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Pornhub co-owner, who is also a Jewish Rabbi, Solomon Friedman, teaches other defence attorneys who are defending pedophiles on how to get shorter sentences for their clients.

Spain: A Spanish man was beaten to death with a baseball bat by 3 Moroccan immigrants because he tried to save a girl (15) they were trying to rape.

Spaniards surrounded the mosque the immigrants attended and demand the closure of mosques.

David leaves behind 5 children and a widow.

Their official slogan is "Make Europe Great Again".
Lets hope he can resist the WEFs policies, bribes, blackmails and threats

Shame on every parent who brought their child to this event and shame on the city for allowing what could only be described as a giant public orgy.

SF PRIDE- A man lies in an inflatable pool of urine in The Fetish Zone where attendees are encouraged to pee on him.
Other booths featured participants getting spanked, whipped and imitating sex acts on each other, all in public.
This is an 18+ area of the event, however, no IDs were checked as people were waved into the area.
Just a recruiting event for the next Biden White House hire?

That almost the entire media repeated the same lie with the exact same words is disturbing.
The legacy news is not merely fake, but also unoriginally fake!
The fake news media has ruined their own reputations.
They will never recover at this point.
I look forward to their bankruptcies and layoffs.

According to former Mossad spy, Victor Ostrovsky, the Mossad once planned an assassination on George H.W Bush.

This was due to Bush threatening AIPAC and refusing to give Israel a $10 billion aid package unless they stopped building Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

People are now giving each other BJ's and pissing on each other in the streets of SF.
With children passing through.
And the cops refuse to police this pedophilic behaviour.
Like I said, the line moving once, allows the line to be moved infinitely.

WHO STARTED THE CAMPAIGN FOR DEGENERACY: homosexuality, porn, trans culture, sex change operations!

1919: Dr. Hirschfeld opened the institute for sexual science. He carried out the first sex change operation.

Magnus Hirschfeld had a collected of mutilated genitalia from all of the sex change operations he carried out on mentally ill patients.

1921: Hirschfeld teamed up with the leading rabbis in Germany launching the world league of sexual reform. This was financed by Karl Abraham. The sought to brainwash the youth of Germany to prostitute themselves.

1933: The national socialists took power, shut down Hirschfeld’s clinics and libraries, and burned his books.

This was on YoutTube for years but was removed sometime in the past 3-5 years

The First Holocaust - The Surprising Origin of the 6 Million Figure (Don Heddesheimer book synopsis)

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I got to ask the legendary Joe McMoneagle one question…and his answer will blow your mind.
His remote viewing of Mars and it’s inhabitants, flow right into our biblical genesis story

We're made of 22 genomes, (1 primary + 11 intergalactic + 10 galactic) including 6 types of life:

Human (Humanoid)
Cat (Feline) (Wrench Wiser)

Taking my trial all the way to sue for wrongful imprisonment, not just for myself but to protect journalism. Will there be a reckoning for the overreach and draconian measures? Many Australians want to forget the madness they supported, but we need accountability. It’s a long journey, but with key figures and politicians, we can’t fully move on until there is meaningful action.
Visit the link below to watch the full show!

German MEP Christine Anderson: "If a man thinks he is a woman, that's fine, I don't have a problem with that. He has the right to think whatever the heck he wants. But he does not have the right to make me part of his delusion..."

On Australia's Mainstream Media 7News
Former Australia Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps and her partner Jackie talks about vaccine side effects

Professor Kerryn Phelps:
A week after I had the vaccine. Having never had any problems with my heart or my blood pressure ever, my blood pressure went extremely high, my pulse rate went extremely high. I woke in the night with my heart pounding, being able to hear my pulse in my ears, something called pulsatile tinnitus. I lost some hearing in my left ear. I went through a period of time where just walking across a room, my pulse rate would go up enormously. And that affected me terribly. And I became very breathless. I had a whole lot of investigations and nobody could really tell me what it was until I had testing for dysautonomia which is a problem of the nervous system and the way it interacts with the heart and the vascular system. And that is one of the recognition side effects of Pfizer.

I'm not an anti vaxxer. I've had anaphylaxis to foods before and I was really worried about an anaphylaxis. So we went along to the hospital where they had medical help, if I had anaphylaxis and they gave me the needle, within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body. My face went bright red, my vision was impaired, I couldn't hear, my feet went numb, my hands went numb. I had paresthesia all over my body. And from that minute, my hair started falling out. I could hardly walk. For the next three years, it's three years on the 15 May this year since I had that Pfizer shot. It has ruined my life. It has made me hide away from people because my specialists have said if I catch COVID that'll be the end of me.

So I can't have any more vaccines and I wouldn't go near them with a ten foot barge pole.

They were forced out of modern-day Ukraine by Russia and spread throughout the world in which they became known as the "name stealers." As they were masters of taking on identities.

They used black money magic and disguised themselves as "J£ws" but, in reality, practiced ancient Babylonian Talmudism. Which the religion of an ancient Babylonian satanic cult that thrived off human sacrifice, usury, and killing and impersonating their victims to steal all they own.

German MEP Christine Anderson: "Take away their power. You know why they have power over you? Because you allow them to have power over you. It's your fear. Your fear is their power...Most people comply over fear of what the government might do to them, when in fact they should be way more afraid of what the government will do if you do comply. Take away their power. Simply say no. No, I won't do that anymore and you know how liberating that is...The governments are the bullies nowadays. Tell them: No, go screw yourself."

God Bless this freedom fighter!

Just because some bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority on our own continent, doesn’t mean we should let it happen.

Say no to being replaced!!

Hungary's Viktor Orban has launched a new right-wing political alliance called Patriots for Europe. He has teamed up with the right-wing FPÖ party from Austria and the Czech ANO party.

They want to close the borders like all nations of the west should be doing and stop the migrant invasion!

Outrage in Germany as judge jails woman, 20, for sending online insults to a gang-rapist - after all but one of nine men convicted of attack on girl, 15, were allowed to walk free from court.

Let that f*cking sink in.


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

8380 videos

Category News & Politics