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This week's guest is Michael André Ford, an American Angel Intuitive who helps people meet, hear and see angels.

I'll be honest: This conversation took me way out of my comfort zone. When I started this podcast, I committed myself to breaking open the range of topics we could discuss in a business context. I never expected that to include talking with angels!

Michael is a highly compelling guest with scintillating tales of encounters with angels of all kinds.

If you want to expand your notion of how this realm might operate and what's really going on in the fifth dimension, this is the episode for you.

We discuss:
- Michael's first wild angel encounter
- The power of less thinking
- Meeting angels at the coffee shop

Listening to Angels - The Book -
Michael's Website -

One reason I love running my own business is that I get to choose my own dress code.

But did we throw the baby out with the bath water when we moved away from the 'office uniform'?

David Heinemeier Hansson poses the question.

What do you think?

Grindset not Mindset, Massive Action, 10X Your Output!

More, more, more!

But, as my recent guest, the fantastic David Heinemeier Hansson, asks:

Does work effort = work ethic?

What do you think?

When people talk about 'connecting with nature', what do they mean?

The wonderful Florence Williams, author of 'The Nature Fix' shares her perspective.

Joining a 12-step group over 16 years ago was one of the best decisions I ever made.

The love emanating from those groups helped to heal, find stability and started me on a path to recovery from multiple addictions.

However, there is a significant blind-spot in the worldview originally put forth by the famous Bill Wilson and Dr Bob.

Despite the power of being a part of that extraordinary movement, ultimately, I chose to step away from 12-step recovery.

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This week's guest is Dr. Chris Fuzie, a former police officer with a unique perspective on leadership. He is also the author of multiple books on this topic, including his latest, 'Liminal Space'.

Having had more than his fair share of hair-raising moments, Chris explores leadership and followership dynamics within high-pressure environments. His premise is that we all must develop outstanding leadership and followership capabilities, regardless of position in any formal hierarchy.
We discuss:
- Confronting armed assailants
- Intelligent disobedience
- The Liminal Leader explained
- Using shapes in communication
- Tesselated behaviours

Liminal Space - The Book -
Dr. Fuzie's Website -

I read recently that in the late seventies, Dr Roberto Buruzzi studied a virtually uncontacted Xingu tribe living in Brazil.

He found not a single case of heart or vascular disease or any of the diseases associated with a stressful lifestyle, and, out of 500 people, just 5 cancers, three of which were skin cancer.

Our comfortable urban existence can come at a cost.Florence Williams shares some tips for getting more nature into our lives.

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This week's guest is Josh Dickson, an accredited EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Consultant, accredited drugs and alcohol counsellor, and an exciting innovator in trauma healing. Josh is the clinical director of the Resurface programme, which uses surfing as a core element in developing new positive resources for those with a traumatic history.

His approach is grounded in the belief that engaging with the natural elements and participating in challenging physical activities like surfing can significantly enhance mental health and emotional well-being.

We discuss:
- Flow state: what it is and is not
- Flow state and therapy
- Surfing and trauma release
- Teaching resilience to kids
- Flow state vs drug-assisted therapy

Resurface -
Resurface's Instagram Page -
Josh's LinkedIn Page - https//

00:01:50 - Josh's Early Life and Struggles
00:14:35 - Finding Flow States
00:21:44 - The Benefits of Mutual Support Groups
00:28:58 - Surfing and Therapy Integration
00:35:49 - Starting a Therapeutic Surfing Program
00:42:43 - Surf Therapy and Corrective Experiences
00:49:53 - Converting episodic memory into narrative memory
00:56:31 - Flow State and Engagement in Conversation
01:03:05 - The Benefits of Flow State at +
01:10:07 - The Mind-Body Connection and Trauma Recovery and Prevention
01:16:47 - Building Resilience and Self-esteem
01:23:20 - Conclusion and Farewell

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This week's guest is Josh Dickson, an accredited EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Consultant, accredited drugs and alcohol counsellor, and an exciting innovator in trauma healing. Josh is the clinical director of the Resurface programme, which uses surfing as a core element in developing new positive resources for those with a traumatic history.

His approach is grounded in the belief that engaging with the natural elements and participating in challenging physical activities like surfing can significantly enhance mental health and emotional well-being.

We discuss:
- Flow state: what it is and is not
- Flow state and therapy
- Surfing and trauma release
- Teaching resilience to kids
- Flow state vs drug-assisted therapy

Resurface -
Resurface's Instagram Page -
Josh's LinkedIn Page - https//

00:01:50 - Josh's Early Life and Struggles
00:14:35 - Finding Flow States
00:21:44 - The Benefits of Mutual Support Groups
00:28:58 - Surfing and Therapy Integration
00:35:49 - Starting a Therapeutic Surfing Program
00:42:43 - Surf Therapy and Corrective Experiences
00:49:53 - Converting episodic memory into narrative memory
00:56:31 - Flow State and Engagement in Conversation
01:03:05 - The Benefits of Flow State at +
01:10:07 - The Mind-Body Connection and Trauma Recovery and Prevention
01:16:47 - Building Resilience and Self-esteem
01:23:20 - Conclusion and Farewell

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This week's guest is Josh Dickson, an accredited EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Consultant, accredited drugs and alcohol counsellor, and an exciting innovator in trauma healing. Josh is the clinical director of the Resurface programme, which uses surfing as a core element in developing new positive resources for those with a traumatic history.

His approach is grounded in the belief that engaging with the natural elements and participating in challenging physical activities like surfing can significantly enhance mental health and emotional well-being.

We discuss:
- Flow state: what it is and is not
- Flow state and therapy
- Surfing and trauma release
- Teaching resilience to kids
- Flow state vs drug-assisted therapy

Resurface -
Resurface's Instagram Page -
Josh's LinkedIn Page - https//

Do you have someone in your life who might be suffering?

Maureen McCarthy knows something about the topic - she lives in near constant pain and with 10% lung capacity.

She encourages people not to worry about others, but to care.

Check out my full interview with Maureen and her husband Zelle Nelson.

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This week's guest is Betsy Polatin, author of Humanual - A Manual for Being Human - and former professor of the Alexander Technique at Boston University College of Fine Arts.

Betsy's work combines movement principles and anatomical knowledge to foster self-awareness, resilience, and holistic healing, helping individuals overcome traumas and stress for enhanced personal growth and well-being

We discuss:
- How not to ground
- The Spirit-Mind-Body
- Why we get traumatised
- Dealing with trauma
- Why we need to go beyond 'techniques'

Betsy's Website -
Humanual: A Manual for Being Human - The Book -

Maureen McCarthy is an absolutely extraordinary woman. She lives on 10% lung capacity whilst running a successful business and inspiring thousands to look differently at relationships both personal and professional.

When it comes to ailments, in this clip, she encourages us to ask, not "What's wrong with me?" but "What does this make possible?"

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This week's guest is Wendy D'Andrea, a professor of psychology at The New School in New York, where she specializes in trauma and psychobiology. She also works with Bessel van der Kolk (The Body Keeps the Score) at The Trauma Research Foundation as its Chief Science Officer.

Wendy's career began early, working with sexual assault survivors. She has gone on to become a researcher of extraordinary breath, having studied widely across the psychobiological effects of trauma to a panoply of trauma treatments at the individual and community levels.

We discuss:
- Her challenging childhood as a carer
- Working with assault survivors
- Trauma-informed sports
- Psychedelics and integration
- The psychobiology of trauma

The Trauma Research Foundation -
The New School Trauma and Affective Psychophysiology Lab -

00:02:00 - Grounded in Personal and Family Background
00:06:53 - Early Life and Experience in the Midwest
00:13:30 - The Compelling Paradox of Trauma
00:19:51 - Partners in Co-Creating the Shape of Your Adventure
00:25:59 - The Therapy of Everyday Experiences
00:32:03 - The Power of Writing for Healing
00:38:39 - Integration of Implicit and Explicit Memory through Writing and Yoga
00:44:39 - The Importance of Immediate Positive Experience in Yoga
00:50:35 - Regulating Self in Yoga
00:56:47 - The Role of Vagal Tone in Facial Expressivity and Health
01:09:35 - Incorporating Spirituality in Trauma Research

Licia Sky beautifully explains the quality of self-awareness we can develop by tuning into the breath.

Licia Sky shares her near-death experience at age 12, leading her to a profound sense of purpose.

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This week's guest is Greg Wrenn, an associate English professor at James Madison University, blending climate science with literary studies.

His book, "Mothership: A Memoir of Wonder and Crisis" explores healing from complex PTSD through connecting with nature, psychedelic plants, and the beauty of endangered coral reefs.

Greg's approach is deeply intertwined with his appreciation for the natural world, which he looks to as a source of recovery and understanding. His work reflects a journey of personal healing, advocating for ecological compassion and mental wellness through a unique fusion of his academic focus and individual experiences.

We discuss:
- Awakening to an abusive childhood
- The trap of therapy
- First Ayahuasca ceremony
- Integration of the psychedelic experience
- New freedom

Mothership - The Book -
Dreamglade Center -

Keep it in the day!

Doug Fleener reflects on his personal journey from being a thief and a drunk who destroyed the family business, to becoming a highly successful businessman and now coach.

He credits much of his success to the 12-step mantra: keep it in the day!

Today's problems beat life's problems.

Join us for a live podcast recording with Josh Dickson, an accredited EMDR Consultant, accredited drugs and alcohol counsellor, and the clinical director of the Resurface programme, which uses surfing as a core element in developing new positive resources for those with those with any form of traumatic history.

Doug Fleener reflects on the misconceptions around alcoholism and how finding AA fueled his recovery and ultimate success.

I also spent many years in 12-step recovery. Here's is my pick for the top five elements we can apply from that philosophy to life and business:

➡ Admit Your Weaknesses—Conduct a 'fearless moral inventory,' as the 12-step world refers to it. Recognise and acknowledge the areas where you or your business may be lacking.

➡ Seek Guidance and Mentorship—One of the most valuable aspects of 12-step groups is that within a few weeks of joining the programme, I was encouraged to find a 'Sponsor'. Ever since, I have sought out coaches and mentors in all areas of my life.

➡ Make Amends—Recovery groups emphasise repairing damaged relationships and maintaining healthy, honest interactions. Don't let bad blood and regret fester. Perhaps the most challenging aspect, but absolutely worth it. Get straight and make it up to those you've harmed.

➡ Continuous Self-Improvement—The 'one day at a time' approach encourages us to start each day intending to get a little better at something. This ethos can serve us personally and professionally. A powerful adjunct to this is that no matter how badly it's going, we can choose to start our day whenever we like.

➡ Service and Giving Back—within weeks of joining a 12-step group, I was encouraged to take on a service position. Life can only improve when you engage in voluntary service somewhere in your life.

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This week's guest is Hunter Hastings, an eclectic professional whose career encompasses roles as an economist, venture capitalist, education reformer and co-author of 'Aberrant Capitalism'.

Born in a working-class family in the industrial northeast of England, his career trajectory has seen him engaging in global branding and consulting and contributing significantly to the realm of business education.

Hunter is fascinating as a man who, while working in venture capitalism, clearly sees the ills of financial capitalism and is passionate about transforming the way future business leaders prioritize service for the betterment of society.

We discuss:
- In defence of the consumer
- The rot of Financial Capitalism
- A new vision for business education
- Entrepreneurship as process, not personalities
- What leaders and managers can change right now

Hunter's Website -
Hunter's LinkedIn Page - Hunter's LinkedIn Page -
Aberrant Capitalism - The Book - Aberrant Capitalism - The Book -
The Value Creators - The Value Creators -
Bialla Venture Partners - -

Join us for a live podcast recording with Dr. Wendy D'Andrea, a Professor of Psychology specialising in studying the differences between acute and chronic trauma.

I finally got around to reading James Clear's Atomic Habits, a gem of a book, on the recommendation of the ever-useful @tomvanderlubbe8146.

It was well worth it.

Here, I share the book's basic idea and how I've successfully applied it to sales, a field that used to be my bête noire. So far, it's been transformative.

This is well worth a watch if you need help establishing a habit in sales or any other aspect of your life.

Get the book here

Join us for a live podcast recording with Hunter Hastings, author of Aberrant Capitalism: The Decay and Revival of Customer Capitalism.

If it's good enough for war hero General Grant...


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

381 videos

Category People & Family