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Join us as Bruce Fein explains the implications of today's rulings in the Trump immunity case, Net Choice, and more!

Acclaimed actor and co-founder of the Capitalist party, Mark Pellegrino, and Blaze host and President of Free the People, join Amy for a debriefing of Thursday night's debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Join the conversation live, 2 p.m. ET on Friday, June 28, and drop your questions and comments in the Rant/Rave chat.

Check out Mark's channel here on BitChute:

And Amy's recent discussion with Matt Kibbe here:

Constitutional scholar, lawyer, and author Bruce Fein joins Amy to explain and offer commentary on the Supreme Court's final rulings of the term.

Constitutional scholar, lawyer and author Bruce Fein joins Amy to explain and offer commentary on the Supreme Court's final rulings of the term.

Note that we have updated the day/time of this stream due to a change in the Supreme Court's schedule. Opinions are expected on Wednesday, June 26, Thursday, June 27, and Friday, June 28. You won't want to miss this, as some very important decisions are going to be handed down!

Note: Richard's audio wasn't working until 10:30 into the podcast. Apologies!

Political economist Richard Salsman, founder and president of InterMarket Forecasting, Inc., a professor of political economy at Duke University, a senior fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research, and a senior scholar at The Atlas Society, returns to PodChute to give us an update on Argentina's progress under the leadership of its new president, minarchist Javier Milei.

ICYMI: Richard's appearance from 6 months ago, discussing Milei's prospects:

Fein Points is now a weekly feature, and just in time. Today one or more rulings are expected to be issued by the Supreme Court.

Constitutional scholar, lawyer, and author Bruce Fein will explain and provide commentary on whatever opinions the Court may issue, and Amy and Bruce have a couple other topics planned as well, time permitting.

UPDATE: The Court issued no rulings today. We'll be back on Thursday, Friday, and/or Monday when the Court is expected to issue its remaining rulings for the term. Today Bruce and Amy discussed a recent 9th Circuit ruling allowing a constitutional challenge to brought against the Los Angeles Unified School District regarding its COVID vaccine mandates, as well as Congress's attempt to hold Merrick Garland in contempt for his refusal to turn over audio or video of Joe Biden's deposition regarding his handling of classified documents.

Matt Kibbe, Blaze host and President of Free the People, joins Amy to discuss his new docuseries, "The Coverup," and what he's learned about the damage wrought by our country's Cronycare system during the COVID crisis.

Have any questions for Matt? Be sure to leave them in the comments, below, or drop them in the Rants and Rave box during the livestream!


Bruce Fein returns for an in-depth discussion of Trump's prospects on appeal from his guilty verdict in the "hush money" case. Is Yale law professor Jed Rubenfeld right that Trump has multiple viable constitutional challenges he could raise on appeal? Bruce and Amy will discuss this and more.

Have any questions for Bruce? Be sure to leave them in the comments below, or drop them in the Rants and Rave box during the live broadcast!


Second in the new exclusive "Fein Points" series featuring esteemed constitutional lawyer, scholar, and author, Bruce Fein.

This week, Bruce and Amy plan to discuss several important legal topics:

1. Supreme Court reinforces First Amendment protections in NRA dispute ruling

2. Trump found GUILTY on 34 felony counts

3. Should Justice Alito recuse himself in cases tied to the 2020 election and the attack on the US Capitol, given the recent flag controversy?

4. The Supreme court weighs in on gerrymandering:

5. Senate Intelligence Committee says it's made good on its promise to walk back the "Everyone is a Spy" provision in the FISA Section 702 reauthorization bill. Has it?

Set your reminders to join Bruce and Amy live on Wednesday, June 5, 10 a.m. ET

If you missed the first "Fein Points" episode, introducing Fein to the BitChute audience, you can check it out here:

The third in the Pundit Trifecta, Amy has the pleasure of speaking with Stephen Green, aka VodkaPundit. Among other topics, Amy and Stephen will discuss the proper etiquette when misfortune befalls an enemy or political rival.

Join them live, here, Wednesday, 12 p.m. ET, and if you have questions for Stephen, leave them in the comments below or put them in the live chat during the broadcast.

In this episode, Amy had the pleasure of speaking with Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit), about lessons we can learn from the recent pro-Palestinian protests on college and university campuses, and much more.

This episode streamed Wednesday, May 15 at 8 p.m. ET

Here's his site which started it all (as mentioned last week by Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit):

Also check out Glenn's Substack here:

Help support this interview series, and everything BitChute does, by becoming a sustaining member:

An interview with Jim Hoft, founder of Gateway Pundit, a leading news, commentary and opinion website established in 2004 and viewed by millions daily.

This interview originally aired live, May 8, 2024.

The excerpt from Ayn Rand's essay, "Have Gun, Will Nudge," mentioned during the interview, is available here:

Read more about Obama's "Attack Watch" program here:

This special episode of PodChute is the first in our exclusive "Fein Points" series, featuring nationally and internationally renowned constitutional lawyer, scholar and writer, Bruce Fein. It was live-streamed Wednesday, May 1, at 10 a.m. ET.

Fein was appointed as Research Director for the House Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on Covert Arms Sales to Iran from 1986-87 — and the General Counsel of the Federal Communications Commission from 1983-1984.

In 1981-1982, Mr. Fein served as Associate Deputy Attorney General in the U.S. Department of Justice and supervised the Department's litigation and vetting of candidates for the federal judiciary. Attorney General William French Smith listed Mr. Fein as a candidate for appointment to the United States Supreme Court.

In 1987, Fein began the private practice of law and commenced more than two decades of weekly law and foreign policy columns for The Washington Times. He assisted then Congressman Bob Barr (R. Ga.) in drafting articles of impeachment against President William Jefferson Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice.

Fein then served on the American Bar Association’s Task Force on Presidential Signing Statements and represented Edward Snowden’s father over the Orwellian surveillance of American citizens by the National Security Agency (NSA). He also drafted the complaint for Senator Rand Paul’s class action suit against President Obama, challenging the constitutionality of the NSA’s telephony metadata collection program under section 215 of the Patriot Act.

He has served as a Visitor Scholar for Constitutional Studies at the Heritage Foundation, an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and taught as an adjunct professor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

Between 1985 and 2009, Mr. Fein wrote weekly Commentary Columns for The Washington Times on legal and international issues.

He regularly appears on national television and radio, including MSNBC, FOX News, C-SPAN, BBC, Reuters, and NPR.

He has testified before Congress on more than 200 occasions. and conducts periodic constitutional tutorials for Members and Staff.

He is author of American Empire Before The Fall and Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy.

He has been published in all major media outlets.

Mr. Fein graduated from Harvard Law School with honors in 1972.

For Mr. Fein's list of 100 recommended readings, check out this article on Substack:

This week's episode of PodChute features a livestream interview with John Ruddick, Libertarian Member of Parliament for New South Wales, Australia

Ruddick was the first politician in Australian history whose maiden speech to parliament was banned from YouTube! You can find that speech on BitChute here:

While you're there, make sure to subscribe to the Libertarian Party NSW channel:

Speaking of censorship, we'll discuss what happened when Ruddick tried to introduce in parliament a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing citizens' right to free expression. We'll also discuss his party's ongoing efforts to legalize vaping *for adults*, to get rid of COVID vaccine mandates for employment, and more.

This interview was broadcast live, Wednesday, April 17 at 8 p.m. ET, as part of our exclusive PodChute series. Support BitChute, including this series of interviews, by becoming a sustaining member here:

10% of your membership fees go to our FreeSpeak fund, currently benefiting Julian Assange.


Yesterday we sent out an email about how the Government uses FISA to gobble up your personal information and how it is trying to expand these invasive practices, Read here:

One person who wished to remain anonymous replied with this video you are watching right now. This is their message and their words, not ours, but we thought we would help share this with the wider community. Comment below what you think.

"I produced with the help of a young lady both these videos.

I'm not looking to promote myself what so ever.

I had both videos on YouTube under AKA both were pulled down claiming that I had some type of violation. When I asked they would not respond.

Just now placed both videos on a neighborhood site within 3 hours I had 300 views almost the other one within 2 hours almost 200 views they got pulled down they called it spam.

All I want to do is get the message out to everybody.

We can fix the problems we see today , easily and quickly and stop all this insanity if people just understand we have the power not them.

And stop letting them use psychology to divide us. the message is for everybody.

I'm old and not use to using the internet so I don't understand how to get the exposure that it needs.

And again for the most part I prefer to say anonymous. It's not about me it's about all of us.
Once it becomes about an individual and not the word spoken, the power and the meaning are lost"

Joining PodChute's weekly livestream this week was Justin Amash, former 5-term Congressman from Michigan who's currently running for one of the state's Senate seats. Amash is one of the few principled advocates for limiting the size, scope, and spending of the federal government.

We discussed why he chose to run for Senate, what he plans to accomplish if elected, what he would do if he were in office during the current top-down push to reauthorize unconstitutional warrantless surveillance (FISA Section 702), and more! This interview was broadcast live, Wednesday, 2 p.m. ET, as part of our exclusive PodChute series. Support BitChute, including this series of interviews, by becoming a sustaining member here:

10% of your membership fees go to our FreeSpeak fund, currently benefiting Julian Assange.

For more information on Justin Amash, and how you can support his work or candidacy:

“If we attempted to ban all words or images that had ever been blamed for inspiring or instigating particular crimes by some aberrant or antisocial individual, we would end up with little left to read or view.”

Join me for a discussion with returning guest Nadine Strossen, New York Law School Professor Emerita, past national President of the ACLU (1991-2008), and Senior Fellow with FIRE (the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression), to discuss the new edition of her groundbreaking feminist defense of pornography as free speech, "Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights." The book is as relevant as ever, given the recent banning in Texas, among other places, of websites offering pornographic content without "adequate" privacy-invading "age assurance" measures.

The interview was live-streamed Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

Get the new edition of Nadine's book here, directly from the publisher and use code NYUAU30 for 30% OFF:

Interview with Gabriel Shipton, Film Producer at Shipton House, and advocate for his brother, imprisoned journalist and publisher Julian Assange. Assange is currently awaiting a final ruling from a U.K. High Court on his appeal to avoid extradition to the U.S.

Interview was broadcast live, 5 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 27

Ways to help Assange:

Donate directly to offset Assange's legal fees here:

Email Congress: Support H. Res. 934:

In addition, 10% of any BitChute membership purchased goes to our FreeSpeak Fund, which is currently benefiting Assange. Become a member or renew your subscription here:

Reference: Approved Judgment of the UK High Court, Issued March 26, 2024:

Interview with Mark Pellegrino, an American actor best known for his work as Lucifer in Supernatural, Paul Bennett in Dexter, Jacob in Lost, James Bishop in Being Human, Clayton Haas in Quantico, and Deputy Bill Standall in 13 Reasons Why.

To be live-streamed on Wednesday, March 20, at 3 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT)

Here on BitChute, you can subscribe to Mark's channel, where he offers the cultural and political commentary series, "Reality Check":

Join Mark at Indiana ComicCon this weekend:

And for all the latest, check out Planet Pellegrino:

Interview with Michael Loftus of The Loftus Party, streamed on March 13, 2024

Subscribe to Michael's new channel here on BitChute:

And for more from Michael, here are his websites:

Amy Peikoff, Chief Policy Officer at BitChute, joins the FedSoc films podcast to discuss the biggest questions surrounding the concept of a “right to privacy” and possible solutions as it relates to the Third-Party Doctrine.

Watch the full film Katz on the Internet: Privacy in the Digital Age here:

To learn more on this topic, read Amy's article on “Of Third-Party Bathwater: How to Throw Out the Third-Party Doctrine While Preserving Government's Ability to Use Secret Agents” here:

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speakers.

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.

Visit to learn more about the Federalist Society and consider becoming a member.

Amy Peikoff joins Alex Jones live to discuss the unjust treatment of Julian Assange, and how we can secure journalistic freedom for all.

Amy interviews Sarah Bils of DDGeopolitics, who have recently joined BitChute. Check out and subscribe to their channel here:

Bitchute presents WTF is going on? A new series aimed at exploring what the mainstream media won't touch. An unbiased and unwavering dive into today's challenging issues.

Support BitChute and explore this new addition at our merchandise store.

Yoav Shamir is an award-winning director, producer, and cinematographer based in Tel Aviv. His work reflects a passion for probing and uncovering difficult subject matters through an observational lens. He is renowned for delivering penetrating and ethically challenging interviews with an accessible charm that entertains and appeals to a broad audience.

Also visit the new channel


Created 7 years, 5 months ago.

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