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Is this shit even real?

Is this what you want to represent us? This is exactly how the jew pushes its victim card!!! What did this fool do for us? NOTHING GOOD! that's for sure he only helped the jew!

You are being subtly silenced with a technic I call Manipulative Intimidation. This is when a Controlled Opposition talking head tries to convince the audience it is best to hide and not show your face when it comes to telling truth about jewish supremacy to instead fear the consequences of doing so, this is a design to stifle unity and at the same time of "Your own free will" give up your first amendment with this manipulative intimidation tactic. The only way for us to win is everybody go at it at once! because as it is we are sitting ducks getting picked off one by one.

a tooth for a tooth.
The initials are BS for BULLSHIT! can you smell the Irony?

an eye for an eye


Do you all like my house? I remolded it with new wood flooring and carpet. I bet Andkon lives in his mom's basement and can't afford to eat Taco Bell anymore, so he is constipated, and his ass is chapped and riddled with hemorrhoids in other words his Butt hurts.

Bitchute Hasbara has been doing the exact same shit for years, what's changed? what a waste of shekels these clowns aren't worth the price of a bullet! Get the ROPE!

Why would NAZI's stick up for the actions of jewish sayanim that included talmudic sexual manipulation of my child ? Why would they cover up and excuse the FEDS that helped that cunt do it and pull the reverse victimization to make me the bad guy when my entire family was the victim ..unless they are jew FEDS themselves.

Lewis Powell the faceless AshkeNAZI jew rat that is squirming like a worm out of soil because he knows I expose! lol this one enjoys sitting in his own pile of rat shit all day! He sure knows a lot about federal laws and child porn, who study's this but feds, attorneys or pedo's? so which is he?

I describe further how Schuler came into and disrupted my family to cause the problems that gave her the ability to gain custody of my child.

You can't make this shit up!! To the faceless AshkeNAZI jew rat who is not worthy of being mentioned by fake ass name, squirm motherfucker!!

This is a small description of the organization effort these people went through to shut me up. Is it a COHENcidence the Sayanim (((Schuler))) was a Talmudic AshkeNAZI jew witch who was allowed to touch my 11 year old daughter binding her chest and putting in her mind she was a boy! she was allowed to both physically and mentally abuse my child and they attack me for trying to defend my kid and even in my kids defense I didn't break the law they had to MFG a federal case against me! Why would they pay all that money to shut me up unless what I was saying hurt them so fucking miserably they had to react!

How does one react? Make videos full of personal attacks lol I MADE him do exactly what I wanted him to do and reveal how much his lil jew ego hurts. Do you see how people are controlled by emotion? I am showing you!

That ratface AndCON is full of shit, I did not dox myself! to dox someone is to dive into their personal life and expose details such as addresses phone numbers and other personal information, showing your face in a video is not the same as doxing but this manipulative rat face try's to convince you it is, dox has become a word of fear and he is using the fear of the word dox to trick you into thinking it's the same thing as showing your face. I live right next to Portland Oregon and have personally attacked and exposed BOTH Rose City Antifa and Rose City National Socialists as good jew buddy's working together to get a bunch of retards to fight another. NOBODY HAS FUCKED WITH ME BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT I WILL DO! So be a pussy be a coward and the lil weak ass jew will beat you mentally!

and acts like a AshkeNAZI jew it IS and AshkeNAZI jew!
Another notch on my belt for fucking an AshkeNAZI jew opp!
I can smell the sourcrout and matzo in the wifi motherfuckers.

[FIXED] I see it all and this I can tell you all, what is coming for you is inevitable and to think you are not deserving of everything that is unleashed upon you is hilarious!

I wish I could remember more specific details about the dream, but I can't it faded into my subconscious mind like all dreams do.

Christian Zionism wants to help along. A cult built from the first mushroom trippin rabbi, that shit made me laugh. The thing he failed to mention was the power these people hold in the west, that needs to be addressed right now!

Thanks for the inspiration this morning JiveTurkeyUSA.

This faggot Paul Revere 2020 shows you the facts these people are all AshkeNAZI jews then try's to scapegoat them as pawns to freemasons!

I hope I kick your fucking ego's so hard you go cross eyed.

Fake as fuck Phil and his sock accounts think they are scary lol pathetic rat faced fucks just don't get it.

Fuck I caught a jewfish!!!

What is the definition of treason? A simple explanation for this latest retardation from Phil lips IS he is claiming Israel is using medieval weapons to fight with Hezbollah, like they are using flaming arrows and catapults to attack Hezbollah fighters when in fact this stupid shit is being used to clear brush. This is rat faced jew double speak, they will feed you a huge line of shit and try to convince you that if you don't believe it you are the retard when in fact they know they are being retarded and think what they are doing is clever.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

255 videos

Category News & Politics

My personal perspective on current and future events.