The Lions Den

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The Lions Den



Everybody has Hero's.. some maybe gain solace or be inspired by such as Martin Luther or Che Guevara for others Muhammed Ali, Eminem, or even Jesus may be their hero. For me I always had a real life, solid, right in front of ya kind of Hero. My Old Dad 👑🦁❤ At a time when most of us are just learning about life, drinking, partying, taking drugs, wilding out, banging bitches and other assorted revelry he was fighting for his life in a World War!
Serving on 'The Spitfires O The Sea' The MTB (Motor Torpedo Boats) squadron based in the med with many successful missions to their name in the Adriatic Sea. Eventually succumbing after his ship hit a mine while assaulting a German warship(Like a minnow against a shark😮) all his friends and crew lost. He made it! Returned back to his Highland home with his Medals of Honour, married his childhood sweetheart and raised a family. About 30 yrs later a 'mistake' came along.That mistake was me 🦁and this is my song about him (amongst other things😉) my lineage and why I fear nothing.👑🦁

'MCCM 2' (lyrics) Pre-amble ' Sit Down...Shut Up!...and Listen! (Verse 1) 'When your Dad's a Real war Hero, you always feel that pride inside as his Daddy did before him they all fought for Freedom's side, the generations went before us, they all earned their place in time, took a certain kind of courage to face planes and bombs and mines, to take lead, head on still smiling took a certain kind of guy, 'You just stood for the man beside you' that became your reason why! that spirit of the trenches, that spirit of Versailles, that spirit of the Blitz got all that, intertwined! I think I told you ages back you cannot darken light! The kind of Blood 'ma fam ay frae' - persistent, outa line, sunny, bonny, bright! Astrally combined! All that! Almost ended in the blink of an eye, in the initial strike everyone did die! he was face down in the water, although somehow still alive! To even Death he don't comply! He said 'I'll need that triple signed 1st I ne..

This should go in the education section really..🦁"We Roar We Soar" to 2.44😮

Pre-amble: 'Peepl saying these things...When they don't even know me...or my works! but there's only one thing ya need to know..'

I'll run em down with art like Renoir, up personal and close..not afar..I'm rallying more troops like Dakaar, they love it how I slay.. with fire-bars, you nutjob- psycho- czars, went too far, you wanna rule the world You Zoo Farmers, i'll keep exposing for the scum that you revoir...

King of the True North has blossomed...I hear them talking, crowned from the corner of West Parade to the corner of Crenshaw/Slauson, dey 4 their dawgs! I'm for my dawgs! we like dog walking, we both like gunz.. Our mind sets awesome, just takes one storm, to end this nonsense, s'why I'm bat-telling, I'm battlin, I'm Battling Un-dauntless, I'm not battleing like a mobsta.. I'm battlin like I'm Chaucer, All in my head son, so no harm done huh?

I make them hurt some when I'm on the hunt, the strong -minded always push the buttons cause we always fight and we never run or should I just swarm on um for what we've become, puppet shows only fool messed up suckers, anything left that I've not yet uncovered, brought up about their murderous death cult? funny how I'm banned everytime that's brought up, funny how the suck ups, just succumbed but Im a 7th zenith 3rd son built to withstand dystopian planet scum, I'd rather word slay ya undone, My words intact ya complete opposite, diss-engage less you feel the full brunt, lets start with all the vile things that you lust, ugh think these buds nah about had enough! know there's a part to play, for each and everyone starting to use their God given skulls, know it time to wake your true purpose, all ya have to do.. is just do summits! Truth Willy out, now a man you've become, don't forget who i was told u first..Nature Wildsmith..'The Most Dangerous' think I've said it already..Now I'm a literary libel-rary, library, here to ti..

All your past lives are rooting for you....

The Celtic Herculean will sway them with his words.....

"Beyond All New Normal" (Lyrics)

Pre-amble: "You should have listened.... and there's the prophecy.....'The Celtic Herculean'... don't think I haven't noticed..I know what you do! You still fear... even now...I don't blame them..they didn't stand a chance...we're gonna win...'they' know it...that's why they're panicking..can love save me? again? can love save me......again? I don't know where they come from..they just do.......
Shall.. I bring it back with an attack rap that sounds a bit more like 'He' offensive as the Sea when whipped in Tsunami, my soul inside..Pristine! They chose their side..The Pedes, they all have N.P.D they kill you as we speak, they kill you slowly, they gave you poverty, I slapped 'Cover- meants' both cheeks and did that swift-fully.. Truth Martyr- History!

It's best we never meet...You'd get butt hurt at a few just words then tryn curtail Free Speech that don't sit right with me the heretic of thee, who's coming round for tea? 'The Celtic Herculean'

'Try click your heels Toto go as far as you can animal' If you weren't all in my road x 2 Should have just left me alone...

You'll let my people all go b4 am through as foretold they've got themselves all dialled low and that's as far as they go so diss one think i'll go slow ba then again I dunno not doing folk why should i throw more boilees out to musos, I wild out and so do Hero's! Uphold their Oaths and say No! your Planta-genet all feed the seeds that I sow, I meet their needs they grow bold, my 'Fremen-stration Pack' tole ya all that you need to know...This Season Free Now -Ent-rope..


Should I bring it back with a standard rap, like my contempories? Hell No! not when I can mow, I wont do that though, my powers are from the universe and yours from all you stole, back from days of old now drink those tears or fold, no weapon forged as shown we laugh as you..

We learned to be patient observers like the owl. We learned cleverness from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times its size to drive it off its territory.

And so it begins...S3: Entropy

"The Importance Of Being An Insane Musical Genius In A Post Real Society"


Pre-amble: 'Remind me who I am again?'

Hook: 'Until somebody hears one!' x2

Verse 1: 'I'm writing till I'm clear of your destruction, I'm writing for the people who still subbing,I'm writing for the people who still struggling, I'm writing till I see my no's doubling, I'm writing for all the people you've been muffling, I'm writing for the people who still puzzling, I'm writing for those people cause you hurt them, No wondering, no hushing, I'm just thundering!' I'm writing cause I hear that you're all rubbish, I'm writing 4 da peepl, they need substance,I write for the people you been mugging, I'll write for all those people till Judgement!

Hook: 'Although nobody hears one!' x2

Verse 2: I write for the people they've been shoving, I write for the people they been shunning, I write for the people they now crushing, I write for those people now all suspects, I write on whatever I find troubling, I write and I'm never running out son, I write for the people who said 'shove it!' I write for the people who all sussed it! I ride for all those people, who still stunning, I ride whenever I'm amongst them, 'they' ride whenever I'ma grumbling, I write for all those people with nuthin!

Hook: 'Until somebody hears one!' x2

Verse 3: 'Mostly dangerous but often I'm fun -loving, shuffle off before ya get yasen all cutted, I'm writing for the people, not succumbing, I write 4 the people who not ducking, I'm writing on the supplicants thumb-sucking, I'm writing on the bungling and blundering, I'm coming for the ones caused all this suffering, I'm writing on the scandal and the plundering, I write for all the people most becoming, I write for all those people, that Love me, You're hoe's and were sick of your corruption, their woes, when I get them Lions buzzin! '

Hook; 'That's why nobody hears one!' x2

Verse 4: 'Pain, loss and suffering, ever since the day they borned him, this time round don't think I'm toying! By Nature I'm Naughty, assymetrical my story, didn't want trouble I just responded, I'm writing lines for Lions against liars for justice, won't get that now cause they hushed it! Hated me since 'Always' the songs I make annoy them, the Ent-Trophies i'll be rewarding and am stayin till it's sorted Shawty, Sorry! Yea sure I call it Meta-War! but it's more a murder sortee!'

Hook: 'Although nobody hears one!'

Outro: 'And Another and Another and Another and another x2 Till it's done! and another and another and another and anotha X2 Now it's done!'
Nature © 2024

'Luck is just preparation awaiting the next opportunity'

Baa Baa Bad Sheep (Lyrics) I don't bow down! I don't entreat! Their fuel - Unhealth, desire and greed, with them got beefs, no holes in sheets, meet minute needs, goodbye lati😃 Bring frowns to freaks, bring towns of freaks, bring clowns to feast..bring George Formby, need Windows cleaned! de-nied L-eats, lit lies/ deceit, not been discreet on make believe, A Dragon beast un-bound, climb peaks, unbound ride reefs,for me- concrete, 20 floors beneath, beyond all fear pornography, it's just crunching meat, A Lions Peace: Homeland! O.T. Been mending time for season free, Guess what? O.P😉I hear a roar, don't hear a bleat, you fear what comes that Entropy- 'Baa Baa Bad Sheep' x2 See! all worked out sweet; That monsters from the state of deep, have no actual factual power over me (or my body) Find someone else to kiss your feet! cause it won't be me; Baa Baa Bad Sheep! x2
Nature © 2024


"Brap Brap! 1st and final decision, got an issue with snitches getting into my business, tend to leave them burnt grizzly then Mogadishu the witness! Blitz Stick-up yar sisters in hidden ancient mysteries and tissues, a Wildsmithsonian Victory,,,, In Amaziness..."Now Hope! For all they strived for I will pray... Now Hope! For what they fought and died for..I'll maintain That Hope On the day we end all this slavery!" Our Hope cause I can still pop in anytime spit a New Lion outa one rhyme.. and Obliterate! n Gone Smoked! Exterminate Their god One Eyed, still traumatised by authority, Nurture/ Not Nate: Corpor-ate Lie In Vain, Un-Blind seeing Stockholm Real Time!,Dont live telly life, just by design, no designer - Free Mind, made from anything I can find, from under the bridge of sighs! Still concise.. Wot everyone holds inside.. I just say! Totally unabashed and unafraid to infinity and beyond from the tree I ate like we'd could go into space like a serenade although they would clearly never like to see it that way, now that a minute from me to them is like a - hand-grenade" Words and music- Nature Wildsmith ©2024

I found this song very 'moreish' So much so that it had to be assimilated into the pantheon to get it out of me😉Happy New Year to all

Suspirium Lyrics

[Verse 1]
'This is a waltz
Thinking about our bodies
What they mean
For our salvation
With only the clothes
That we stand up in
Just the ground
On which we stand
Is the darkness
Ours to take?
Bathed in lightness
Bathed in heat

[Verse 2]
All is well
As long as we keep spinning
Here and now
Dancing behind a wall
Hear the old songs
And laughter within
All forgiven
Always and never been true

[Verse 3]
When I arrive
Will you come and find me?
Or in a crowd
Be one of them?
Mother wants us
Back beside her
No tomorrows
At peace'

Words and Music Thom Yorke
Performed by Nature Wildsmith

"In a sense, words are encyclopedias of ignorance because they freeze perceptions at one moment in history and then insist we continue to use these frozen perceptions when we should be doing better."

To the whole Liondom - Have a good un😍 I still love ya if nobody else does 😁
Music : 'That Which Was Taken From Us' - Nature Wildsmith

The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies.

'An ignorant population is the aide de campe of death!'
I will never stop I only need me!🦁

Legacy (Lyrics) Are you ready? Cause my 'Legacy' continues now no matter what you does, If'n your'e trying to take it backward ama pushing it to the front, 'Still in Truth my sword I trust with my armour sent from above, with my shield now all lit up.. I been truth bombing them for months!' now for some word claymores a must as I heard you like to drink babies blood once you done clutching everyone's nuts, 1st for some justice I thirst, now that everything runs in reverse by the most hated on Earth. Rap Art summits made so un-in -famous, I'll be summoned for just a few words. Yea sure my two twin truth gloves hurt like a non moon Armstrong golf club! How's about I kick ya some in the mug quicker than I kicked up that Soul Dust Now don't struggle lati don't sulk while your'e being skillfully mugged, Think ya mighta not quite caught the bus your defending descendant Pawn Scum I'm descending upon, your bust up! Now my weapons as sick as Wing Chun, ma battalions of stallions guns hung as that Great Awakening happen stance stays standing am still slamming into um! Un- believers saying it's not happening when..ahem! it clearly does! 'Still in Truth my sword I trust with my armour sent from above, with my shield now all lit up.. I cut dumb numb nuts new ones just for lols and my Lionsubs! Now who dya think just between us is the most fukn robust? Who's the most real? took the red pill woke up the Most Dangerous...Now it's a brand new age of enlightenment and on that day the lightning struck some people running frightened now here come another Titan Wow! How comes that he do know so much to reach deep down inside of us? Don't ask I just do it cause I can nothing contains me I'm da Man studied with the masters ery day till I finally felt it and knew I'd found the way 1st came the flood then the reign and now they are in pain incarnate, they don't own your fates telll them ..

'Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year'
Note that you can see the `photonist` reflected in the horses eye near the end in a three way compass of perception😍

Homeland Liondom:

(Show Notes) Self-control strategies help resolve conflicts between what we should do and what we want to do, in a way that benefits us (e.g., by getting us to eat a healthy meal instead of junk food).
Strategies can be self-deployed directly by those who need them, or other-deployed by people who want to help.
Cognitive strategies include planning your actions (in terms of when, where, and how you’ll take them), tying desired behaviors to your social identity (e.g., by saying “I’m a runner, so I’m going to go exercise now”), and empathizing with your future self (e.g., by thinking about how they will feel).
Situational strategies include increasing commitment to your desired action (e.g., by betting someone that you’ll stick to your goal), removing temptations from your environment (e.g., by leaving your phone in a different room), and bundling a temptation with a desired behavior (e.g., by listening to fun music while you exercise).
It’s often best to use a combination of strategies, which should be selected based on factors like what temptation you're resisting and where.

'A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy' Guy Fawkes

"I withdraw my consent to be governed by any corrupt, compromised, belligerent criminal parliament or government. 'Your terms are unacceptable' Effective Immediately Forthwith I hereby Do Not Comply"

Now who fancy's a nice Singalong like in the olden days? 😊

'Not Now Rishi While I'm Eating Your Disciple's' (Lyrics)

(Consider this pre-trial...)
Not now rishi while I'm eating your disciples, no more sushi cause I'm filled up to the bile, No more sunak you unelected Fido, what makes you feel entitled? A pedo in the Whitehouse? Not now hand-cock I wont bet on your survival Not now trudy! while I'm going intertidal, Not now bozo cause you make me homicidal, not now bi-den, you won't be no ones idol, or you gatesy you're living in denial, while you have sat there idle, a psycho's been re-cycled, No weapon forged against me shall you prosper from...or Child! So not now rishi while I'm eating your disciples (cricket noises)
Your hands holds a vial mines the Holy Bible, To break you or die try'n cause all you creatures vile, I am all you don't want viral! Your deceit is vital, Any fingers in my pies will get bit off, then get nitro-ed, to stop the spread of liars! Sure you got assassins but this a fight for Lions! You have no incisors to undermine and stifle, There's been a new arrival to trifle with your spinals, coming at ya now from every bent and crooked stile! They see you from a mile.. One more push should do it.. and I'm fuk'n you vaginas! You are all my playthings now and my decisions final! (X2) Nature Wildsmith © 2023

(Show Notes) I usually just throw songs like this away as I got hundreds of them and focus mainly on the bombtracks but my friend liked it so I thought I'd put it up before I forget about it.

"The will must be stronger than the skill."

(Russian Dolls Lyrics) "I'd feel hollow inside to do as I'm advised, just feel that I'm obliged to choose what I decide the path, that I decline being taken for a ride, they desperate like house wives I won't let one survive! corruption of young minds I can't let this sh*t slide you thrive they just survive you can't hold back the tide, they can't stop us combined, no fissure no divide I'm outside they confined no longer in the Wild I'm real and your contrived they need my merchandise I give but you deny you can't confirm my eyez, cold comfort in disguise, this path I'm now resigned, this mountain I will climb to end them I'm designed!

You'll take the Vax up the ass though, You'll pay that tax to the banks though You'll do woteva they ask for or they will rip up your pass port but that word 'No' now a- No-No, and all your bank accounts frozen, Oh No! so it's not a global takeover? shoulda listened more when we told ya No point in summoning zozo, the lati gone Kaiser So-so, either you do know or you don't hoe, WE all fully awakened Truth Soldiers! So let the process Un-Fold Ya They win and it's over bow before them- stone thrower their world Now! you sold it..

(Chorus) "All that is gone now by the NWO! crushing all before it everything must fall hell, we must own it all yea it's what we were all chose least that's what they told us...Too many Russian Dolls Huh?"

(Bridge) A kaleidoscope of lies butts.. cause you are not Real Men it's simple to forget..that there is something inside of us that is inviolate... it's hard to put a name on it just yet but it's being ever pressed even before birth it's been ever present..

Terror induced meds make for faceless zombie heads, hating on my erudite thinking, trying to stop me on my Quest..for a World Free Of Horror.. for a whole free of Them! In your constant world of dread that they put up in yar head! You can't tell what real and false after a lifetime of Pretend! Ti..

'True Nobility Is Always Doing Better Than You Used To'

Papa got him a brand new video editor Thought i'd try it out and what better way than with my theme tune 😃

HomeLand (Lyrics)

(Talky bit) Just to remind everybody who's the most dangerous..and why!

Intro: 'Can you see what I see? Dragons versus mice-ees.. swarming on you slicing, we won't ask politely'

"All this democide has given me a surplus, all this menticide has led to Mega-verse yea, (sheepies)'Why bother telling of these things these things just don't concern us we want formulaic rap why do you breach these subjects? you'll never change the world to try is just absurd yea,they'll find out who you are you know your days are numbered!' Have you forgotten what raps for and how it once meant something- Visceral Cause-ality Objection! to this fuckd ness,God cannot hate and so I do it for him, Fuk you Gates, of hell I'd rather have the Pearl Ones,I'll pull the sheeple from this pen and make them see your cunt-ness, your big mistake was going for my loved ones,fukn you again! My mission and my purpose! MSM and every other fukwit who been messing with us are paid up pervert servants,so I'm going to the bell end of the beast to bury serpents,Do I make your masters scared by pulling back the curtains? Now I'll light them up! Now I'll make them nervous! So that little children don't have to have their blood drunk! They worship darkness every day that light emerges, I've only just begun ive only scratched the surface, what will You do? Ban me or strip numbers?Some say non - violence I say violence to 100, Tie the fuks down let flies eat off their face first,That's! how the 'Most Dangerous' rappa on the planet does his work yea! I will flame the way with burning brands of oneness, no thank you's for my service, that incidental learning, Ye sure I use cuss- words! but they use hyper-dermics and divert us, I'm gonna throw them in a furnace for observers, that's why they fear me gaining purchase with the worthless..

Mo that's what I am about😀I could drop every day from here to Christmas and still not run out of these instru-mentals lol. Seems a lot of this going about recently 💞

(Show Notes)

People make many joint decisions together with others, like when they choose what to eat for lunch with their friend or what movie to watch with their partner. People often communicate to the other decision-maker that they don’t have a preference for any of the available options (e.g., by saying “I’m fine with whatever you want”). Recipients of this kind of communication often assume that the person who made it does have a preference, but just isn’t disclosing it. Recipients also tend to assume that the communicator’s preferences are likely different from their own. This makes it harder for participants to choose, pushes them to choose an option that’s different than what they otherwise would, and hurts their relationship with the communicator.

Educational Purposes

Official Channel:

The will must be stronger than the skill.🦁

"God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven. I can't live with that."
My current flagship as it's the closest so far to how I want this to go 💛God Bless Her and All Who Sail In Her! I got these amps up to ten! Spiderman was always my fave superhero growing up as a boy as he spun lines and fought evil maniacs too, possibly inspiring what I'm now doing hehe😙 but who was your favourite and why? Please Leave a comment below ta...Remember truth is a Lion

(Show Notes) The Genius of the Crowd by Charles Bukowski

'There is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day
and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace
those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love
beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books
beware those who either detest poverty
or are proud of it
beware those quick to praise
for they need praise in return
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average
but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect
like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock
their finest art'

I don't even need words anymore...😶My rap wings are not grown enough yet to properly give this what I want to and what it needs. I literally can't even handle my own creations now.I'm too close.. So... For The Victims!

Nature Wildsmith © 2023

(Show Notes)
The egocentric bias is a cognitive bias that causes people to rely too heavily on their own point of view when they examine events in their life or when they try to see things from other people’s perspective. Accordingly, the egocentric bias causes people to either underestimate how different other people’s viewpoint is from their own, or to ignore other people’s viewpoint entirely.

For example, if you do something embarrassing, the egocentric bias can cause you to overestimate the degree to which other people are likely to notice it, because it can cause you to assume that others are as focused on your actions as you are. Since the egocentric bias can strongly influence the way we process information and make decisions, it’s important to understand it.

Official Channel:

All Rights Reserved Educational Purposes Only 1976

"Nature is not a place to visit. It is Home,
Look after your temple!"

I was thinking that a bird is quite a rubbish pet to have really as they aren`t really funny like cats or compared to dogs who you can interact with, take for walks and teach tricks or a horse that you can go riding.They can sing though and are pleasant to look at. Now imagine if you were that bird but your owner never ever listened to you or came to see you in that cage.You would feel without purpose and start thinking bout how you could escape that tiny cage they got you in to get into the sky where you belong.😊

There's not enough room to get all the lyrics in soz but this is a simple diss track lol😁

I know it's hard but try'n keep in the Sunlight...🦁

I know you miss me really haha. Still lost at sea scouring the seafloor for shipwrecks! This is from my experimental pile and is one for the ladies (for a change 😀) a love ballad😮This is an amalgam of what would happen if J.Cole / Lil Peep and myself were mixed together in some weird vortex across time and dimensions (could happen!) but my lady is still only the sea. Also doubles as a Lil Peep tribute.😍

'Star Shopping The Lost Ones For Triangulation' (Lyrics)

"Father The Mountains My Lady The Sea, My Mother The Whole World..Still Miss Lil Peep..When I'm Falling To Pieces"

'Wait right here! I'll be back in the morning I know I'm not that important to you but to me girl you're so much more than gorgeous so much more than perfect I know that I'm really not worth it if you give me time I could work on it Gimme some time while I work on it,You're losing patience and girl I don't blame ya, the Earth in rotation you're waiting for me, look at my face when I fuk on your waist cause we only have one conversation a week, that's why your friends always hating on me, fuk em though, I did this all by myself, matter fact I ain't ever asked no one for help and that's why I don't pick up my phone when it rings none of my exes is oe'r lil me, nobody flexing as much as Nate be, That's why she txt me and tell me she loves me, she knows that someday I'll be oer the sea, making my money and smoking my weed,I think it's funny she open up to me,get comfortable with me once I got it coming, I love her she love me I know that I'm nothing like someone her family want me to be, If I find a way would you walk it with me? Look at my face while your'e talking to me cause we only have one conversation a week can I get one conversation at least, shout out to everyone making my beast you helping me preach this musics the only thing keeping um falling to pieces'

(Chorus) 'Look at the sky tonight all of them stars have a reason a reason to shine a reason an am falling to pieces' x2
'And I ain't to proud to tell you, that I cry sometimes, I cry sometimes about it, and girl I know it hurt but if this life was perfect then we could made it work, but I doubt it'

(Outro Rap) Still trying to dispute my purr-suit of the infinite? How I'm, dissolute but my songs are still glittery, still leave em tittering exposing the tinkering, all non-permitted recycled considerate, Bo Peep I be mirroring, though I don't need to think, only pureblood admitted, I don't have a mimic'

(Chorus) 'Look at the sky tonight all of them stars have a reason a reason to shine a reason like mine'

Official Channel

All Rights Reserved; Nature -Triangulation/ Lil Peep - Star Shopping /J Cole - The Lost Ones
Educational Purposes 1972


Created 2 years, 12 months ago.

50 videos

Category Music

"We, the choicest flower of Britain's manhood, were hidden away in her most secret places. Out of site of subject shores, we kept even our eyes free from the defilement of tyranny. We, the most distant dwellers upon the earth, the last of the free, have been shielded till today by our very remoteness and by the obscurity in which it has shrouded our name.
In them is an arrogance which no submission or good behaviour can escape. Pillagers of the world, they have exhausted the land by their indiscriminate plunder, and now they ransack the sea. A rich enemy excites their cupidity; a poor one, their lust for power. East and West alike have failed to satisfy them. They are the only people on earth to whose covetousness both riches and poverty are equally tempting. To robbery, butchery, and rapine, they give the lying name of "government"; they create a desolation and call it peace."