blurry Creatures for the first time to discuss the modern-day UFO phenomenon and its connection to the biblical narrative. Ali is the founder of Think Again Productions, a multimedia teaching ministry shedding light on the mysteries and treasures of scriptural knowledge and its correlation to the events unfolding in this generation. After an up-close UFO sighting on the road to Isfahan in his home country of Iran, Ali looked deeper into the modern-day UFO phenomenon. The further down the rabbit hole he went the more he discovered an astonishing – mind-blowing – paradigm-shifting tale that needed to be told. That was the birth of his documentary "UFOs Angels & Gods" which was released in 2006 long before the days of the proliferation of YouTube. Join us for this more than two-hour conversation where Ali connects a number of difficult concepts we attempt to unpack on the show. How do angels travel? How can we process the UFO phenomenon through a biblical context? How are the gods of the golden age, the hybrids, Nephilim and the chariots mentioned in the Bible all connected to this topic? We cover all of this in the context of the historical and prophetic narrative that defines the cosmic tale of the Bible.

Get our Book of Enoch


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Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Where do demons come from?

Get our book of Enoch now on Amazon!


Something is lurking in the wilds of South Dakota. Our story takes place during a family cross-country RV trip. While driving through the Badlands of South Dakota, this family of seven took a much-needed pitstop at dusk. Standing on the hillside watching the sunset, the family noticed something large and out of place lurking in the shadows. Six of the seven family members, including all 5 kids then witnessed something much bigger, darker, and different than the bison and bear they had already seen on their trip. What was watching them from afar? Why did the presence of this creature inspire fear and dread? When this mother of five realized the beast wasn't on all fours but rather walking on two legs, she grabbed her children and ran for the safety of the RV...

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Get ready for an electrifying episode as we welcome the legendary Tim Alberino! Join us as Tim takes us on an extraordinary journey into the ancient world surrounding the history of the Book of Enoch. Discover the hidden secrets about how celestial beings rebelled in heaven and interacted with humanity, and the profound prophecies that have captivated scholars and truth-seekers for centuries. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or new to the world of ancient texts, this episode promises to intrigue.

Get our book of Enoch now on Amazon!


Get ready for an electrifying episode as we welcome the legendary Tim Alberino! Join us as Tim takes us on an extraordinary journey into the ancient world surrounding the history of the Book of Enoch. Discover the hidden secrets about how celestial beings rebelled in heaven and interacted with humanity, and the profound prophecies that have captivated scholars and truth-seekers for centuries. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or new to the world of ancient texts, this episode promises to intrigue.

Get our book of Enoch now on Amazon!


Ashton has analyzed them in detailed scrutiny. He has made many videos calling out the “debunkers”. Here’s what he has to say about the authenticity of the videos. Listen to the full episode now. #mh370 #ashtonforbes #portal #missingflight #technology #ancienthistory #portals #technology #missing411 #author #ancientpyramids

In this fascinating episode, Bonita joins us from Hawaii to share about her strange experiences on the Big Island. Some people seem to be magnets for bizarre encounters and unwrapping the why and how of these experiences can take a lifetime. Bonita, who believes she is a seer, says she has encountered the Hatman, an entity that appears like Prometheus, black-eyed children, and even a giant humanoid lurking outside her home. Is there a hidden history in Hawaii? Is the land she lives on defiled or does it contain portals where entities can access our realm? Join us for a journey into the strange occurrences and encounters of one woman living in the Hawaiian Islands. Become a member to listen.

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Derek Gilbert returns to Blurry Creatures. An author, researcher, and host of Skywatch TV and A View From the Bunker Podcast, Derek joins us this week to expose and expound on artificial intelligence. AI has become a hot topic in the mainstream with machine learning infiltrating all facets of technology. In this episode, we dive deep into the golden age to uncover clues about what might be coming in the future. Are machines becoming sentient? Is it possible for entities to control AI programs? Tune in.


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Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:

Editing: @Africking

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

We welcome back Blurry Creatures fan favorite, author, and lecturer Dr. Laura Sanger to discuss frequencies and the invisible war we may not know we're engaged in. Are there destructive frequencies? Does the tuning of our music matter? Dr. Laura unwraps how we have been given the creative ability to release the sound of God, the frequency and vibration that resonates His image. Why is 444Hz such an important frequency? Tune in to find out.

Intro Song: Timelapse by Timecop 1983


[email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:

Mastering: Brandon Weaver

Editing: @Africking

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

This week we welcome David Bakara the founder of Expedition: Bigfoot! This seven thousand-square foot Sasquatch Museum tucked away in the Blue Ridge mountains of Georgia has an amazing array of bigfoot exhibits and artifacts collected from all over the world. This top-notch roadside family attraction brings in all walks of people--many who’ve had their own bizarre personal experiences and often they share them with David. We sit down with the prominent Bigfoot expert of the South and he shares some of the weirdest and wildest tales that he has heard over the years.

Intro song: Over The Wall by Thomas Barrandon


contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Mysterious geometric patterns appear in crop fields around the world. A crop circle is bizarre as the plants are not cut but are usually laid flat and most often swirled into a pattern that is often only visible from the air. Most crop circles appear in wheat and barley fields, but circles have been known to occur (in lesser numbers) in oilseed rape, maize, linseed, grass, and even borage – to name a few. On this fascinating episode, we welcome Karen Alexander of Temporary Temples to the show. Karen and her husband Steve have been studying and photographing crop circles for almost 30 years. While based in the UK, the Alexanders have traveled the world documenting these mysterious enigmas. As part of their research, they supply professional quality photographic imagery of unique crop circles to researchers, the media, and the general public. What are these mysterious circles? How you can distinguish between authentic crop circles and hoaxes? Who or what is creating these intricately designed circles and for what purpose? Join us as we dive into the unknown and high strangeness surrounding the phenomenon of crop circles.

Intro song: Maruex: The Perfect Girl


contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

It's the late 80's and you're riding bikes with your friends when you see something out of a Hollywood movie. A classic silver disc hovering in the sky slowly descending into the cornfield below. Now podcaster and ex-Hollywood whistle blower, Tina recounts the bizarre story that 6 of her friends witnessed one evening on her farm in Green Bay. When their family called to report what the children had seen they were late. Well over 60 people had already called in to report seeing the same craft. What was this UFO doing in Tina's backyard? Tune in now to hear her story.

Intro song: Sunglasses Kid & Dreamkid83


contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

The Hat Man is said to have a solid outline in contrast to whispy shadow people. Some people report him in old timey clothes, a long trench or cape, and various hats — usually a fedora or a gaucho hat (think southwestern cowboy, which fits since the shadow realm is nothing if not an uncontrollable Wild West). Our guest this week woke up and saw this figure standing in his room. He was looking right at him with a piercing gaze and that alone would be terrifying enough but this time he wasn't alone. Become a member to listen to this episode and many more.

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

We welcome back Trent from Episode 125 to share the unbelievable Part Two of his incredible story. The abrupt and bizarre ending to Episode 125 was unprecedented on Blurry Creatures as Trent hung up mid-interview claiming black helicopters were circling his current position. This is the follow-up to that cliffhanger ending. Trent claims he was approached at a young age because of his gifts and abilities to interact with other realms.

In one of the wildest interviews we have done to date, he tells of interacting with gray aliens that show him visions of the future, he has portals open in his pantry, and his experiences will challenge the limits of your paradigm. In this Part Two episode, we dive deeper into the backstory and find out why Trent thinks he’s been selected to travel to deep underground places to interact with creatures only rumored to exist. Join us for the sequel and completion of Trent's mind-bending story and the accounts of wild encounters that he can’t seem to escape.

To listen to this and other exclusive episodes, become a Blurry Creatures Member.

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Our guest Dave Bryan shares his dramatic eye-witness account of one woman’s rescue from the macabre maze of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Crowleyan “Rituals of Defilement” back to the family of God. Although rigorously denied by the spokespeople of the Church of Satan, it gives the only available account of the bizarre and mind-bending events that led up to the death of Anton LeVay, the "Black Pope” who authored The Satanic Bible and was the founder and High Priest of The Church of Satan. Dave recounts his involvement of Anton’s unexpected demise on Halloween Eve of 1997 during "a spiritual show-down”. This over-whelming victory of a small band of praying Christians stands as an epic testimony to the triumph of The Spirit of God over all the spirits of darkness.

Intro song: Sunglasses Kid & Extinction Thomas Barrandon

contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Clip from our recent interview with Conduit Church. #podcast #missing411 #scifi #ancientpyramids #bigfoot #pyramidsofegypt #davidpaulides #pyramid #movie #author

On a regular night, on a regular day, Sydney was having dinner with her fiancé, and in a moment it wasn't only him sitting at the table. Join us for a harrowing true story of how new-age practices infiltrated the lives of a couple and opened doorways they never expected. Witches, warlocks, crystals, spells, rituals, and mind-altering drug use have been around for millennia, and only recently have these been whitewashed and marketed as palatable to the mainstream. In this episode, our guest shares how these practices became invitations to entities, and how sometimes the gateways opened lead to full-blown possession. Thank you for listening and supporting the show!

Editing: @AFrickingCasual

New Age experiences can start young and do for many people. From the outside we see people dabbling in tarot cards, palm reading, Ouija boards etc. But many who leave Christianity altogether have had bizarre spiritual experiences, many of which are terrifying and yet become strangely alluring. Our guest this week recounts her experiences from astral projecting to visits from strange entities, fortune telling, and a list of encounters with things most of us are too skeptical to even consider. She always believed in Jesus and spiritual things, but didn’t quite know the depths of the spiritual arena ultimately she was playing in. A great story of redemption and how God seeks to reconcile us even into the fires of darkness we often mistakenly wander into.

Intro song: Sunglasses Kid

contact: [email protected]


Music Kyle Monroe:

Aaron Green:


Editing: @AFrickingCasual

Outro Song: TimeCop1983:

Tim Alberino discussing the Book of Enoch. This episode will drop next week. Stay Tuned!


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

233 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

For centuries, across the width and breadth of the planet, there have been thousands of documented sightings of creatures that do not fit the scientific narrative. These ‘Blurry Creatures’ inhabit the fringes of reality and imagination, between science and legend, and between what is tangible and intangible.

In this show, Nate and Luke follow the stories, speak to the experts and witnesses, and take the listener down the rabbit hole--digging for the truth and journeying behind the scenes of some of the greatest creature mysteries in the history of humankind.