Arcadia Economics

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Arcadia Economics



Rafi Farber The Forex Markets Are Beginning to Break Down

The next 4 months or so are going to be tumultuous. It is now patently clear to all sides that the President of the United States has dementia, and politics in Europe are upending the continent.

The chaos is reflected in the currency markets, and it is only a matter of time before gold and silver react forcefully to the changes yet to come this year.

The Japanese yen - the gob of spit keeping the Keynesian pyramid together - keeps plunging lower, and the Bank of Japan has yet to respond.

The more they respond though, the more the markets push back, as there is little that is more profitable than pouncing a cornered central bank. Just ask George Soros.

As order crumbles, silver will be a shining light in the midst of the chaos.


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While the future of US debt and the BRICS' 'Unit' plans remain uncertain, it's clear the world is changing. Nations are altering supply chains due to yield curve control, inflation, and a mercantilist trading environment. Vince Lanci explains how this will impact commodity and metal prices.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!

To get access to Vince's research in 'Goldfix Premium' go to:

Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Why China's Been Buying So Much Gold Over The Past 15 Years

One of the themes of the past 15 years in the precious metals markets has been the accumulation of gold in the east, and in China in particular.

Yet WHY have they buying so much gold?

And why did they recently stop their 18 month streak of reported purchases last month?

In today’s show Vince Lanci takes a deep dive into China’s ambitions with gold, and lays out the context for what China has been doing over the past decade and a half. And certainly amidst the growing speculation of the BRICS moving towards a settlement currency that involves a gold-backing, today’s show gives you a roadmap for what you can expect in the years ahead.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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What Yellen's Disastrous Roadtrip To China Means For Gold & Silver

Janet Yellen recently took a trip to China where she met with senior Chinese officials to discuss trade policy.

And to put it kindly, let's say that it didn't go all that well.

So today Vince recaps what happened, what the results are leading to, and the implications on gold and silver.

Especially now where some of these meeting are laying the foundation for what happens next with the current monetary arrangement, it's an important time to be aware of what is and isn't happening at some of these meetings.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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#RafiFarber - When the Yen Falls, So Does the Whole Keynesian System

Back in May we heard that the Bank of Japan spent $62B defending the yen. It didn't work too well, with the yen right back at 34 years lows and threatening to break them any minute now, perhaps by the time you're watching this. Speaking of $62B, this week we heard that a Japanese bank called Norinchukin is selling about the same amount in underwater bonds, thanks to higher for longer interest rates, which aren't having much of an effect blunting price inflation anyway.

It just so happens that Japan is the single largest holder of US Treasurys in the world, at a gargantuan sum of $1.15 trillion. No wonder Japan's is the first foreign banking system to be directly affected by high dollar interest rates.

The Keynesian experiment is unraveling fast now, while silver holds over $30. Rafi Farber still believes we are in for one last global banking crisis, after which silver will, during a brief period of monetary panic, become money directly once again.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!

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Vince Lanci: Now That Gold's Rallied, What's The Path Forward?

It's been an exciting year for precious metals investors, as gold has rallied well past $2,000 per ounce and we've finally seen silver break over $30.

Which has come as some long awaited good news for gold and silver investors.

Yet as the markets digest the new trading levels, we're once again left with the question of where do we go from here? And especially with what we're seeing with China and the BRICS, what is the path forward for gold in particular?

Vince Lanci recaps what's happened, and gives a roadmap for what to expect going forward. And to find out more, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Fortuna Intersects 23.7 g/t Gold Over 17.8 meters At Kingfisher Prospect

Fortuna Silver released drill results this morning, that included 23.7 g/t gold over 17.8 meters at their Kingfisher prospect at Seguela, as well infill and extension drilling at Badior, and deep drilling at Ancien.

To find out more about the results, click to watch this brief recap now!

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And remember to get outside and have some fun every once in a while!:)

This video was sponsored by Fortuna Silver, and Arcadia Economics does receive compensation. For our full disclaimer go to:

The BRICS' Plans For Proposed Gold Backed 'Unit'

Over the past few months reports have emerged that the BRICS are now more actively moving along plans for a gold-backed settlement currency called 'The Unit.'

Which has the potential to impact the current monetary regime if implemented as proposed.

And to find out what's really happening, and separate fact from fiction, I'm joined by Matt Riley of EF Bullion, who was warning about what we're seeing now long before it was reported anywhere else.

So if you've been hearing about the BRICS potentially moving forward a gold-backed currency, and want to know whether that's really a possibility, you'll want to click to watch this video now!

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Central Banks Expect Gold Holdings To Increase Survey Shows

Most gold and silver investors are well aware by now that the central banks have set records for the amount of gold they've purchased in the last 2 years.

But especially with China not reporting any additional holdings in their most recent monthly report, will the surge in gold buying by central banks continue?

The World Gold Council recently surveyed 70 central bankers, who shared some interesting responses regarding how they plan to allocate their reserve holdings.

And in today's show we also look at what kind of impact it would make if a small percentage of the money that's going into gold were to flow into the silver market.

So to find out more, click to watch the video now!


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First Majestic Reports Positive Exploration Results At San Dimas

First Majestic Silver released their latest exploration results from San Dimas this morning, and for a quick recap of the results, click to watch the video now!


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And remember to get outside and have some fun every once in a while!:)

This video was sponsored by First Majestic Silver, and Arcadia Economics does receive compensation. For our full disclaimer go to:

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Vince Lanci: Fed Decision Day Could Weaken Dollar & Rally Metals

CPI is already out (with the government's calculus showing inflation being flat month over month) and the metals have spiked higher.

Of course the Fed decision is on deck for later today. And Vince Lanci has a few things to say about what they might do that could leave the dollar weaker, and put even more fuel under the gold and silver rally.

To get ready for the announcement this afternoon, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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French Bonds & Bank Stocks Rocked By Political Turmoil

The French markets endured a brutal selloff on Friday, that left bonds and bank stocks sharply lower.

And it's happening in the midst of a new wave of French political turmoil, that's somewhat emblematic of the conditions around the world, where governments and banks are feeling the pressure of higher interest rates.

Vince gives a recap of what happened, and how this affects what we're seeing evolve in the precious metals markets. As when you start to take a step back and see the succession of events that are unfolding, it can make your own planning and preparation a whole lot easier.

So to find out more about the latest financial and precious metals news and developments, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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#RafiFarber - Everything's on Fire, But Gold Uptrend Line Keeps Steepening

As gold and silver have drifted down slightly over the last 3 weeks, gold open interest has plummeted, falling by over 100,000 contracts, but so far only making about a $100 dent in the gold price, just a 4% move.

Chinese premiums for silver continue to stay at record highs, and Rafi takes a longer term view of open interest in the silver futures market. It's not as important as it once was, though it was the main tool for silver suppression in the late 1970s. That didn't work for long though.

And finally, the uptrend line in the gold bull market since 2015 has steepened every time it has been tagged.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!

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Vince Lanci: What We Learned From Yesterday's Fed Meeting

The Federal Reserve released its latest policy statement on Wednesday, followed by another press conference from Jerome Powell, to cap off what was all in all a pretty active day for gold and silver.

The metals rallied following a softer than expected CPI report, and then sold off in the afternoon after the news from the Fed. And in today's show, Vince Lanci walks through what the Fed did and didn't say, and what you really want to be aware of after yesterday's events.

He also highlights some new developments from the BRICS, and covers the daily precious metals news. So to get caught up to speed, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Silver Pops Back Over $30 After CPI, & Fed Is On Deck

The latest government inflation numbers were released this morning, and after they came in lower than expected, gold and silver have surged again.

Of course just a few hours after the CPI data was released, the Fed is also releasing its latest policy statement and hosting another Jerome Powell press conference.

And while all of that is happening, there are new congressional petitions to 'End The Fed,' and also a key update from the BRICS on their settlement currency plans.

The market is starting to change in front of our very eyes. And to hear the latest news, click to watch the video now!


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Vince Lanci: Gold & Silver Will Continue Moving East For Economic Reasons

In recent years we've seen gold and silver flow to the east. And as Vince Lanci talks about in this morning's show, that's set to continue going forward.

In addition to the accumulation of metals, we've also seen precious metals vaulting and trading infrastructure move east. And Vince explains the economic reasons why that's not going to be changing any time soon.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


To get access to the 'premium' level of Vince's Goldfix newsletter go to:

Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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To get access to Michael Oliver's research at Momentum Structural Analysis go to:

By now, gold and silver investors have had a few days to process the latest selloff on Friday, that left silver again under $30, and gold only a few dollars away from breaking below the $2,300 level.

Yet both metals have rebounded from the lows, with silver again rallying close to the $30 in early Monday morning trading. And as Vince Lanci talks about in today's show, Michael Oliver of Momentum Structural Analysis is looking at $29.54 in July silver as the level that could reignite the rally.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Silver Price Remains Volatile Around $30 Level

Given all of the attention that's been placed on the $30 level for the silver price in the past few years, as well as all of the technical trading that takes place around that level, it's not surprising to see the recent volatility ever since its broken through.

It was encouraging to see the silver price finally break the $30 level and even go as far as the $32.50 mark, before a selloff that began last Friday has taken the price back below $30 again. And in some ways, the volatility that we've experienced was somewhat expected.

And in today's show we look at the recent trading over the past month, some thoughts on this week's Federal Reserve meeting, and how the mining environment in Mexico might change following the recent election of Claudia Sheinbaum.

To find out more and get caught up to speed on the latest in the silver market, click to watch the video now!


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Silver Viper Project Update Following Recent Financing

Silver Viper Minerals has been advancing its La Virginia project in Sonora, Mexico, where they currently have a resource estimate of 49 million ounces of silver equivalent, with ounces that have been added since the estimate.

They did do a financing earlier this year, which leaves them closer to their next drilling program, but still with a few steps remaining. And to find out more about the current status, as well as what the plans are going forward, Steve Cope joined me for an update.

So for the latest news and information on Silver Viper Minerals, click to watch the video now!


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#RafiFarber - Good Weimar Real Estate For 39oz Silver, It's Documented

The swings are getting wild in both directions now as silver looks for new footing above $30. The good news is that open interest in gold is down about 100,000 contracts since mid May, meaning we have already built plenty of room for the next rally once it decides to actually begin.

And remember when Rafi spoke about Weimar real estate going for 75oz of silver? In this week's silver report, he finds more documented evidence of 1923 real estate going for even better prices, about 39oz ($50 in 1923) at the peak of the hyperinflation.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Vince Lanci: Central Banks Are Responding To Market Fragility

By now you're probably well aware that the central banks have been setting records for the amount of gold purchased since 2022. A trend which began after Russia was sanctioned, had its assets frozen, and was then subsequently kicked out of the SWIFT system.

But after 2 years, where does that leave the mindset of the central banks? And why have they been turning to gold in particular?

Vince Lanci digs into the topic in today's show, as he goes through a recent gold market report, talks about how fragility has become the new market volatility, and explains how the central bankers are looking at the current situation.

To find out more, and also get caught up to speed on the most important daily financial market news, click to watch the video now!


Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Krugerrands for only $3.10 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

To join our free email list and never miss a video click here:
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BRICS mBridge Platform Goes Live

The news out of the BRICS regarding their move towards non-dollar payment systems continues to emerge, as the mBridge cross-border system has gone live.

A few weeks ago there was additional confirmation regarding the Unit, that is reportedly being moved forward as the possible structure of the settlement currency. And today Vince Lanci reports on how another key piece of the system, the mBridge platform is now being used.

To find out more about the latest, click to watch this video now!

To get access to the 'premium' level of Vince's Goldfix newsletter go to:

Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Fortuna Silver announced a convertible senior notes deal this morning, with the initial offering in the amount of $150 million.

The deal will be used to repay bank indebtedness, fund working capital requirements, general corporate purposes, and to fund the repayment of its existing 4.65% senior subordinated unsecured convertible debentures to the extent that such debentures are not converted into shares prior to the redemption date.

To talk about the deal and the reaction in the share price, Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics joins me on the show.

So click to watch the video now!


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Fortuna CEO Jorge Ganoza Explains Convertible Senior Notes Offering

On Thursday, Fortuna Silver announced a convertible senior notes offering, that will allow them to pay down their existing senior subordinated unsecured convertible debentures and bank indebtedness.

The stock has been on the move since the deal was announced, and to better understand what the deal means for the structure and strategy of the company going forward, join us for this live call at 11 AM eastern with Fortuna CEO Jorge Ganoza and mining stock analyst Dave Kranzler.


To read Fortuna Silver's press release with the details about the deal go to:

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This video was sponsored by Fortuna Silver, and Arcadia Economics does receive compensation. For our full disclaimer go to:

Silver Rally Has Occurred In The Face Of Stronger Dollar & Higher Yields

Perhaps what's been most shocking about this year's silver rally is that the price has made its move in the face of a stronger dollar and higher yields.

The Fed's rate cuts have still not appeared, and even though the US 10-year bond yield has declined over the past 2 months, it's still 10 basis points higher than when silver began its move.

So today John Lee of Silver Elephant checks in to talk about the rally, what's driven gold and silver prices in the face of what are typically adverse conditions for the metals, and the impact of the geopolitical escalations we've seen over recent months.

He also talks about how the small size of the silver market also leaves it vulnerable to mainstream inflows, and what he sees over the short and long term for the silver price from here.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!


To find out more about Silver Elephant and the progress of its deal with Andean Precious Metals go to:

To get access to the 'premium' level of Vince's Goldfix newsletter go to:

Today’s show is brought to you with the support of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, who we encourage you to consider on your next precious metals purchase or sale!

To take advantage of this week’s Miles Franklin silver special and get Silver Britannias for only $3.15 over spot contact us now at:
[email protected]

Arcadia is a licensed Miles Franklin broker, and we're happy to help with any of your precious metals questions, or put you in touch with Chris Marcus.

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Created 4 years ago.

1363 videos

Category Business & Finance

Helping you thrive while we watch the dollar die

From the Author of "The Big Silver Short", Arcadia Economics brings you interviews, market insights and lots of silver price and stock information.