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A bit of black humor, this was my first attempt at something resembling "animation" a few years ago using the Windows Movie Maker default program found on Windows 7.

We've been told that a catchy clickbait thumbnail makes all the difference to getting clicks.

I took some liberties with a few of the great works of Edward Hopper. He's either rolling in his grave, or laughing. Hope it's the latter.

We offer meditation to help us, if for only a few minutes, forget our and the woes of the world.

This video clip will surely resonate with you. What you may not be aware of is that coffee production worldwide is on a slippery slope. Watch the video to find out why.

On a cramé les magasins, maintenant...

This a Must Watch. It is at once black comedy and bleak commentary on how ruthless and corrupt the world's health authorities are. This video specifically targets Anthony Fauci who is arguably tantamount to a mass murderer.

Recueil d'images satiriques qu'on a fait depuis le début de "La Crise" en Nouvelle-Calédonie qui a commencé il y a un mois.

Question rhétorique : On est sage, ou on est con ?

What do you think about interspecies adult consensual sex?
We share nearly 99% of our DNA with chimps and bonobos.
We are essentially a branch of the same species.

What have we been up to for the last three hundred thousand years? Too Much Monkey Business, for sure. Chuck Berry says it best on the last half of the clip.

I originally composed this song three years ago at the time of the Big Vax Rollout. It seemed a good time to post it.

A bawdy ballad handed down orally through a number of generations. When I first heard it recited more than 50 years ago it was accepted that the ballad had never been written down. This was before the Internet, or even photocopiers. Now you can find several versions on line. I had a bit of fun recording this and combining it with Charlie Chaplin's classic silent 1925 movie "The Gold Rush"

Here we explain how modern society has robbed us of our natural body odor. In doing so our sexuality has been severely damaged.

This marks the anniversary of a powerful CME that could have meant "Lights Out" if it had been pointed our way. Also Suspicious Observer discusses s a CME that occurred less than two months ago that could have had disastrous consequences for our electricity grids if it had been better aimed.

Here, we have made a compilation of a certain genre of friend requests we frequently receive on our Facebook account. They are in-your-face solicitations for cyber sex. They all follow the same format, and all seem to pass Facebook's rigorous "Community Standards." Therefore, we can only surmise that Facebook is tacitly peddling cyber sex. We're more than happy for you to make yet another buck, Zuck, but, alas, we're not in the market.

On vient de modifier et reposter ce clip.

This is an original, satirical, cynical, song about CMEs (coronal mass ejections) and the impact that a strong CME will have on humanity. We are now approaching the "Solar Maximum" in the Sun's 11 year cycle. Anything can happen. Keep a candle and a box of matches handy.

This clip is the fruit of outrage over genocide in Gaza and public indifference. The gallows humor images speak a thousand words.

The images and music speak for themselves.

This is a one minute pipe dream set on the Gaza Strip. The visuals are backed by the Pete Seeger 60s recording of the song that served as an anthem for the American civil rights movement.

This clip is an antidote to the previously uploaded video, "Accentuate The Positive." But, actually, it's not REALLY an antidote if you watch the full minute.

This may be the darkest, most cynical and angry music video Aboard Ron has ever done. It won't please anyone. Don't bother to watch it if you're not totally fed up and disgusted with humanity. It's my unadorned cover of Johnny Mercer's smash 1944 hit song...with a current events twist.

This is an Aboard Ron black humor parody of the 1955 smash hit, "Rock Around The Clock" by Bill Haley and His Comets. We thought it was the right time. Today the "Doomsday Clock" was revised for 2024. It remains at 90 seconds to midnight. We feel that's a tad too optimistic.

We thought it was time to post our interpretation of Phil Ochs classic 60s anti-war song. As wars are bursting out all over and it's only a matter of time till military conscription becomes the new normal, we should take heed.

When I was a kid in California the 50s, once a month we had to protect ourselves from a nuclear blast by hiding under our desks. We played this for one minute to the tune of really loud air raid sirens


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

182 videos

Category Entertainment

This channel has, and will have a kaleidoscope of content. It's all about entertainment, though. There are/will be a number of original satirical songs on current issues, some covers of old classics, some adorable dog videos, and how-to sailing videos. And maybe some doomer rants.