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Enemy Jews run the indoctrination centers turning your children into enemies. Homeschool your children or lose them to Jews who have waged war on their minds, lives, and liberties. Teach your children that Jews are the worst enemies we face and have hijacked America. Teach your children real history, not fake history. Teach them that the Holocaust is a Jewish fraud. Teach them why Jews have been expelled over 100+ times from many lands and why we must expel them to the sea for good to be free. Teach them the word 'anti-semitism' is a trick word Jews made up to use against people exposing them. Teach them real science, not spinning water ball pseudo-science. Teach them how Jewish fingerprints are all over 9/11, the COVID-19 psyop, the weaponized Jewish-made 'vaccines', all these Jewish wars based on lies, etc.

This pedo invader that the enemy Jews let in was lucky he didn't get his head stomped flat. All pedos deserve the death penalty. If that was the law of the land, Jews would flee to pedo-filled Israel because Jews are the biggest pedo scums in America and on Earth. The pedo Jews who run Hollywood and Disney would flee to their pedo Jew rat tunnels in Israel.

Never forget or forgive how COVID-19 was a Jewish-led Psyop used to inject most of humanity with Jewish-made bioweapon jabs and enslave the world further in debt. Humanity has the right to hang every evil Jew involved in Nuremberg crimes against humanity. They deserve to be injected with thousands of their own clot💉 poison right in their faces then strung them up on video for the world to see.

Too bad the Holocaust was a Jewish lie. They deserve a real one.

Fuck terrorist Israel.

Former climate change alarmist Aerospace engineer Prof Tom Harris now turned whistleblower admits human-caused climate change is a hoax by supremacist Elitist WEF Jews.

Be careful what you eat, drink, and inject into your body because evil supremacist Jews are poisoning humanity left and right. Look at the history of Jews poisoning wells, causing major sicknesses. Jews are taught to kill non-Jews. Jews were behind the COVID-19 psyop and they made the weaponized mRNA clot shots that have injured and killed millions. Jews make the poisonous "vaccines". Clearly, they're injecting food with poisons too. This video is more evidence of the war on our food.
It is well known in the truth community that Jews have caused epidemics like the Black Death, and other illnesses by poisoning wells.

Supremacist terrorist Jews like this prove why Hitler should have wiped them out for real. They're the seed of Satan and a threat to all humanity. We're all considered Palestinians to these evil Jews as their Talmudic teachings teach them. Israel was created by supremacist terrorist Jews like this.

Electric vehicles release MORE toxic emissions than gas-powered vehicles and are worse for the health of humans and the environment. Hybrid and electric cars are cancer-causing as they emit extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF). Yet they are being pushed on humanity by the enemies of humanity. Elon Musk is the enemy of humanity plotting against us all. Humanity should have woken up after he was photographed sucking off enemy Jews and plotting to put microchips in everyone's head. His SpaceX / FakeX that the Jewish-hijacked US Gov funds steals billions from American tax slaves and he fakes everything just like NASA.gov does. Never forget he faked sending a Tesla to so-called space.

Cross-dressing illegal border-crossing invader says "U.S. Government is the only government in the world that pays for plastic surgery." All while our combat veterans face long waits for what is often sub-standard care.

President of the New South Wales Rabbinical Council Yossi Feldman has publicly stated that he wants Australian law to be amended to give leniency to religious Jews discovered to have committed sex crimes with children. It's as if a pattern is developing among the apologists for crimes like these.

Not only are mobile phones being used to spy on everyone, gather data, and brainwash users with propaganda, but they are also radiation weapons against humanity. My friend got ball cancer and he said it was from his cell phone in his pocket. Cancer rates have skyrocketed cause everyone is being poisoned left and right. Everyone needs to get rid of these spy radiation weapons. We need to support solutions to break free from them because they put everyone's life and liberty at risk.
1st solution for privacy is to get an Unplugged Phone. The Unplugged Privacy Smartphone will replace your cell phone, VPN, antivirus, and messenger with a unified personal privacy system.
2nd Buy a Faraday bag to use when needed for extra privacy & radiation protection. Faraday bags block electromagnetic radiation (EMR), including EMF radiation. The Multishield® shielding material used in their bags disrupts the electromagnetic waves, preventing them from passing through to your head or body.

3rd Keep your phones away from your body as much as possible. Support safer and more private tech.

If you have any other solutions, please add them in the comment section below.

War on natural remedies: Funded by the AMA

Jews in terrorist Israel celebrate the white genocide replacement conspiracy they are behind in Britain and other White lands and cheer the fact that Mohammed is the most common name for newborn boys in the UK. 😠👉✡️🔥

🔥🔥Burn all Pride flags off the Earth.
No more tolerance. The 2SLGBTQI+ perverts waged war on humanity. It would be best if you all got some real balls and fought back.

This boy has bigger balls than most males today. The world needs more like him stomping out the LGBT sickness.

No Tolerance for LGBT groomers. Put them back into mental hospitals and closets.

Cultural Marxism was specifically created by Jews to undermine and destroy Western nations because traditional class communism couldn't be sold in the West

At the core of the ideology was the constant criticism of White culture and the family unit through media, press, and television.

Learn who rules over you by figuring out who you aren't allowed to criticize, and by who all your "representatives" are falling over each other to grovel, worship, and debase themselves in front of. Jews are the biggest threat to us all and need to be removed and expelled from our lands and contained and enslaved. Put them in work camps to reeducate them to serve us instead of humanity serving them.

TIMBER: Another of London's 5G ULEZ cameras gets "retired" by the ULEZ Blade Runners, in broad daylight.

Jewish-run 23andMe got hacked. The identity, location & DNA data grab is now going for dollars on the black market. You can thank the enemy Jews. Founder & CEO Anne Wojcicki is a Jewess. Her sister is enemy Jewess Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube that censors people and her husband is enemy Jew Sergey Brin, founder of Google, the most evil corporation on Earth. Is that enough Jewish red flags for you?

Gay Sandy Hook crisis actor Robbie Parker was filmed laughing on Jewish-owned CNN fake news after his daughter was supposedly killed.

The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

They ask for these groups to "IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex."

The full American College of Pediatricians statement ⬇️

"Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex. Instead, these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria. We also encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available.”

They link to MANY studies on their site: https://doctorsprotectingchildren.org


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

843 videos

Category Education

This truth channel is mainly dedicated to exposing the war that has been waged on us all by the supremacist, conspiring Jews.
It's time everyone wakes the hell up and faces the most important truth and deal with it head on or be destroyed by them.

These evil Jews realize that they have a better chance of holding power over us in our hijacked lands if they cause each European and Western country to become a battle ground between competing ethnic groups and religions = DIVIDE AND CONQUER.Look at what they did to Sweden and German as two great examples of them flooding those lands with millions of enemy Muslims and Africans to use them against us.These evil Jews✡ realize that their biggest threat and main opposition has always come historically through the strong European peoples. All through history it's been the European peoples who've expelled the Jews 109 times from many lands most due to their propensity to oppress the population of the host nation via usury banking and financial exploitation, subvert the morals of the the society, and gain excessive power in the government and areas of influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers as they continue to do today.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas's Council of Torah Sages, declared that Gentiles exist solely to serve the Jews as slaves. According to the rabbi: "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world -- only to serve the People of Israel." And these are just the statements Jews have made aloud. Just imagine how they talk when they know non-jews aren't listening. They are the enemies of every non-jew & their actions, words, writings in their holy books like the TALMUD proves it. Educate & unite everyone you can and lets remove them from our non-jewish lands forever.
Anti-Jewish Sentiment Makes For A Healthy Being
Anti-Jewish sentiments are a natural and healthy reflex amongst those peoples who wish to survive. Hence "anti-Semitism" is not only a necessary attitude, but laudatory, and if pursued heartily, capable of staving off annihilation, dissolution and moral decay, decadence and revolution
Expulsion of them will cleanse our Nations.
Should the patient celebrate the expulsion of a virus or a pathogen from his body? Indeed he would be considered insane not to. In the same way the non-Jew should celebrate the expulsion of the parasite of Jewry from his nation, his government and his community. Only then will some semblance of health return.
Many Jews use the attack word anti-semitism as a weapon to stifle a discussion with whoever dares to expose the truth & oppose them. They will also call you a nazi or white supremacist. Don't fall for their weak attack tricks. Keep hammering the enemies.

The Truth Will Prevail.

We Are Goyim. We Are Legion. Expect Us Enemy Jews.