A Distant Mirror

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A Distant Mirror

A Distant Mirror


A Distant Mirror w/ Alex Jones

A poem for today by Margaret Anna Alice.
Music and video by A Distant Mirror.

Through the Looking Glass: margaretannaalice.substack.com
A Distant Mirror: adistantmirror.com

Based on a talk by Dr David Martin to the European Parliament

A discussion between Liberty Man and Dr Young, from July 2022.

The book "Pasteur or Bechamp?" is published by A Distant Mirror.

More details:

#bechamp #terraintheory

Dr John Bergman gives an entertaining and informative presentation on the origins of germ theory, and the lack of science to support it. In fact, no human virus has ever been isolated and actually seen under the microscope or proven to cause any disease. He also discusses Dr Stefan Lanka's German court case, which he won, by proving that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the measles virus.

Dr Stefan Lanka's medical article on the measles "virus":


Dr Stefan Lanka's interview on "HIV":


This presentation compliments Dr Andrew Kaufmans' on exosomes titled "Humanity is NOT a virus", which you can watch on my channel with this link:


Dr John Bergman's websites:



Articles by Dr Stefan Lanka:



Maria Zeee presents a lot of new material on what is in the injections.

A Refutation of Virology
by Ekaterina Sugak

Thanks to microbiologist Stefan Lanka, we now have the final, official refutation of virology.
Stefan Lanka conducted control experiments that refuted the methods virologists use to prove the existence of viruses.

Kate Sugak explains it all and gives you the necessary context and so that you can realize the full significance of Stefan Lanka’s control experiments.

Please share this video everywhere you can. This is the only way we can help this information to spread far enough to be able to create a scientific and medical revolution.

English narration by Heather Bruno ( IG@magicaldancer7 )

History can be cruel, and rewritten a hundred times over to fulfill the needs of those in control.

This series of two clips from Alfa Vedic covers a story highlighting this fact to the 100th degree. The guys at Alfa Vedic delve into the mysterious lost truth of where modern medicine has derived its foundation from and how this path was created through fraud and hubris of one very celebrated man and the powerful elite behind him.

Not only is this a fascinating tale of deceit and misinformation but a crucial lesson for those seeking to understand the modern Western medicine paradigm.

This discussion is based on the book 'Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter In The History Of Biology', by Ethel Hume.

It is published by A Distant Mirror. There is further information here:

This may one of Alfa Vedic's most powerful and important show to date! In episode 1 of this series, Mike recounted what he learned from reading 'Béchamp or Pasteur?', and some fun discoveries were made and discussed.

In Part 2, Dr. Lando takes over to give us the full download on the history of the Germ Theory conspiracy and why geniuses like Antoine Béchamp have been erased from what used to be mandatory curriculum in Biology 101. How this omission keeps most doctors in the dark about our true biological nature and how it perpetuates the current runaway train we call Western medicine.

Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world.

This discussion is based on the book 'Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter In The History Of Biology', by Ethel Hume.

It is published by A Distant Mirror. There is further information here:


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

9 videos

Category Science & Technology

Books and music
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